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Insane skill


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Well I saw a the video and I want to say that that guy is totally stupid. Sorry to be against this video, but I cannot stand people that put on risk others doing things that they think it is fun because they are "bored in their normal not happening nothing lives".

2 weeks ago a bike rider died here on Spain because two joung people where having fun on streets before the wedding of one of the friends.

Imagine you are a motorist and see that plane when you get inside the tunnel.. you just are scared and crash.

I think people are too bored in the world. Try to find risky things that no other people does. That is no problem if they "want" to die, but if they put on risk other lives, I cannot support it!

Look at this video:


is it fun isn't it? 30 people was injured on Spain about this.. and 5 died. Tell their parents, friends that his stupid boy died. Well he was stupid. Imagine he killed someone down walking while falling.

Sorry to be this humor. I know stupid people will continue to be around, but I had to say what I thought.

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I agree it's retarded because he could have caused a major car accident, but the reason I put it up is because it is still skillfull to fly an 2 meter rc plane through a tunnel, but I agree when I saw it I thought it was very irresponsible. and yeah I watched the video and it is sad, but in the video I posted the only thing less stupid I can see of it is even though there is cars he didn't do it at rush hour. Now I can imagine an idiot causin a wreck at rush hour with an rc plane but the tunnel had like 3 cars which I think is the reason he did it, irresponsible? Yes Could have been way worse? Yes

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good one lis, now HE should join the airforce, talk about twitch reflex.

now, fellow motorheads and little boys who've never seen this, see a classic, beautifully filmed and edited road going version of insane, risk taking, no room for error and don't do this at home (well, maybe once, in a '74 ford escort through the Acheron Way). watch for when the sun hits Ari's eyes. love that howl...


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good one lis, now HE should join the airforce, talk about twitch reflex.

now, fellow motorheads and little boys who've never seen this, see a classic, beautifully filmed and edited road going version of insane, risk taking, no room for error and don't do this at home (well, maybe once, in a '74 ford escort through the Acheron Way). watch for when the sun hits Ari's eyes. love that howl...


Great video Simon! Loved the sound! I have a few neighbors including 2 who own Ferrari Enzo s, man when they go to work in the morning I wake up to the concerto they make :)

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If by fun you mean having a heavy electric motor go through your windshield followed shortly by a vaporised Li-Po battery at working temperature..... yeah, no, that's not "fun" at all.

But you'd probably live through it, as opposed to hitting anything else at those speeds.

The pilot's an idiot. There is no skill here.

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