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Any glider pilots?

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Since I earned my class A certificate in Australia on December of last year. I feel kind of lonely as there doesn't seem to be too many glider pilots in the community. So I wanted to ask, are there any glider pilots here? What did you solo in? Where did you fly? What are your goals for gliding?

Myself, I soloed in a rather modest ASK-21. I flown in Camden Airfield with the Hong Kong air cadet corps as part of earning my glider wings. I would like to use my gliding certificate for joining competitions (hopefully flying in the WGC) and ales enjoying unpowered flight.

What is your story?

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I'm a glider pilot. I fly in Italy at LILC, one of the biggest gliding club in Europe, mostly on ASK-21 and Duo Discus. Soon I'll jump on single seats gliders, like Mono Astir and DG-300.

A couple of weeks ago I flown with Luca Bertossio for an aerobatic demonstration with this talented pilot...glider aerobatics world champion...really a great experience!!

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I've flown a lot RC gliders (slope soaring, little bit of thermal, lots of dynamic soaring). Have flown full size 3-4 times. I really enjoy gliding in X-Plane. We do group flights on PilotEdge some times, it really is a blast. I've published the ASK-21 shared cockpit configuration file for Smart Co-Pilot as well so you can do shared cockpit flights, too.

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I flew gliders when i was between 14-19 years old (I'm 47now). I still remember vividly the ASK-13 and K-8 and some strange motor-glider were the inside was decorated with a wallpaper with a flower pattern. Could be the ASK-16.


After that study and girls where more important... But the itch never went away.



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I'm also a glider pilot from southern germany, I've been gliding for 2 years now (I'm 16) and I had my first solo not that long ago in an ASK21, quite new equipped aircraft what we've got in EDSP. Even though I don't fly solo that long already I was quite a lot in the air in my life until now because I've been flying a Cessna together with my dad since I was 5 :)

I really miss good quality gliders in X-Plane btw :D any suggestions?

Cheers ;D

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Well...today I completed a 200* FOV cylindrical sim at my AeroClub, using an ASG-29 fuse, two pc and two projectors with of course x-plane.

All pilot that tested it were astonished by the results, but I still did not found a model really good to fly. The standard ASK21 is not bad, and also the modded one, but each lacks in some aspects. I also tried the old ASG29 converted from xplane 9...it was really nice but not so much in xplane 10.

Let's see the model of the ASH25 and may be the nimbus...I heard they are considered quite nice and well simulated. We have all this models at the club so I can test them with their pilots to have a better feedback.

But I'm sad to say xplane lacks a really nice model of glider...

Sent from Mad iPad's Tapatalk

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I am a glider pilot. I used to fly at RAAF Williamtown and RAAF Amberley back in the 70's. That was in a Blanik. Done some winch launches outback NSW. Could not even tell you where my licence was anymore - gave it all up as it simply took too long. It was ALL DAY for a couple of flights (if you were lucky). It was pretty cheap though as the RAAF paid for the fuel and as far as I know, the tow aircraft as well.


I still remember that time fondly - gliding is a very intense sport. Also done a bit of light aircraft flying, but it was very poor compared to gliding.


I actually flew the X-plane 10 glider around Cairns a bit the other day. Felt pretty much like the real thing except for the sound effects. There was virtually no sound in X-plane, which did not seem right.

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