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Realsimgear problems

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Running XP 12.1.2 r3 on an Intel iMac in Sequoia.

My TorqueSim Islanders are running the G5 and G500 versions in the same installation of X-Plane with no problems.

No matter how I often I've tried to install the G5 installation to the Beech v2 G5 version, it still tells me I haven't installed it.  The gauges are there, but see the screenshots and the log.txt.

Any ideas?

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 17.38.05.png

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 17.59.39.png


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I don't for what reason, but in your Log.txt file, does not show to load the G5 plugin. Please check that the plugin exists in the Sundowner's/plugins folder. Must be a G5 folder. 

If exists, inside there is a version.txt file. What version of the G5 plugin says?

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That's interesting.  I downloaded and installed it from a fresh installer I got today from you.  I can redownload the installer, and try again, but the one I got and used above was "Beechcraft_Sundowner_v2.5.0.zip", and it expanded to:


Is it possible you have made an error?  That's prettty unlikely.  My screenshot was from Apple's finder, and I don't remember what "sort" I was using at the time. 

I'm currently in the UK, and it's late.  I'll redo it all tomorrow, and we'll see.

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Hello to you both!

Well, I removed the Sundowner, downloaded the installer from you, and started again from scratch.  Hmm......  This installer was not the same, as yesterday's said it was going to install a g5 version, and this didn't.  Also (I seem to remember), yesterday's X-Aviation folder showed a separate Sundowner G5 directory (folder).  Today's didn't.

I still had to "install" the G5 plugin, and then - hooray the G5s worked.  I also, to be sure, installed the G500 plugin.

Unfortunately, these planes do not always load properly, and crash X-Plane to a white screen.  I have to either load Laminar's basic C172 first, or I can sometimes just open X-Plane and load one Sundowner variant without the crash.   Definitely can't swop planes without exiting X-Plane.

Having got them going, all the varaints fly with intermittent freezing - maybe for half or one second, which is annoying.  Then it is OK for a couple of minutes, but this varies.  I don't get this with other planes in my collection.

Here's a log.txt for you.   Thanks for your assistance.


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Sounds like you ran the previous version installer without realizing it the first time. Perhaps you had it on your drive and didn't realize it.

31 minutes ago, diamonddriller said:

Definitely can't swop planes without exiting X-Plane.

This is a longstanding issue with OpenGPWS on Mac. It seems to crash anything it touches on unload, and that's never been addressed in a way that anyone can solve. So, you'll either have to launch straight in to one of the variants, or as you say, load the 172 first. Sometimes I've gotten around it by disabling OpenGPWS in the plugin menu BEFORE loading another aircraft, but it's not always reliable.


For intermittent freezing, you could try first by uninstalling the G5/G500's from the Sundowner, then loading up the vanilla version of it. See if anything is improved on the standard variants first without these plugins loading (they will still load if you launch a variant that does not use them). An easy way to temporarily uninstall them would be to just move the G5/G500's out of the aircraft level plugin folder.

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Posted (edited)

Well, no, it was the latest 2.5.0 installer, which I downloaded on the day you notified me of the update.  You can see that from the screenshot in the first post.  Today’s was not the same.  I don’t think I could have made that mistake, but it is what it is :-)
I guess I could just remove openGPWS altogether.  Would that spoil anything - that is, would that make anything inoperable?  
OK. The vanilla Sundowner still paused earlier, but I’ll try moving the plugins out and report tomorrow.  However, that solution would still leave me without the glass variants….. :-(

Take care. 

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Posted (edited)

OK Ilias.   I checked, and, of course, it's in the Torqesim Islanders as well.   There is a slightly newer version, which avoids a problem with Orbx's True Earth GB, but I bet that won't make any difference to this.

I'll have more time tomorrow, and will report back to you and Cameron - and I'll stay in this thread for convenience.

We Mac users are a bl--dy nuisance, aren't we?  ;)


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If I remove the plugins, when I load the basic plane, X-Plane completely freezes, and I have to force quit it.  Surprising.  Sorry, Cameron.  That was a non-starter!

I did update the OpenGPWS plugin, and flew the G500 variant earlier with no intermittent stuttering/freezing.  I enjoyed that flight.  However, a later try in the G5 and steam gauge variants got the stuttering back. Very odd.  Maybe I have to use different graphics settings for this particular plane.  Also, the fps in this plane is below average.   I do have the iMac with a 16GB GPU card, but XP12 is generally slower than XP11.   I'm waiting for the M4 Mac Studio! 

Anyway, I can't complain too much, as the V2 update is free, so it's hardly a disaster :)

On the ground, even my Thrustmaster TPR pedals were getting to be impossible to counter the usual left turn tendency.  Maybe I just have to use Laminar's built-in rudder trim.

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@diamonddriller if you want please do an experiment.

  1. Duplicate the C23 folder. Rename the new folder with a "_500" at the end.
  2. From the original folder, delete the rsg_g500 and OpenGPWS plugins, from the C23/plugins/ folder. Also from the top C23 folder, delete the LES_Sundowner_G500.acf file.
  3. From the new "_G500" folder, delete all the .acf files, except the LES_Sundowner_G500.acf one.

This way the G500 is separated from the other acfs, and the other acfs, separate from the G500. Test it if that's works better. If so, in the next update, I might separate the acfs to each own folder.

Programmatically, I am disabling the G5 when is not in use. But, because the G500 depends on another plugin and and using multiple threads, it is impossible to disable them without crashing X-Plane. So G500 will be enabled, even when not used. 

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Hi.  My bad, in that I didn't remove the rsg_g500 plugin as well as the OpenGPWS one!   I did wonder about it, but didn't....!

That might have done it, but I'll do what you suggest now.  I note that the G5 version was separated in th XP11 version.  Seems a simple way forward.  I'll get back to you shortly.

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Posted (edited)

Also, I think it would it be a good idea to delete all G5 and G1000 references and plugins for the new separate G500 plane?  I have removed every reference to g500 in the base version.


Actually, I did all of that.  The g500 flies nicely, and (so far) with no stuttering!  Also, my frame rate is considerably better than it was.  The base steam gauge one seemed OK too.  Better frame rate still (expected - without all the avionics!), and I haven't had a stutter so far.

I've yet to check the G1000.

The G5 - well, that seemed to be OK for a bit, but started the freeze/stutter, probably coincidentally, when I was inputting an airport on the 430 while flying.  However, the stutter persisted even when I was not adjusting anything.  I'm going to:

1) Check the G1000

2) Make a G5 only plane, and delete all references to everything else. 

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Posted (edited)

Well, I did both.  The G1000 was pretty much OK.

The G5 wasn't.  So, I checked with my Torquesim g5 Islander, and that was stuttering in the same way.   So, you can relax.

It could be XP 12.1.2 r3, or Mac Sequoia, the G5 plugin, or maybe I have to knock some graphic sliders back a bit.  Seems a bit silly to do that when other planes seem OK.

 I just asked Coop whether he has any ideas!

Just found other planes starting to stutter.  I thought it might be the beta release of XP, but I downgraded, and it is still happening.  This is very annoying, as it only started since I installed the Sundowner.   I'm wondering whether the G500 or G5 plugins are leaving something lurking, but it hasn't happened before, and the Islanders were in with those plugins for some time. 


As I just told Coop, powering the iMac completely down, and then restarting, gave me completely stutter-free operations with planes not using either the G5 or G500.  So, this stuttering is not the Sundowner, but the plugins - and they obviously never exit properly, and leave something lurking in the RAM.

Edited by diamonddriller
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