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Cessna 152 1.1 Update Released!


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I thought i might chime in here.  I recently purchased this 152 to help with my real world training.  I've got about 30 hours logged in a Cessna 152 towards my PPL.  About to finish up in January.  Hopefully the following information will help with the new revision for the flight model...

In real life, i'm working on performance take-offs and landings.  For a soft-field take off, you set 10 degrees of flaps and hold full aft elevator while taxiing on to the runway and at the start of the take-off roll (keep it moving, don't stop).  At about 15-20kts or so, the nose wheel pops up and you ride down the runway doing a wheely to reduce drag and risk of hitting a pot hole.  Apply just enough back pressure to keep the nose wheel off the ground while you accelerate.  At around 45-50 kts the mains leave the ground as the plane is in ground effect.  You push the nose over and keep the plane in ground affect (1/2 the width of the wing or about 15ft. is most effective).  As the plane accelerates (free of drag from the ground) in ground effect to Vy (65kts-70kts) you pull into a normal climb attitude to hold that airspeed for the best climb rate.  

Edit - This is straight from the POH as standard operating procedure for a soft field take off.  

Right now, version 1.1 of this plane does not come close to accomplishing this maneuver accurately.  For starters, just hold full aft elevator and give it about 1/4 throttle and see what happens.  Nose comes flying up and the tail smacks the runway, immediately.  It feels like there is no weight in the nose (ie. the engine).  I put the CG very far forward to get it closer, but i don't think that's a good solution.  Maybe the designer can come up with a better solution for how to balance the plane.  I also noticed this issue while on extended downwind, base, and final.  When applying flaps, the nose tends to fly up way more than it should.  Generally, if the nose is down when you apply flaps, it doesn't really come up that much.  Could just be my trim though.  It would help if others would test this and see if they come up with the same verdict.  

Hope this helps!

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More of my 2-cents.  The dirt on the windshield is interesting for about 30 seconds.  I would never take-off with a windshield that dirty.  I live in South Carolina though, not the desert.  Maybe that's common out west?  No clue.  Pretty annoying though when most people i know take pride in keeping their plane clean.  Bugs on the other hand... now those things are unavoidable...  I use them when lining up on the runway.  lol

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Hey Skyguy, I'm working through the performance issues as I post. So far the new flight model is much improved over the version that's currently out there. I'm tweaking the the way the aircraft behaves, especially on take off rolls with full elevator back pressure.

I fixed the violent pitch up related to the deployment of flaps also. Its not your trim settings :) .

Ive cleaned the windscreen too :P

Thanks for pointing this stuff out! :)

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Lookin' Great Airbus! Is there anyway you can do another version without the wheel covers? My flight school doesn't have the,, and I'd enjoy making my Flight school 152 in sim as realistically as possible  :)

Lookin' Forward to it!


Yeah. You can do it now with the version you have within plane maker. I'm not sure if it will break anything so back up just in case.

Just go to the objects menu and hit clear on the objects GearcoverA/GearcoverAN. Ill make a separate aircraft without the gear covers with this update.

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So can we open the 1.1 version in Plane Maker? Every time I've tried, the 2D and 3D panels go all weird. I just assumed that was a copy protection thing.

Yes, you can. There is no issue with altering the aircraft if you know what you're doing. Keep in mind there is no true 2D panel on this aircraft, so you more than likely will not get the effect you desire.

3D adjustments will require 3D model editing, and not just simple Plane Maker edits.

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The problem I had was by simply loading the aircraft into Plane Maker and changing some of the engine details, the newly saved version had no 2d or 3d panels in X Plane. That's why I assumed you couldn't use that for editing. I'll give it another go soon. Unless it was the fact that I saved it as a different file name? Would that mess up the panels?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right then, took ages for me to actually get around to it, but I can confirm that the file name seems to be the issue, if you can really call it an issue. Changes engine specs in Plane Maker and then saving over the original file worked a treat, whereas saving as a new filename didn't work at all.

Whilst we're waiting for the new version, I've found that doing the following small steps made the flight characteristics much closer to the one I fly, if anyone wants to do the same:

Weight -> Empty weight 1220 lbs

Engine Specs -> Max Throttle 0.8 ; Idle Lo and Hi Adjust 0.75 ;  Engine Redline 2,550 rpm ; Max Horsepower 108 bhp

I found that this adds a bit more weight, brings the engine more in line with the O Lycoming rather that the L, and brings the engine within more normal limits (~500-700 rpm idle and ~2,550 rpm full throttle).

Soooooo......when can we expect the all new, singing and dancing official update Airbus? And any chance they'll have working circuit breakers??? :-*


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I have about 80 hours in a cessna 152 I agree with some of the other people who have posted here.  I can understand that stained and dirty window adds some texture to the aircraft but I feel it is too dark and muddy making it hard to actualy see out of the window and use the product for actual VFR practise.  I would clean or replace the windscreen if I were to fly this for real.  However as a suggestion the aircraft that I fly do sometimes has scratches on the windscreens.  I have attached a couple of photos of me landing at East Midlands Airport (EGNX), on the pan and flying above Derbyshire (UK).  Please note the clean and clear windscreen with the sun glinting off the scratches in attachment 1.





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Ok, guys,

Let's let this rest a bit. It's been said time and time again in this topic that engine numbers have been adjusted, and the windscreen has been changed. The last post stating so here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=1117.msg13536#msg13536

We can work on any further criticism once the next update gets released, unless you have something new to state that hasn't already been mentioned in this thread. :)

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My apologies I wasn’t meaning to offend or repeat what others have said.  I was just a little confused about the windscreen as in earlier posts I see you said that the windscreen fix was in relation to a gap between the instrument panel and bottom of the windshield itself, but I see you also mean it has been ‘cleaned’.

How can I tell which version of the aircraft I am flying?  I purchase the C152 on the 4th November 2010 and would like to know whether I am using the latest version which I think is v1.1?  Will the changes discussed in this forum be released in 1.2?  Any expected date as to when that will be?

I am converting from MSFX to X-Plane and I have to say that the experience is a good one.

Many thanks for your support.

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