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Pilotview question


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I searched everywhere still have not found information on whether the presets could also be assigned to a joystick button as well instead of a key press combination? For example to assign the favourite views to the hatswitch directions on the yoke. How do you do this?

Dearly appreciate any help rendered,


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You may want to experiment with Pilot View plugin:


Also inside X-Plane there is a view menu (just fire up any aircraft and move mouse arrow to the most upper part of screen, a menu will pop-up and there will be view option). There you can see what keystrokes combination is assigned to what view and you can assign that combination to your flight controls (settings -> joystick and equipment, from pop-up menu).

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Some very obvious misunderstanding here. My topic title says Pilotview question. So how does it help me to say that I should experiment with the Pilotview plugin. I am experimenting with the damn thing for weeks but cannot for the love of God find out how to assign a preset view to a joystick button. Also thanks but I am quite familiar with the X-Plane basic view menu. I mean that' should be something one learns in the first hour, not?

Have you experimented with the Pilotview plugin? Do you know how to assign preset views to a joystick button? Or just heard about the thing but do not know much....

Any other takers? To be honest with Pilotview being one of the top plugins for Xplane I cannot comprehend how come no one really wanted so far to assign views to a joystick....


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A misunderstanding, indeed. Next time try to be more precise, like "Pilotview plugin question". People use various types of English, english and "english" language over the Internet (myself included I suppose, as it's not my native language) and sometimes it's hard to tell, what's exactly on someone's mind.

I wanted to help you, yet you bash me right away, without even trying to understand my point of view. What's obvious to you, doesn't have to be the same for anyone else. You won't get far with such attitude. And I don't know, if you're a veteran or a newbie, I try to help everyone regardless of their experience.

If you had actually visited and read carefully the website I've provided, you would have found this:


New features.

INI file added.

This allows setting autostart and hotkey assignments.

Hotkey INI File defintions.


Sample INI File (The hotkeys are the one I used on windows and may not work on all platforms)

This file has been updated with the latest setttings.

This file is also included in the zip files below.


and after looking inside of Pilotview.ini, you would find all the answers you seek:



AutoStart = 0

EngineVibration = 1

TrackIRDisableOnAutoStart = 0

EngineVibrationOffInFlight = 0

EngineVibrationScalerX = 1.0

EngineVibrationScalerY = 1.0

EngineVibrationScalerZ = 1.0


HotKey = F1

HotKeyModifiers = Shift+Down


HotKey = F2

HotKeyModifiers = Shift+Down


HotKey = F3

HotKeyModifiers = Shift+Down


HotKey = F4

HotKeyModifiers = Shift+Down


HotKey = F5

HotKeyModifiers = Shift+Down


HotKey = F6

HotKeyModifiers = Shift+Down


HotKey = F7

HotKeyModifiers = Shift+Down


HotKey = F1

HotKeyModifiers = Control+Shift+Down


HotKey = F2

HotKeyModifiers = Control+Shift+Down


HotKey = F3

HotKeyModifiers = Control+Shift+Down


HotKey = F4

HotKeyModifiers = Control+Shift+Down


HotKey = F5

HotKeyModifiers = Control+Shift+Down


HotKey = F6

HotKeyModifiers = Control+Shift+Down


HotKey = F7

HotKeyModifiers = Control+Shift+Down


HotKey = F8

HotKeyModifiers = Control+Shift+Down


For example, for activating [Preset 1], assign to your chosen button a combination of keystrokes Control+Shift+Down+F1 and you're good to go :) You could also edit the .ini file and change the keystrokes to whatever you wish.

Is this explanation sufficiently precise and deep enough, for your like?  ;)

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Hi (sorry but no idea about your first name),

Without going into further arguments may I ask one thing and I would appreciate an honest reply: do you yourself use this plugin to be qualified to give advice? Because the things you write do not answer at all my now carefully worded query. I want to know how to assign the preset combinations to a joystick button. I have no idea on what accounts you assume that I have not read every available info on the plugin. The website you provided is no extra information as it is the main download site for the plugin so obviously I studied it.

Look at this thing from my point of view and perhaps you understand why I might be agitated at your response:

1/ I spend weeks to find a solution to a query regarding one of the most popular plugins for X-Plane called Pilot View.

2/ As I find no solution I post a query entitled 'Pilotview question' and inside that post I precisely ask  a question which should be self-evident to anyone using the plugin: 'how to assign presets to a JOYSTICK button'

3/ Enters you with your reply suggesting that I should maybe experiment with the Pilot View plugin and helpfully provide the download link for the Plugin. (One cannot get the plugin without visiting that site brother) You also provide a tutorial on the basic X-Plane View menu

4/ I reply not understanding how this should be helpful to me at all and reword my query: 'Do you know how to assign preset views to a joystick button?'

5/ In response I get a lecture from you and then an insert explaining how to assign presets to keystroke combinations. My query is still not answered in any fashion.

If you take the time to carefully analyse your insert you might relialize that it says nothing about joystick buttons. Once again the insert you copied here tells the reader how to assign preset views to key combinations but I still do not know how to assign the preset to a joystick button the same way all the rest of the X-Plane keystrokes could be assigned to a joystick internally within X-Plane. Do you need a separate programming software to do that because that is not an option and not recommended with X-Plane.

I have a vague feeling you do not use this plugin at all. By the way the hotkey modifier control+shift+down in your example that you suggest to assign to a button (HOW?) would not work as you do not need to assign those three buttons at the same time but only two of them: control and shift. Down means to press the buttons down. And the key combinations are best editet from within the Plugin Administration menu inside X-Plane.

