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Does anyone notice a time warp in X-Plane 10?


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As a real world pilot, I do my own flight planning the old fashioned way. I generally try to put in realistic winds, then interpolate and use an E6B to do my flight planning. I have found XP10 to give me ground speeds comperable to what I had figured on, but I notice that flying times tend to go too long. My flight time increases about 10 minutes every hour over what my flight planning says it should be. Very confusing, as speed and distance tell me one thing but XP10 does something else. I am flying only general aviation single-engine props, as that's what I really fly. Has anyone else noticed this?



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Try turning down your rendering settings until the sim can maintain 20fps anything below this will cause the sim to slow down the overall rate of the sim or in other words at 10fps every 2 seconds you fly x-plane only flies for one also if you don't know how to check you fps go to the data input/output window (its under settings) and look for frame rate and then check the box closest to the word frame exit out of that window and you will see the fps listed under f-acf also try to stay away from cities such as chicago since large cities will hurt your fps considerably

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