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Is fuzzy dash me?


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Help!  Just tried flying the FJS Q400 and the panel's unreadable, even on the High Quality version.  I can't believe it was always this fuzzy, I'd have binned it if I'd received it like that.  Trying to use the autopilot panel is impossible - it's just not readable.

Can't make any changes in the Rendering menu to make any difference.  I've had a look at the png containing the glareshied (_PanelTrans) and it's equally fuzzy, yet the manual shows it nice and clear.

I've tried adding text over the png in the vain hope of making the text larger and easier to read, but the original text on the png is tiny and barely readable as it is.

Anyone else got this problem, or know how to improve it?  I don't really want to bin the plane, but if it's unflyable then hey ho....



Edited by Nicola_M
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Thanks Carlos.  I'm glad it's not just me. I'm using a 19-inch 1900x1200 screen, but couldn't change any settings to improve it.

It's a shame, as it had the most realistic-looking 3D airliner cockpit I've had.  Just very hard to see which buttons to press, meaning you have to hand-fly every damn flight.  That probably explains why I've avoided going anywhere near it for the last two years. :)


I was going to ask Jack the same as you did, but they've very kindly closed their Armchair Aviation forum without telling their customers, or at least me anyway.  A bit of googling and I find it's moved to the new FJS website, but the old login doesn't work and if they really think I can be bothered to re-register, they're wrong.

Edited by Nicola_M
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...but the old login doesn't work and if they really think I can be bothered to re-register, they're wrong.


Seriously?  I had to re-register and it took about 30 seconds.  Looks like they did a total remake of the site, hence the need to re-register.  Knowing Jack, I bet they posted something about it in the old forums that I probably missed because I rarely checked their forums.  Then again, an e-mail notification would have been nice.


I didn't notice any posts concerning the panel resolution.

Edited by steven winslow
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Seriously?  I had to re-register and it took about 30 seconds. 


Great. Except I seem to spend my life registering. Getting fed up with it.


I didn't notice any posts concerning the panel resolution.


You seriously telling me you can read what's on the buttons in the autopilot panel in the picture above? 

Edited by Nicola_M
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The last thing I did before this thread was turning text compression off. No luck.  Resolution was already set to "High" and I tried it at "Extreme" and xplane kept CTD'ing, but was okay if I removed the Q400. Meaning it loaded fine at Extreme with any other plane, just not the Q.

In any event, I've had the same pc for the last 3 1/2 years and hadn't made any changes to the Rendering settings in god knows how long before today.


Edited by Nicola_M
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Great. Except I seem to spend my life registering. Getting fed up with it.


I hear you.  It IS kind of a pain, but being in the loop is worth the pain in the butt.




You seriously telling me you can read what's on the buttons in the autopilot panel in the picture above? 


Noooo.....I didn't say that at all!  I just said I didn't notice any posts on the FJS forums concerning the problem.  I would have provided a link had I seen any relevant posts.  I haven't had a chance to fire up X-Plane and look at it myself, but if my memory serves me correctly, I do recall the panel was pretty fuzzy the last time I flew the Dash.

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I use TrackIR and have to lean forward to get a clearer panel resolution ...  When I do that the writing is very clear; which is probably why I didn't think much more about it.


I don't suppose that this is something a person with your magic graphical skills could fix Nicola? :)

Edited by Kris Pryo
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I don't suppose that this is something a person with your magic graphical skills could fix Nicola? :)


No, that was my first thought. When I looked at the png file, the writing is very, very small. With Photoshop zoomed in as far as you can go, it's still fuzzy.  I tried making the text just one pt larger but it still comes out less than perfect, and then doesn't fit the buttons :(

Pity, as it was a great plane, otherwise.

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