So no, it is not precise or any ways deep enough for my like. I am still searching for an answer from someone in the know.


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A couple of guesses...

Pilotview is one of Sandy's plugins, correct?

Going by the above INI post for how to assign keystrokes I'm thinking that this plugin also works with X-Plane 8.x ?

If this is the case, you will not be able to assign a joystick button to a "pilot view plugin" action.

The new command strings are an SDK 2.x feature, they arrived with X-Plane 9 and they would mean that Sandy would have to rework some code while breaking version 8 users.

Perhaps he will update them in future.

Here is a video that demonstrates how to setup a joystick button to use a custom plugin command-string in X-Plane 9+.

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My guess is that the plugin does not support that feature. One try could be to check in xplanes advanced joystick options what the names/numbers of the buttons are, and to paste them into the *ini. But I'm almost sure that won't work. Indi's post says it all, I would say.

I just saw that you finally posted in Sandys thread. I was going to suggest that. He will most definetely answer, as he always does, just give him some time.

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If you use one of the joysticks that include a virtualized driver and a command programming utility, like the ones from CH or Saitek, then you can easily program any keyboard command string on the hat switch. That's the main workaround for programs and plugins that don't directly support joystick buttons. If it's a more basic (non-programmable) joystick, you might be out of luck.

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You can call me lis, thank you, that's my "name" here ;)

I do use Pilot View plugin for more than a few weeks, even more than a few months. And I never write or say about things I'm not familiar with. And even with what I'm familiar with, I sometimes make mistakes, as it turned out to be the case here - at least I have the balls to publicly admit that. I use plugin's functions like "show control menu", "disable TrackIR", "show data" and the like and they work very good. While I use the keyboard keystrokes, it is possible to assign this functions to single buttons on a joystick, with the use of a profiler software, included with joystick.

My mistake was to assume, that "preset change" functions are also operational, which seems not to be true. And I hadn't been able to confirm it before posting, only because I was away from my X-Plane computer and I wanted to reply as quickly as possible, with the best intentions to help fellow X-planer in need. But you, from the very first answer, look on me "from above" and treat me like an idiot kid, instead of peacefully explaining the details and trying to come to an agreement.

As I understood your question, you wanted a help with default views in X-Plane itself, and that's what my answer was about.

Then you've asked "Do you know how to assign preset views to a joystick button?". OK, so what's a preset? It's a function called out by a keystrokes, you can't assign preset itself to a button (like Indi has shown on a video, because of plugin's limitations) but you can assign these keystrokes. So I've described that presets are in fact keystrokes, my only mistake being lack the knowledge, that some of the keystrokes in the plugin do work, while others don't, and by a pure accident I'm only using the working ones.

When I've written "For example, for activating [Preset 1], assign to your chosen button a combination of keystrokes Control+Shift+Down+F1 and you're good to go", I have assumed that you know how to assign more complicated functions to joystick buttons, with the help of 3rd party software. If you don't know, how to assign a series of keystrokes to a single button, then either you don't have a joystick capable of doing that, or you've never used the profiler before. Which is OK with me, I've myself flown for a long time on crappy hardware and I was happy that I've been "flying" at all :) So yes, I would have to use a separate "not recommended" profiler software to assign more complicated functions, however I fly X-Plane without it, as it has very good internal functions assigning menu.

So, I've actually answered your questions, as I've understood them. You could have be more specific in asking them, I could have been more engaged and focused during my English classes, but tell me, was it that much necessary to jump on me as you did? For what? For spending my time to help you.

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If you use one of the joysticks that include a virtualized driver and a command programming utility, like the ones from CH or Saitek, then you can easily program any keyboard command string on the hat switch. That's the main workaround for programs and plugins that don't directly support joystick buttons. If it's a more basic (non-programmable) joystick, you might be out of luck.

Yes you are quite right. I am using the Saitek yoke and the like. However one of the major no-nos regarding the Saitek yoke is using its own programming software. If you use the Saitek yoke then you must surely have heard of the phatom keypress issue that plagues that products for years. One of the only countermeasures at the time was not using its own programming software and letting the sim manage the button assignments. You did that and the yoke was working perfectly. So I am much prejudiced against their own software and was looking for an alternative solution most likely a native support by the plugin itself. Alas it was now confirmed that joystick is not supported.

Thanks anyways,


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I have assumed that you know how to assign more complicated functions to joystick buttons, with the help of 3rd party software.

I guess most joystick drivers for Windows are doing this... if not, or if the drivers bring problems, Google will give you a great choice of solutions.

On GNU/Linux you can use these tools: Joy2key (this one is also available as an Ubuntu package in Synaptic), Rejoystick or QJoyPad. I did not test them for X-Plane views but they help for my TeamSpeak "push to talk" key when I'm flying online.

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bunch of random mumblings and then

So, I've actually answered your questions, as I've understood them. You could have be more specific in asking them, I could have been more engaged and focused during my English classes, but tell me, was it that much necessary to jump on me as you did? For what? For spending my time to help you.

You clearly have too much time on your hands brother. Read my post above. Grats on another bullseye shot on your side with my 'inability to use complicated software' and the references to my 'crappy' hardware.  ;D

Other than that thanks for finely admitting that you have never used the view presets in Pilot View. You would not have had much luck anyhow if you tried to hold Control+Shift+Down+F1 together as you were suggesting ever so helpfully:D Sorry brother but that was a dead giveaway.

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Again you turn my words upside down. Indeed a waste of time. I'm done with you.

The feeing is mutual. Your posts contained exactly zero useful information if I take away tidbits of questionable value regarding your setup in DCS: Blackshark. Much relevant.

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