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Suggestions for fast GA payware


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There's a few planes I'm looking over for my first XP10 payware purchase.  But I want to make a good one.  


These planes must be compatible with x64 too.  Also they need to have the newer mouse click and drag operation, not the default, click and hold for radios and OBS knobs etc.


I like to go fast.  Fast as in at least 150 ktas.  200 ktas is better, especially for VFR flying.  I don't mind a little slower for IFR ops.


So far I'm looking at the Blackshape Prime by Dmax.   It looks cool and since I fly online I can fly it as experimental category.  Does it have a transponder?  And does it work with x64?


For IFR I'm looking at the Beech Duchess by Goran, but I'm a wondering why the HSI was put on the bottom instead of in the sacred six stack.  Additionally the Carenado C337 Mixmaster (I've got it for FSX) looks great in the previews.  Finally the F8L Seqouia looks like my type of plane, but it appears to be an older model.  Does it work for XP10 x64?


Do you experts have any ideas?  Again, in order of importance...  must be x64 compatible, must have the newer mouse clickspots (click and drag), must cruise faster than 150 ktas.  Finally an autopilot and xpndr is a nice addition as a do a lot of online flying.


Thank you for considering.

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Although until Carenado have issued the 64 bit plugin, unless you place another SASL 64 bit plugin in the C337 Skymaster plugins folder you will have a pilots head blocking your view of instruments.


This statement is not true.  I just flew the Carenado A36 in X-Plane 10.20r3 64 bit and there is no pilot head blocking the view.  The A36 flies fine and displays properly in V10.20r3.  There is no need to replace the SASL plugin in the A36.  Below are some screenies to prove the view:




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This statement is not true.  I just flew the Carenado A36 in X-Plane 10.20r3 64 bit and there is no pilot head blocking the view.  The A36 flies fine and displays properly in V10.20r3.  There is no need to replace the SASL plugin in the A36.  Below are some screenies to prove the view:


Femke was referring to the Skymaster, not the A36. ;)

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Femke was referring to the Skymaster, not the A36. ;)


Doh!!  You're absolutely right!  It's late and I should have read the post more carefully.


So, below is a screenie of the C337 with the SASL plugin that comes with it and another after I replaced the stock SASL plugin folder with the SASL folder that comes with the A36.



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Doh!!  You're absolutely right!  It's late and I should have read the post more carefully.


So, below is a screenie of the C337 with the SASL plugin that comes with it and another after I replaced the stock SASL plugin folder with the SASL folder that comes with the A36.


So if I want to fly the 337 (which I don't own but am tempted by) in 64-bit, I have to buy the A36 as well? I wonder if the same kludge works for the F33, Saratoga and C208, all of which I do own.


Although, if full 64-bit compatibility is as simple as updating the SASL plugin, I'd think Carenado would just update the download and start distributing it immediately. Or making a small patch file available to update the installs that are already out there. Hrmm. I recall someone from Carenado (Dan Klaue? Sorry if I'm butchering the name, or naming the wrong person) who said they had to update all of their models for 64-bit and it was non-trivial. My recollection is they were going to start with the oldest releases first and work their way forward. I wonder if there's more to it than simply replacing the SASL plugin.

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So if I want to fly the 337 (which I don't own but am tempted by) in 64-bit, I have to buy the A36 as well? I wonder if the same kludge works for the F33, Saratoga and C208, all of which I do own.


Although, if full 64-bit compatibility is as simple as updating the SASL plugin, I'd think Carenado would just update the download and start distributing it immediately. Or making a small patch file available to update the installs that are already out there. Hrmm. I recall someone from Carenado (Dan Klaue? Sorry if I'm butchering the name, or naming the wrong person) who said they had to update all of their models for 64-bit and it was non-trivial. My recollection is they were going to start with the oldest releases first and work their way forward. I wonder if there's more to it than simply replacing the SASL plugin.


No, you don't need to buy the A36. A 64 bit version of SASL is already available for download, e.g. here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=65052


Regarding Carenado's update policy, please read this thread: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=65089


They are mostly waiting for some changes in the lightning system which are expected for XP 10.21 before updating their fleet -- which is currently for XP9 (except the A36).

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No, you don't need to buy the A36. A 64 bit version of SASL is already available for download, e.g. here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=65052


Regarding Carenado's update policy, please read this thread: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=65089


They are mostly waiting for some changes in the lightning system which are expected for XP 10.21 before updating their fleet -- which is currently for XP9 (except the A36).


So, the updated plugin is available (first link) for the end-user to install to achieve 64-bit capability, but the download from Carenado doesn't already include it? That seems odd. I wonder if they would support users who modify the install on their own like that. Regardless, the closing line in Dan Klaue's post in the second thread (post #14) gives me pause:


This is just to clarify that a 64-bit version of the plugin isn't the only thing that's coming with the updates.


Guess I'll hold off on new models and hope they get to the ones I already have soon.


The same sort of thing is going on in the audio world. Ableton Live 9, for instance is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, but the 64-bit breaks most 3rd party plugins (well, to be more exact, most 3rd party plugins are 32-bit only). 

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You have to understand that the SASL plugin is not developed by Carenado. They only use it, like many other developers do. That's why they don't include it in their downloads. Officially, they only sell XP 9 and XP 10.11 planes at the moment, except the A36.

But I can assure you that you can simply use that 64 bit version, it will work.

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