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new to xplane 10 for mac. need help please....


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hey guys, i am new to xplane 10. i purchased the xplane 10 global 64 bit from steam online for my mac computer. the download completed, however i have hardly any scenery, I'm unable to navigate my view around the flight deck, unable to use any controls, i.e. throttle etc. has anyone else had issues like this? and what can i do to fix this please? i paid $60 for the download. pretty much i am unable to do anything yet. i am using a keyboard and mouse, with the intension of purchasing a joystick but i will do that when i can get that game to work correctly. cheers guys. 

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First of all welcome to X Plane :) 

Could you please describe more precisely what your problems are? 

What do you mean with "lack of scenery", no airports? Only water? No buildings on the airports? 

How are you "unable" to get around in X Plane? Is the Sim lagging or do you not know the commands for navigating around? 

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thank you so much for the reply. sorry i am new to these forums and gaming in general so not really 100% sure what i am talking about. I was under the impression I purchased the xplane 10 which came with all the scenery. for instance when i try to fly at Melbourne International YMML before i get into the cockpit view this message comes up  " I found an area with no scenery installed! You will see nothing but water around the airports since no scenery was installed for this area! "  and it continues on. I can then click "understood" and the flight deck comes up. there is no lagging going on. 

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Ok, so you didn't install the scenery... Which version of X Plane did you purchase? The global version or only the Europe/North America version? I don't know how they handle X plane at Steam, so maybe you have to download some extra packages with the scenery for the other continents.

And in which aircraft where you? Probably the default 747, or? So you use the combination Shift+9 to get into 3d cockpit view. Then you can navigate around using W, S, A, D. In 2d cockpits you can look around with the arrow keys. To get into the outside view you have to use the combination Shift+8 and then you can again navigate using the arrow keys. But those shortcuts are also all written down in the manual or up in the menu bar under "View". 

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  • 1 month later...

I have downloaded X-plane from steam to my iMac.  I'm also unable to download the North America from steam.  I can get to the point where one checks marks the downloadable contents. When I check the box on North America scenery, there is no way to check on the link to download.  The screen informs me that I already own the file.  I tried to get technical support and was referred to Aerosoft.  OK, I created an account there and submitted my problem.  So far, no reply.


Has anyone figured out how to download the scenery to the MAC from steam?


Thanks and regards,



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