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Boeing-e767-awacs appears to be stolen material


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Michael Changs 767s are using Xplane freewares 767 and giving no credit:





On the jpeg image says aircraft by Ruben Horsley, Druv Kalra, Alex Unru, Geoff leg, Morten Melhuus,

Both the .acf shapes and the object shapes are identical except the fuselage has been shortened, many other parts settings are exactly the same.

Can you flip through these screenshots, first the xpfreeware .acf nose in planemaker, then is michael changs 767 .acf file, it has the same verticies its just shortened.

Flip through the front and back view, they are identical,

Please compare compare the object file in AC3D, first Michael Changs which i colored orange, and then i pasted xpfreewares which i colored blue, then i raised the blue one to show that it is the same, Michael Changs has the same verticies it is just shortened.

There are many other parts and settings that are exactly the same, the author  is giving no credit to the original authors in fact he writes:




This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

Hiroshi Igami: Objects
Peter Tram: Normal map texturing
Philip Foglar: Base textures
Jerry Ng: Sounds
Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.












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I should have checked Michael Changs 767-ER first, both object and .acf is exactly identical to xplanefreewares 767:


the 4th image fuselage was moved to the right slightly on purpose to show that the verticies match.






Edited by claude181
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I think he is talking about the plane maker model not the Objects. ( Im not saying that is TRUE or is NOT true).


Carlos Garcia


I am talking about almost everthing in the plane, if you have blender or AC3D see for yourself.

claude, the 767-300 family from XPFW was last updated in 2009, and the current download is only 16 megabites, there's now way I could've stolen objects from them simply because objects wouldn't fit into a file of that size


Both your .acf file verticies and your objects are identical.

Folks, see for yourself, the Xplane freeware download is right here:


And Michael Changs 767 download is right here:



By the way Mr Chang, dont try to do a quick "update" with quickly re-arranged verticies, I and plenty of other people already have copies of your 767.

Edited by claude181
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Do you really have to fight over every single plane michael chang makes?


It's a great plane so don't always search something to blame him!!!


After seeing what i have just seen, i would not be surprised if you are MIchael Chang using a different IP address.

Edited by claude181
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Folks its simple, just download these, open up in blender or AC3D and Planemaker, and you will see that the objects and .acf files are identical. i have to go to bed now, will get back tommorow morning.


Xplanefreeware 767



And Michael Changs 767 download is right here:


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I am talking about almost everthing in the plane, if you have blender or AC3D see for yourself.


The XPFW aircraft do not have exterior objects, only interior VC objects. You are likely exporting the acf as an OBJ and comparing that in Blender/AC3D, claude181.


As Michael has stated and credited, his files utilize the exterior objects from Hiroshi. Permission for this has clearly been granted and shown.


You are suggesting that the FLIGHT MODEL obj (.acf file) is likely copied and made for his aircraft, and is in violation of copyright. Perhaps this is correct, but I'm going to throw a wrench in this one...


As the founder of XPFW, and a person who knows the people at XPFW all on a face to face basis, I'd say no one cares that the aircraft file was used from 2008. That SAID, credit should be given, so if such is the case, Michael, please consider making that part of it right.


End of story. We don't need to debate and point fingers in here all day. Lord knows the community could use some free aircraft that make the sim look better anyhow.

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The XPFW aircraft do not have exterior objects, only interior VC objects. You are likely exporting the acf as an OBJ and comparing that in Blender/AC3D, claude181.


As Michael has stated and credited, his files utilize the exterior objects from Project Oblivion. Permission for this has clearly been granted and shown.


You are suggesting that the FLIGHT MODEL obj (.acf file) is likely copied and made for his aircraft, and is in violation of copyright. Perhaps this is correct, but I'm going to throw a wrench in this one...


As the founder of XPFW, and a person who knows the people at XPFW all on a face to face basis, I'd say no one cares that the aircraft file was used from 2008. That SAID, credit should be given, so if such is the case, Michael, please consider making that part of it right.


End of story. We don't need to debate and point fingers in here all day. Lord knows the community could use some free aircraft that make the sim look better anyhow.


thanks for intervening, I assure everyone on this forum, the plane has not canibalized parts from the XPFW aircraft and that all parts, including fuselage, wings and flight surfaces were made and edited by myself.


The unfortunate truth is, these planes are extremely similar (because they're both 767s) and you're bound to find some overlap or similarity between any two properly built versions of the plane.


Finally, just a quick note, project oblivion is an illegal group XD my objects came from skyspirit2010, the brainchild of hiroshi.  :)

Edited by Michael_Chang
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