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MCP rotary knobs weird behaviour and range rotary inverted


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Hi, first of all, i hope that i do not report something that has already been reported.

With that said, just some small findings in v1.0.2:

The rotary knobs on the MCP can behave weird, especially the altitude selection knob (but i think i remember it happening to the other rotaries there as well).

What happens is that i try to enter an altitude that is lower than the previously set one,

overshoot said altitude in the negative direction and start moving my mouse the other way, but the altitude still decreases.

I am moving the mouse left to decrease and right to increase the altitude.

there might be a very small up/down movement happening, and i don't know, how the rotaries are handled exactly,

so i'm unsure if this is a bug or if it's just me doing something odd.

It also doesn't happen very often, i have problems reproducing it myself.


Also, the EHSI range rotary needs to be dragged downwards to select a higher setting, meaning the mouse moves down, while the knob turns upwards.

I have to add, that the EHSI range rotary works as intended, when i move the mouse to the right to increase the setting.


Thanks for working hard on this plane, it's really appreciated.

regards, byte

Edited by byte512
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Hi, we've see the drag direction "reversal" a few times and it's on our long term list of stuff to look into. Thanks!

Re the EHSI range, the knob is manipulated by dragging horizontally across your view, regardless of the relative angle to the EFIS panel. X-plane has "manipulators" types that check for movement along a specified axis in 3D space but we have found those to be less reliable than the screen space-type draggers that we have adopted for the 737.

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Thanks for the heads up.

I just found out myself, that the EHSI range knob works as intended when draging left to right.

Also, thanks for the hard work and the responsiveness,

i have never experienced a developer of any software that is as intensively in contact with the customers as you guys from IXEG are.

regards, byte



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As a sidenote, I find the altitude knob to be maybe too sensitive relative to the other knobs. It's very easy to overshoot the intended altitude even though I have my mouse set up to only 600dpi. But all in all I love the hold & drag style, way more intuitive than mouse scroll IMHO. 

Edited by ONDR4.cz
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7 hours ago, ONDR4.cz said:

As a sidenote, I find the altitude knob to be maybe too sensitive relative to the other knobs. It's very easy to overshoot the intended altitude even though I have my mouse set up to only 600dpi. But all in all I love the hold & drag style, way more intuitive than mouse scroll IMHO. 

Agree it's a little twitchy. It's a trade off where we need it to be more sensitive than the others or changing MCP ALT from 3000 to 37000 would take all day. In addition, the real deal is quite fiddely to and you often see real pilots going back and forth a couple of times before nailing the altitude. Nevertheless we are open to tweaking all of these manipulator ranges over time for optimal UX.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Would love to see that you guys tuned down the sensitivity of the V/S, and altitude knob. Its like when moving my mouse 1 pixel for 100 ft on the altitude. Can be hard and frustrating some times to get the right value ;)


Edited by Tom Stian
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