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Dear all aircraft designers

Tom Knudsen

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Recently there has been a nice visual improvement in the quality of recent aicraft development.

But as extremely nice this is I failed to see some renders of any 737ng developments out there.

This aircraft is in my opinion the missing link in X-plane, an fully working aircraft with a fully working FMC is really a dream to me. I hate to see FSX has aircraft like PMDG and iFLY with such good quality and not have an similar airplane in XP.

So while I wait for airplanes like 777-200 by Ramzess an and fly airplanes like the beautiful CRJ200 and the Dash8, i truly hope some one of you guys can make a 737NG aircraft soon.

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Yeah - whats' wrong with the eadt crew's 737-700/-800/-BBJ? http://eadt.eu/

x737 + xFMC = Pretty darned close.

x737 + xFMC + Upcoming 3D 'pit = Should be on par.

If you want a non-NG (which is what I'm flying a lot these days - whoo hoo - seat-of-your-pants-flying ... =)...), the IXEG 737 will be out soon.

- Ck

Edited by chris k
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Ah, sorry, make that xFMC. Getting a bit much these days.

And yes, the x737 might look a little unsophisticated compared to the 737classic. There is a big BUT. The x737 will be still flyable by nearly everybody. The 737classic (like Peters A321) will be a procedures nightmare or treat. Or take the 777.

Yes, we will see which aircraft we see next. There should be a 757-200 around, too. Soon? Don't know.

I think that there is not much space for a commercial aircraft in the X-Plane market when there already is a freeware product.

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X737 is a great freeware aircraft, but not the quality i wish for, the 2d cockpit is somewhat funny looking.. And UFCM is not all that good..

All in all a great alternative, but was thinking more in the rabge of i.e the new 737classic project and the above mentioned products

I suspect an NG to that standard would take at least two years to get to the market with a team of developers starting from scratch. I'm guessing that that's how long the IXEG 737 will have been by the time it's delivered. In short, unless an NG appears from left-field, the EADT x737 is the only game in town. With a 3D flight deck on the way, and presumably more refinements made possible by XP10, it's only going to get better.
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We are in NO WAY saying we'll do an NG. There are way too many variables right now and we do not like to look beyond our current goal....BUT lets get hypothetical anyhow for fun...... if we did.....we would not have to start from scratch. No writing of the FMS again...no designing of the lnav planning...there's 6 months we don't have to do. No remodling of lots of the fuse....no redesigning the electrical system, only "rewiring"....the hydraulics code doesn't have to be done...there's another 6 months we don't have to do....no investigating and overcoming flight model limitations...we already know how to manhandle x-plane and get this, drawing electronic displays is 2x easier than doing the analogs....even more time saved.

SO....I speak NOT as an IXEG representative, this is NOT on record.....I do NOT speak for any other team member....but only as a sim enthusiast myself.......I myself would like to see IXEG do an NG if this Classic sees the light of day. It's the most popular plane in the world and we're already more than halfway done with the work on one :P. We chose not to do one because we did ot want to step on the x737 toes...but after nearly two years...we are not worried about that any longer. But as I said, NO GUARANTEES. Native X-Plane developers are total novices compared to the experienced and long-established MSFS devs and it remains to be seen if a team can be held together with unified vision for more than a product or two. As we've seen, there is lots of individualism in the x-plane dev market and this can be a liability. I have worked with no greater group of individuals than on the IXEG team and there is chemistry here that has the potential to go the distance, at least I believe so. IXEG won't speak or speculate on future (read "work not done") projects though so my thoughts here are my own and I will only give my own. Best one can do is cross their fingers...including me!

Tom Kyler

Edited by tkyler
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Thank you for your well thought and refreshing feedback guys..

As a pretty newly ported flight simmer from FSX I tend to fall into the bad habbit of doing comparasing parallells between the two. Guess this is normal to some extend, but nevertheless there is a genuine interest behind it for sure.

Let me tell you a short story...

When I was a "FS Guru" sort of speak I was frequently flying on VATSIM, I even hold a C1 rating as an ATC (for what's that wurth), and my primary aircraft to fly was the PMDG 737-600/700/800.

This aircraft was the first "real" good looking and system simulated (again to the extend we can call it simulated) aircraft that was on the marked since FS2004. I bought my first XP at the version of 8 and I can

honestly say i did not care for it then and the same did go for XP9.. I admit I can count on two sets of hands how many time it has been installed on my computer. Reason was all from bad terrain to horrible clouds etc..

Let me say this, I did not put in a huge effort to really get to know XP as the main reason was that it did not have a capable aircraft for flying on VATSIM (purhaps with the exception of the wonderful 767-300ER)

Anyway, and then XP10 came out and It just took one flight to win me completely over, uninstalled every tiny pease of FS residue that was found on my computer and have never looked back..

But there is something missing!!!!

I have tried to fly the x737 with the UFCM, but it does not feel right, the 2d cockpit is somewhat to large and to small for me.. And I really miss a truly good, fully working FMC, besides that I do not think the fuselarge is

all that slick too. I do appologies to any fan or developer of this aircraft, it is not my intention to shit on it, but rather point out some missing simularity between that and PMDG.. And yea I do not it's freeware contributed and not payware.

So with regards to the above line, it is a great airplane.

Let me show you what I mean about the 2D panel size

First PMDG


Then iFly


Then x737


(nice, but the developer should have removed the bottom part below the EADI and PFD's, and what is the overhead about? Where is the rest?)

Ok, again freeware and payware...

This was the main reason for my "Dear developer" notice on this forum. Day to day I see some insane looking renders of airplanes and scenery made for X-Plane 10, a sneakpeek into what to come.

I do also know that 3rd party vendors spend a great amount of time making such an aircraft and a single user may not have the resourcess needed to even try to simulate and model such.

But If we look at planes like the CRJ-200 by Jrollon and the upcoming 737Classic and 777-200, I am sad to hear we will not see a 737NG machine for XP10

I would bet a retail price of i.e 290.98 NOK would be accepted if such a develop aircraft was to see the marked sometime in the future, please do not under estimate the end users capability and willingness to buy.

Therefore, my dream is still the same, I do hope we see a nice feature rich 737NG sometime in the future.


I think that there is not much space for a commercial aircraft in the X-Plane market when there already is a freeware product.

As a developer I must say that I do not agree, there is allways a place for a payware vendor.

Don't forget that PMDG is working on porting one of their aircraft to X-Plane.

Yea for sure, purhaps after the (guessing 1900D) will know :)


Excuse my bad english spelling, not my native language

Edited by Tom Knudsen
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and what is the overhead about? Where is the rest?

x737 Menu - Show Complete Overhead. All the goodies are there! (Anti Ice, batteries, APU, window heat, etc..)

Let me show you what I mean about the 2D panel size

Here's my x737 Panel:


Go grab one thats suited for your screen!

I have a feeling you haven't fully explored all the customization and possibilities of using the x737+XP10. =)

- Ck.

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