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Looks like I'm banned from AVSIM !??


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This is NOT a rant .. I'm genuinely puzzled.


Well .. very strange .. every access point is blocked with ...


You don't have permission to access / on this server.


I wonder if my profile's been hacked and nefarious things done as me? I remember them stating not long ago that they (AVSIM) would just pull the access from people they suspected of doing bad things to their forums (hacking/spamming etc) ... I'm not sure I'd enjoy this  type of notoriety!


And I can't even email the forum admins because I get ....


You don't have permission to access / on this server.


So for any Avsim moderator type person who might wander to these fair X-Aviation shores .. I'm harmless .. and would appreciate a reason as to why I get that message ... or even if I am accused of anything at all! :).



Kris P.

Edited by Kris Pryo
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Leen De Jager, who did some of the repaints for the Saab, is a mod at avsim.  Perhaps shoot him a PM through these forums and ask him if he can shed some light on the subject.

In the meantime, what is your username over there and I can check to see your status in your profile.

Edited by Goran_M
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Nope! Still the same message :( ..


Nope! Still the same message :( ..


You use the name "Pryoski"....correct?  If so, earlier your profile said you were online, and now it's offline. But no "banned" under the avatar. Besides being banned, for a week or two,,, I think I've seen those messages also. Had something to do with my computer internet access settings. Been too long to actually remember the cure.

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Have you cleared your old Avsim cookies from your browser cashe ?  I went to log in over there to and fouind an entire new system running.

Been a member of Avsim since 1999. Had to look through my saved passwords in my firefox control settings and found I had changed them

and used the ones I had found and was logged in and able to get to the forums.

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