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XP Scenery Generator [WIP]


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I suggest that I render Great Britain... should work if I do it as I did for Germany, splitting up in different regions as split up under geofabrik.de... what do you thinkN


Yes, you can render individual counties, which maybe will work for now. Poland doesn't have any counties on Geofabrik, so that isn't an option for now.


only a thought , but  for the meantime this could be a  possible workaround
You could split one tile in two ore more different [overlay-dsf] packages.
e.g.  north/south , buildings/ trees ,  'must have' /'nice to have'


Using counties, we can get parts of these countries to work. But, I can't split the DSF tile up. I've tried disabling forests/trees and facades, and even with only 30,000 buildings across the entire tile, it won't generate. It isn't a question of the number of objects on the tile, but more so how DSFTool allocates them (I believe)

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I'm trying Great Britain right now, it seems is the most greater time-consuming generation until now, 5 tiles after 10 minutes.


right now i'm rendering and upping to ftp following:
Bosnia, Finland, Hungary, Russia.


Ok no the same work twice! :-)

After trying with Great Britain I'll then proceed with Norway, Sweden and Netherlands.

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Using counties, we can get parts of these countries to work. But, I can't split the DSF tile up. I've tried disabling forests/trees and facades, and even with only 30,000 buildings across the entire tile, it won't generate. It isn't a question of the number of objects on the tile, but more so how DSFTool allocates them (I believe)


Do you feed more then one tile at once to DSFTool ?

I'll  take a look in the xptools-code to determine what happens.

Is it possible to attach the zipped  raw txt-dsf which crashes DSFTool as a test case ?

( my PC is unable to run your app ;  much to low RAM :( )



Is it easily possible to determine a string of objects with the same footprint?
Maybe, this is already defined in OSM .
This could make it possible to use .str-Placements .
This could be a win for regions with a lot of small row-houses (eg. UK).

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Do you feed more then one tile at once to DSFTool ?
I'll  take a look in the xptools-code to determine what happens.
Is it possible to attach the zipped  raw txt-dsf which crashes DSFTool as a test case ?


yes, here you go. I've already sent this to Ben https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivbykqreqgxd6dp/%2B53%2B014.dsf.txt.7z. I don't feed more than one file at a time, so not sure.


I've also checked out the source code for DSFTool, but haven't got it to compile yet. It needs codewarrior according to the docs. Marginal also did a python version of DSFLib


( my PC is unable to run your app ;  much to low RAM )


I'm working on it, and in the 0.1.2 beta, it generated PACA with under 4GB, so it's getting much better. So hopefully it will work for you soon.


Is it easily possible to determine a string of objects with the same footprint?
Maybe, this is already defined in OSM .
This could make it possible to use .str-Placements .
This could be a win for regions with a lot of small row-houses (eg. UK).


Yes, since the bulidings share a wall in OSM. It won't help in Poland though, as it was a village of detached houses outside of Warszawa that crashed it

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I'm trying Great Britain right now, it seems is the most greater time-consuming generation until now, 5 tiles after 10 minutes.



Ok no the same work twice! :-)

After trying with Great Britain I'll then proceed with Norway, Sweden and Netherlands.


leave it, it won't work..... I'm now at 60% of the UK done, but LONDON causes the app to crash.... :(

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Cheers AngeloM. Hopefully you can generate Great Britain fine :-)




14:40:22.332 INFO  - Processing Tile 9/74 : Tile: -2,52
14:40:30.513 INFO  - Sorting 562463 polygons into areas.
14:40:47.455 INFO  - Sorted 523610 polygons into areas
14:40:47.455 INFO  - Processing Single Objects
14:46:21.723 ERROR - Found self intersecting way for id #193555261, attempting repair
14:46:23.490 INFO  - Placing Buildings into QuadTree
14:46:23.702 INFO  - Placed 98918 Buildings into QuadTree
14:46:24.646 INFO  - Processing Random Objects
14:47:15.130 INFO  - Placed 767903 random items
14:47:15.161 INFO  - Removing 69809 random items to prevent DSFTool crash
14:53:25.612 INFO  - Random Objects Processed
14:53:25.612 INFO  - Removing outline polygons with parts
14:53:25.615 INFO  - Removed 5 outline polygons with parts
14:53:25.615 INFO  - Checking for facades inside facades
14:53:25.934 INFO  - Removed 2 duplicated facades
14:53:40.482 ERROR - Tile Tile: -2,52 was not created, DSFTool failed with an error.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Tile Tile: -2,52 was not created, DSFTool failed with an error. Generation has stopped
at com.world2xplane.XPlane.DSFTile.writeFile(DSFTile.java:1900)
at com.world2xplane.Parser.OSMProcess.buildScenery(OSMProcess.java:275)
at com.world2xplane.Parser.OSMProcess.process(OSMProcess.java:177)
at com.world2xplane.World2XPlane.run(World2XPlane.java:51)
at com.world2xplane.GUI.Worker.run(Worker.java:69)
Well, it was a try, just to check if using more ram the problem could be resolved.
Let's go with the others!  ;)
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That's the meaning of beta test! 


Good news it that -2 52 does generate in 0.1.2 (unreleased), and so does London. I've done a hack where I split up residential zones and only apply trees to the ones with houses in, and very low density forests to ones without houses. It reduces the object count by about 40%. But Poland still crashes, and is related to houses and not trees

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