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Really like niebieski's & gheeds screenshots but theres something not quite right to my eye but can't quite put my finger on it. They both look very much like 'Water colour paintings' by one of  the famous 19th Century artists (My favorite Art medium)  & I get the impression a lot of the scenery being turned out (But by no means all) is veering towards visual 'Art' rather than a visual representation of reality which I consider paramount for Flight simulators.


Absolutely no disrespect intended on his great work but I feel JohnMaxx's latest postings of his work are veering quite radically in the direction of Art ( & not water colour this time) at the expense of reality ..Only an opinion Folks..Cheers

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I have always seen two parallels within the X-Plane community both contribute equally to the overall experience.  Personally I do not get into debates over realism with the other side since the reality of flight sim is it is art and not real life.  With that said there are limitations to X-Plane I try to overcome to bring things like Urban Textures, Vivd Skies and Tropical waters to to users who are looking for such. 


Additionally the debate is fruitless overall since either side will never agree.....


What I do know is many of the people who do use my add-ons are very happy, this is good since I am bringing something to them that they felt as the end user was missing from X-plane.   This makes the community, X-plane and development stronger which keeps things moving in a positive direction......


Don't get me wrong , I respect your opinion and strive to achieve a somewhat realistic balance with eye candy and flair...... But just like any kind of art, interpretations are always going to be different....

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As I pointed out Max the references 'were totally an opinion of what I had noted' & although I cited your work (For it has been clearly evident in recent postings). I was by no means knocking it Max --indeed I tried it out a long while back  & purchased some. It was more subtle & at the time & it's intention seemed directed more towards increasing fps by file manipulation which worked well. Your latest manipulations are not of the same genre--& as you point out it's all down to personal taste.


However whilst the Aircraft makers are bending over backwards to reproduce their planes technically perfect & reproducing the visual presentation with a perfection which is approaching 'HD Photo realistic' down to the smallest blemish or screw, it would follow that such aircraft be framed/flown in an equally realistic environment.


Although creating an exact & perfect photo realistic Model/Replica of an object is definitely a form of art.. it is not truely open to artistic interpretation.


Cheers Pal.

Edited by edwin
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Actually I dont feel I have strayed from anything.....I do feel my add-ons offer the end users more options with more detail to combat FPS.  My MAXX stuff is evolving with X-Plane as I learn more and try different stuff....


This statement:


However whilst the Aircraft makers are bending over backwards to reproduce their planes technically perfect & reproducing the visual presentation with a perfection which is approaching 'HD Photo realistic' down to the smallest blemish or screw, it would follow that such aircraft be framed/flown in an equally realistic environment.


So are you saying I am intentionally misrepresenting my add-ons to the community? And supplying them with an inferior product?  Or are you saying the quality of my add-ons don't match up with the other global enhancements available to the community?    Or that I have become lazy and driven by my quest to sell as many add-ons as possible?


Why do I even try?  Im not good enough for X-plane apparently.....



And I disagree with your last statement completely the human mind can debate the real thing....happens all the time....everybody interprets things differently. Generally people who feel their reality is the only option are typically narcissistic and self centered.....

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My comments were made  on observations I have noticed whilst following all aspects of X-Plane Screenshots on this and several other forums. I have  followed with interest the Shots of others and contributed a lot of screenshots myself--it is of equal interest to me as simulated flying of X-Plane, the available aircraft & the scenery.


Those comments were an opinion and made without any negative intentions on anyones work let alone yours Maxx.  I think you are running off on an unecessary tangent. I have no critisism to make concerning anything you produce--far from it-- and to be truthful I wish I had not used your work as an example.


On the other had Maxx if you dont want people to comment on the knickers you're wearing ---don't show them off in public places!

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