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[SOLVED] PDF Doesn't start with A/C power


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This problem seems to be everywhere. The PFD stays dark but both the A/C and DC elec busses show all green.

  • This plane was bought from X-Aviation.
  • I have moved my X-Plane folder to Desktop
  • I have uninstalled and reinstalled the CRJ using the installer
  • I have taken ownership of my X-Plane folder (and contents)
  • I have made X-Plane folder (and contents) NOT read-only
  • The log.txt contains:
    Gizmo: logging.debug: (Gizmo Shell 11.4.25)
    Gizmo: OpenGL<->Physics Offset Default Init: -16418.471, 90.458, -24131.967
    Gizmo: Tried to use physics engine without loading an OBJ8 file. Ignored, can't draw!
    Gizmo: logging.debug: (IPC kickoff)
    shrink-wrap: License file: (C:\Users\Jeffrey Gipson\Desktop\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CRJ-200\license_key.txt)
    shrink-wrap: License Verified. Sending Systems.
    Gizmo: Plugin Message: com.x-aviation.shrink-wrap is sending us a text chunk of Lua script.

System is Windows 7, XP10.10rc3

I have noticed (requires moving the mouse quickly) that on the first attempt (after starting XPlane) of applying A/C power, the PFD lights up for 2 seconds, then goes dark. After that, it doesn't appear unless I restart XPlane.

Edited by jagipson
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Thank you... That seemed to help. I kept my Custom Scenery, however I reduced my resolution from EXTREME to VERY HIGH, trees from HUGGER to FILLED IN, objects from TOO MANY to MEGA TONS, and number of cars from KANSAS to NONE.

FWIW; my specs are NVidia (MSI) GTX 650Ti, with 4 Gig video memory, and an Intel i7 with 16 Gig of main memory.

The Windows installation is only used for flight sim, so there are no other apps installed, except chrome.

I purchased this computer specifically for XP10, and had hoped it would be sufficient. Hopefully when the application goes 64bit it will be able to address all my memory.

Thanks, again.

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Thank you... That seemed to help. I kept my Custom Scenery, however I reduced my resolution from EXTREME to VERY HIGH, trees from HUGGER to FILLED IN, objects from TOO MANY to MEGA TONS, and number of cars from KANSAS to NONE.

FWIW; my specs are NVidia (MSI) GTX 650Ti, with 4 Gig video memory, and an Intel i7 with 16 Gig of main memory.

The Windows installation is only used for flight sim, so there are no other apps installed, except chrome.

I purchased this computer specifically for XP10, and had hoped it would be sufficient. Hopefully when the application goes 64bit it will be able to address all my memory.

Thanks, again.

I had the same problem with vanishing displays. I have a similar spec PC except with 560 GPU (Windows 7) and as per advice in various forums, reduced resolution etc. with no success. I eventually found that by removing the Gizmo plugin the displays returned even with all settings turned up.

I originally moved Gizmo to the root directory of the sim, in this case 10.10RC3, but then lost the displays again after 2 or 3 sim starts. I then removed Gizmo completely from X-plane and displays returned. I have found though that If I change aircraft whilst the sim is running then return to the CRJ the displays are lost (without Gizmo loaded). Re-starting the sim restores the displays???

I have not yet found a fully repeatable set of circumstances to prove the root cause, mainly because it takes so long to make step by step changes with continuous sim starts. However I have learnt to live with it. If anyone can give a definitive answer I would be very interested.


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I had the same problem with vanishing displays. I have a similar spec PC except with 560 GPU (Windows 7) and as per advice in various forums, reduced resolution etc. with no success. I eventually found that by removing the Gizmo plugin the displays returned even with all settings turned up.

I originally moved Gizmo to the root directory of the sim, in this case 10.10RC3, but then lost the displays again after 2 or 3 sim starts. I then removed Gizmo completely from X-plane and displays returned. I have found though that If I change aircraft whilst the sim is running then return to the CRJ the displays are lost (without Gizmo loaded). Re-starting the sim restores the displays???

I have not yet found a fully repeatable set of circumstances to prove the root cause, mainly because it takes so long to make step by step changes with continuous sim starts. However I have learnt to live with it. If anyone can give a definitive answer I would be very interested.


