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Sandy Barbours Pilot View, Trakir5 and v10


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Since first purchasing Trakir5 in v9 days I have used Sandy Barbours excellent 'Pilot View' addon with X-Plane. At the release of v10 there were serious conflicts & it became impossible to use the Addon & Sandy was aware of the situation and posted accordingly on his site.

As the issue was supposed to be fixed at LR's end now I tried re installing it yesterday only to find the problem still apparent. Sandy has been in contact but has received no complaints apparently.

Are any of you Guys using Trakir5 & Sandy's 'Pilot View' in v10 at present?

Any info appreciated--Cheers

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You missed out Jmf. It completes the Trakir experience by aligning the plane and pilots head position & also allowing one to Roll ones head--left & right as in reality-- which X-Plane does not cater for.

Using the control panel does take some getting used too I admit but as every plane is different and thus the pilots position is different per aircraft one can adjust individually. I runs very well in v9

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Sandy Barbour has resolved this problem for me & I'll pass it on..

There is a conflict trying to enable 'Pilot View' when X-Plane is communicating with Trakir & visa versa. By making sure Trakir is not running when X-Plane is started, then starting it before opening Sandy's 'Pilot View' from 'Options-Plugins' see's it running in all it's glory. Thanks Sandy

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Bang On Dozer. There are six Directions of Head (6DOH) but X-Plane only represents four. Without the natural 'Roll' function is like having some unfortunate ailment (Seized Neck Vertebrae--one would need to bend from the waist to compensate) Flying single seater aircraft comfortably/properly is virtually impossible without Sandy's Plugin for until the Brain compensates the head continues in one direction whilst the Aircraft goes in another during steep banking manoeuvers..

I'm not a great Plugins freak but another Ace is 'Chase Veiw Delux'--great for screenshots as the rapid multi-directional Camera Panning/Zooming/etc. with just the mouse would make any Hollywood Film producer envious....

Cheers Mate..

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I have used TIR 4 (with V5 software) and XP10 for quite awhile. Other than a few anomalies it has worked fine. A few of the issues I have had are inconsistent axis tracking, and the occasional lost aircraft set.

At times I have switched to a view of an overhead and when I move my head forward closer to the TIR instead of zooming I'll get movement along the Z axis.

I have also loaded an aircraft which I have previously built presets for only to have them missing. The latter may not be due to Pilot View but updates to XP itself but either way it usually doesn’t take too long to make a new set.

I am happy he made this plug-in very grateful indeed especially considering it's free but, I do miss the EZdoc program from FSX. I have not used it in a long time but felt that setting up the cameras was easier as well as the effects tuning but then again this is a payware program; one that I would purchase again if it were developed for XP. Until then Pilot View is a "must have" plug in for my simming needs.

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I'm having a problem setting the Pilots head Dozer & as you seem current with Pilot view wonder if youve had it in v10.

When trying to adjust the head settings eg. X1 I move my head to the position and it sets. However when I Tick X2 & move my head to the disired postion I only get the same reading as X1. The same happens with Y & Z--it doesn't matter if I stick my head on the wing or through the cockpit in X1, Y1 or Z1 then if I move it to the opposite extremities in either of the 2 positions the reading will only be a repitition of 1--??

Consequently the head position becomes fixed as though it were tied by the neck!

Shed any light??--Cheers


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I'm having a problem setting the Pilots head Dozer & as you seem current with Pilot view wonder if youve had it in v10.

When trying to adjust the head settings eg. X1 I move my head to the position and it sets. However when I Tick X2 & move my head to the disired postion I only get the same reading as X1. The same happens with Y & Z--it doesn't matter if I stick my head on the wing or through the cockpit in X1, Y1 or Z1 the move it to the opposite extremities in either of the 2 positions the reading will only be a repitition of 1--??

Consequently the head position becomes fixed as though it were tied by the neck!

I have had this problem for months. I also would be grateful for a solution.


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Actually, right now, I'm not using v9 or v10, I'm using vF, where the F stands for 'forum'. My X-Plane PC is in England while I have moved to Australia, and I don't have the cash right now to ship it out - this is what happens when you move continents almost on a whim.

The lower part of the control panel (everything that's under the line of eight preset buttons) is only for setting limits on the camera position. It's for setting a box which the camera will stay inside. X1 is the left limit, X2 is the right limit, Y1,Y2,Z1,Z2 are the upper, lower, forward and backwards limits (not sure which order). Were you trying to set limits, or create camera preset positions?

Were you trying to set view presets? There are eight view preset buttons in a row, a button and a checkbox, just above the X1/X2/etc bit. To set a preset, basically, you click on the button of the preset you want to assign (make sure the checkbox is checked too), then move the camera to the position you want and press 'save'. That's the save button in the middle of the screen - the one at the bottom is for saving the limits, I think. With older versions of PilotView you had to move the camera with the buttons on this Control Panel screen, not the normal X-Plane view commands, but I think newer versions might let you use either.

There's a video I made a year ago where I mumble incoherently, but it might be helpful:

It's with a slightly older version of PilotView, and X-Plane 9, but it is probably still valid for PV 1.61 and XP10.

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Thanks Dozer--don't complain about being down under--I use X-Plane to keep sane here in London (Whilst pursuing my quest to speak the now defunct english lanuage over here!!) and would happily leave it in a Box to move down there.

The issue with the View presets is sorted thanks--Sandy explained that--it's with the Lower Head positioning Limits I'm experiencing problems.

Vid's neat mate but was a bit taken back by your accent. Fronting yourself with a name like 'Dozer' I was inclined to expect a more ' Slow Hippy drawl' :P

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Definitely not knocking Australia! I have the privilege of dual citizenship in the UK/EU and Australia. I was between jobs, short-term rolling tenancy in the UK, visiting my family down here, and became persuaded that life would be more productive down here. So I simply didn't go to the airport on the day my return flight was booked.

I'm afraid I don't have a clue how the camera limits work. I should have read your question more thoroughly!

Where did I draw this name from? I think it was the pilot/helmsman of the hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar in the first Matrix film. And my tendency to be asleep at inappropriate times. On that note, it's 3am. I'd better go to bed.

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Cheers Dozer.

The problem with the Camera limits has been solved by Sandy himself--he's a very patient man. I had been trying to set the limitations using the movements made with the Trakir. One turns off Trakir, adjusts position using the keybboard X-Y-& Z function keys (Which I have never used since I bought Trakir) and saves. Works like a dream. Its logical--but there again everything is logical in retrospect.


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