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What did you fly today?


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Alaskan crosswinds north of Mt. McKinley at 19000ft. If only you could see what happened, when I got into the mountain wave's outskirts, regardless of efforts undertaken to avoid it at all ;) One more reason to avoid the yellow arc on the airspeed indicator. Winds were at 96knots at the time of taking the picture, Vatsim weather. Real maps showed "weathervanes" with two triangles = 100knots. I was landing at Anchorage PANC, located many miles downwind, and even there surface winds were gusting from 11 knots to something between 20-30. Now, where is my glider? ;)


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Well done Rush,easy eh!

Yeah, I discover X-Plane's capabilities each day. That's one of the reasons I love this sim. I'll probably make some kind of helicopter practice place with all kinds of objects later. Thanks for your YouTube tutorial by the way.

Oh great, glad it was of use! See, it's not really that hard....Except when you start creating your own, perfectly textured objects..even then, it mainly takes patience and time. Ugh, I have barely started LFPN, so daunting, over 50 buildings! Thank God night look is now irrelevant for 10, it won't be out till it's released

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Nice new toy Maxime, runs very well for a lappy.

Funny, I was conjecturing today what Austin might do with the new ipad2! Twice the speed and 9 times graphics performance? Might run the full Xplane9 pretty well...

Had to go to the Mac Store today to pick up a battery back up for the airshow tomorrow. Talk about a packed shop! With ipad 1's down to under $400, no wonder.

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That is exactly why it is a perfect trainer ;)

Small moves on the stick - do not overcontrol and anticipate what the bird can do next and react before it does it - stay one step before the helo and don't allow it to dictate what you should do. Famous translational lift "dip" for example. When slowing down to a hover, have an eye on airspeed indicator and when you see that the critical speed approaches, shift your attention to VSI. Smoothly add the right amount of collective at the first sign of VSI drop. At the same time, when you pull the collective, add some antitorque pedal and you'll maintain full control throughout this critical phase of flight.

Also experiment with the gross weight, for your training sessions. Some prefer it to be light, others like it heavy.

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