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Rain problem


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Hi all, i was going to buy skymax pro v3


i just want to know about the rain, i found this video 



it's this problem still present on v3??


i think that this rain is terrible, i hope that it's ok in V3 so i can buy it.


thank you for the answer

Edited by F-16FF
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The rain you see is made by X-Plane, not SkyMaxx.


Nothing has changed in the rain.


All I can tell you is the individual who made that video went out of his way to make it so obvious and create a deal over it.


We have been selling the SkyMaxx Pro series since almost three years now. It is easily the highest selling product in X-Plane, and with many thousands of people using it, if it were as big a deal or even as obvious as this guy tried to make it out to be then you would see these forums filled with tons of complaints.


I even forgot about this video. I fly in rainy conditions in X-Plane all the time, and never, ever do I "see" this because in motion it's not as drastic or noticeable as this video tries to portray it and it's actually a rare occurrence altogether.


Why does the "problem" exist? It's a limitation in how X-Plane renders different things in the sim (lights, rain, etc). In all reality, this is in the end an issue for Laminar Research to figure out down the line. :)


In the meantime, I'm going to get back to flying some 737 flights through heavy rain with SkyMaxx Pro 3 and not noticing this "effect".


Cheers! :)

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So the answer is yes....


hopefully i watched that video before buy. I'm happy for you and for everyone that don't notice that, but i don't think that i can't stand to that rain effect.


I can wait longer for perfect Flying simulator, i'v waited years,


bye bye


and thanks for fast answer!



as far as, i think you should say of this problem before selling it :) maybe for you no, but for someone else is important


again, bye bye

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Oh, dear lord...YOU are the guy that MADE that video! You didn't "find" any video. Hahahahahahah. I just realized it after doing some investigating on your username! I should have known...


For those not aware, F-16FF goes by another username as well, Viper04. He made this video and posted it ages ago. So, we're back to the same one person complaining about this. Figures.  :rolleyes:


Bye bye.

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Oh, dear lord...YOU are the guy that MADE that video! You didn't "find" any video. Hahahahahahah. I just realized it after doing some investigating on your username! I should have known...


For those not aware, F-16FF goes by another username as well, Viper04. He made this video and posted it ages ago. So, we're back to the same one person complaining about this. Figures.  :rolleyes:


Bye bye.

muahahaha i got video replies on YT and i create this account, fucking IP


as far as, call who made xplane and fix that damn rain! i want to buy v3!


bb, ahaha im serious now, i come back in a year to see if you have find a way to fix that damn rain.

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