Firstly, Gizmo is required. Secondly, everything you specify is indeed related to memory exhaustion. It was an off chance that removing Gizmo appeared in your eyes to momentarily solve this, but as one other person in this forum also found out, Gizmo is in no way the culprit. In the end it was his large custom scenery folder and high settings. The 560 is likely getting further constrained with XP's hefty requirements. The displays are drawn on the GPU, and short of starting at the BARE MINIMUM (low resolution) settings in X-Plane and slowly turning things back on/upping resolution I have no further suggestions for you. Laminar will alleviate most of this pain with the introduction of X-Plane 10 64-bit. Until then, it's a battle for some, a non-issue for others.

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Firstly, Gizmo is required. Secondly, everything you specify is indeed related to memory exhaustion. It was an off chance that removing Gizmo appeared in your eyes to momentarily solve this, but as one other person in this forum also found out, Gizmo is in no way the culprit. In the end it was his large custom scenery folder and high settings. The 560 is likely getting further constrained with XP's hefty requirements. The displays are drawn on the GPU, and short of starting at the BARE MINIMUM (low resolution) settings in X-Plane and slowly turning things back on/upping resolution I have no further suggestions for you. Laminar will alleviate most of this pain with the introduction of X-Plane 10 64-bit. Until then, it's a battle for some, a non-issue for others.


Thanks for the reply which I found very interesting, but can you tell me what systems Gizmo is required for, as without it the aircraft seems to perform without any problems. I must admit that I have not tried operating from cold and dark yet but have done several successful flights of about one and a half hours duration using the programmed FMC anf ILS, without sim crashes. Also since removing Gizmo have not had one display failure on sim start with the CRJ

Please don't think I am doubting your knowledge and experience on this subject but am baffled as to why removing Gizmo seems to get around the problem, for me anyway. I thought that memory exhaustion caused sim crashes and certainly before updating my system had experienced this with other aircraft and situations, which has not been the case with the new system. I will try re-installing Gizmo and see what the effect is. As previously mentioned I have found that on re-installation of Gizmo the displays continue to operate after two or three sim starts then fail.

As I have said please don't think there is any criticism intended in my reply, just curiosity, as I have learned to live with the, now minor problem. I will be interested to see what happens with 64 bit X-Plane so I can fully utilise my PC.


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Thanks for the reply which I found very interesting, but can you tell me what systems Gizmo is required for, as without it the aircraft seems to perform without any problems. I must admit that I have not tried operating from cold and dark yet but have done several successful flights of about one and a half hours duration using the programmed FMC anf ILS, without sim crashes. Also since removing Gizmo have not had one display failure on sim start with the CRJ

Please don't think I am doubting your knowledge and experience on this subject but am baffled as to why removing Gizmo seems to get around the problem, for me anyway. I thought that memory exhaustion caused sim crashes and certainly before updating my system had experienced this with other aircraft and situations, which has not been the case with the new system. I will try re-installing Gizmo and see what the effect is. As previously mentioned I have found that on re-installation of Gizmo the displays continue to operate after two or three sim starts then fail.

As I have said please don't think there is any criticism intended in my reply, just curiosity, as I have learned to live with the, now minor problem. I will be interested to see what happens with 64 bit X-Plane so I can fully utilise my PC.


Gizmo primarily talks with the CRJ plugin to verify integrity of the license. Without it, eventually your CRJ will discontinue to work altogether (we don't do continual license checks, so you have lucked out on the times you have utilized the CRJ without it...unless your license is invalid or has expired, in which case it will look for Gizmo at each startup).

An example of someone who thought the same as you:

The memory exhaustion here will not crash the sim entirely. Instead, various plugins at times will discontinue to draw OpenGL code or discontinue operating altogether.

This line of your own further re-assures what I already know (I work directly with Laminar day in and day out, and have been at this tech support stuff for 4.5 years now ;) ) :

I have found though that If I change aircraft whilst the sim is running then return to the CRJ the displays are lost (without Gizmo loaded). Re-starting the sim restores the displays???
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Gizmo primarily talks with the CRJ plugin to verify integrity of the license. Without it, eventually your CRJ will discontinue to work altogether (we don't do continual license checks, so you have lucked out on the times you have utilized the CRJ without it...unless your license is invalid or has expired, in which case it will look for Gizmo at each startup).

An example of someone who thought the same as you: http://forums.x-pilo...lem/#entry38139

The memory exhaustion here will not crash the sim entirely. Instead, various plugins at times will discontinue to draw OpenGL code or discontinue operating altogether.

This line of your own further re-assures what I already know (I work directly with Laminar day in and day out, and have been at this tech support stuff for 4.5 years now ;) ) :

Thanks again Cameron for your support and useful to know about the licence integrity check. Ben's blog today suggested that 64-bit may be on its way!

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