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Microsoft Flight its a game Ughh


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Just played it for the first time today. Not too fond of it. The flight controls, the scenery, and aircraft. The A5 is barely fast enough to get anywhere in free roam before I'm bored. The only way you can make this game fun is if you either make a windows live account, or purchase the addons. I guess I can see how it could be fun for some people though.

Back to xp10 for me.

Did you adjust realism settings at least? The flight model is quite good.

Did you purchase the expansion? Unfortunately, the A5 Icon is not really a plane and the whole sim was really boring until I got the Hawaii expansion and received the RV, now different story, -the RV is fast, it flies like an aircraft not a car with wings!

I thought I bring that up based on my experience. But yes, wait and see how Flight will progress.

Edited by zoltron_rulez
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100% with you on that one. X-Plane had the see through clouds/mists which were amazing to fly VFR through with GA aircraft but it got axed around v10.04 to give into the understandable demand for fps for some. It means that now GA flying in mountain regions with even a hint of possible cloud is a definite No-No. Milk soup!!! :angry:

What I find strange is Wannabe pilots seem to prefer to have loads of Tinsel Town buildings to look down on rather than realistic cloud densities to simulate flight in. Must be the Furniture the FSX Immigrants loaded their wagons with when they headed west in the search of the promise's that the new lands called X-Plane had to offer :P

Hehe, true.

I raise the question:

Is it more enjoyable to fly through true cloud mist at 10-15FPS then through milk soup at 100FPS? ;)

I might add that usually if you fly heavies you are on auto-pilot anyways so really you don't provide input on the flight controls.

Also I have noticed that with the new release the frames are much better but at a cost:

The cloud density and atmospheric effects are reduced or removed. I noticed that when I do my own scenario testing. It is not neccessarly a bad thing as long as these things make it back at later stage when hardware becomes faster or the sim is more optimized. Those effects that I saw before were just AMAZING (hard to describe in words, you need a picture), should of taken a screen shot, bah too late now :(

Edited by zoltron_rulez
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Thats the point I never flew heavies--who really does FLY heavies? Type in the co-ordinates-press auto/On--then spend the next 2--4 hrs with your head in a copy of Playboy or checking out Facebook! Can't even see Tinsel Town 20,000ft below on a clear day except for the brief take off and landing. GA aircraft you do have to fly--- & I love it. :wub:

They should divide X-Plane into two seperate Sims.

a. A Flight simulator with everything necessary to simulate true flight in a variety of realistically simulated Planes in equally realistic variables that could/would confront a real pilot ie.weather/winds etc.(All the computers resources are geared to this objective) :D


b. A Passenger simulator with everything necessary to simulate looking out of a plane window ;)

Then I could have my clouds back. I could fly them 23--35fps but I appreciate a lot of computers could not & X-Plane has to be geared for a wide market and be enjoyed by all.

Edited by edwin
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For me, XP10 is not complete until they get the weather and cloud rendering working properly again. Which I have a hunch will take place when they transition to 64-bit.

Like you said, ground detail is nice and atmospheric (ironically) but sky detail is far far more important.

Heavies are fun to fly if you don't use an aircraft that has an FMC - radio navigation is great!

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Did you adjust realism settings at least? The flight model is quite good.

Did you purchase the expansion? Unfortunately, the A5 Icon is not really a plane and the whole sim was really boring until I got the Hawaii expansion and received the RV, now different story, -the RV is fast, it flies like an aircraft not a car with wings!

I thought I bring that up based on my experience. But yes, wait and see how Flight will progress.

I don't really want to spend any money on the game. I know it would greatly expand the possibilities, but I am perfectly fine with X-plane for now. I'll be watching Ms Flight very closely to see where it will go.

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For me, XP10 is not complete until they get the weather and cloud rendering working properly again. Which I have a hunch will take place when they transition to 64-bit.

Weather and clouds have nothing to do with 64-bit. Laminar bit off more than they could chew with the new clouds and have had to scale back.

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Weather and clouds have nothing to do with 64-bit. Laminar bit off more than they could chew with the new clouds and have had to scale back.

I understand that when X-Plane is built for 64-bit processors it will take advantage of significantly more of a current computer's power, which hopefully will allow the fully-featured weather to return. I'm regarding the 32-bit version as a demo/beta and hopefully will own a 64-bit PC by the time 64-bit XPX is available!
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It's been mentioned since the release of v10 that 64bit is not in the pipeline for the foreseeable future.

In fact from where I'm standing there were not a great number of substantial changes in v10 from v9. The sharpening of the terrain textures I really like & they haven't been tampered with too much--The clouds I loved but they've been hammered into none existance & I would sooner have v9's back until they're sorted-- & the water textures are kind off strange--So whats 'New' in reality except for the number on the DVD cover & the price?

I was expecting a lot more whilst we were running with the hype--but I enjoyed v9 a lot--and v10 is just v9 with a few new hinges, knobs and a quick lick of paint--sadly however bits have been falling off at an alarming rate. I'll still keep flying it as there's no other Sim I've tried to touch it in my book.----------

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me I am perfectly happy with Xplane 10 Its far supierior to FSX and Xplane 9 Its looking better all the time terrain is far better textures the majority are the best I have seen . The buildings and the reflections blow the doors of XP9. The new roads . I just sold my copy of Xplane9 and would not want to go back . FSX is just to choppy . and as far as Microsoft flight is concerned to Gamey to boring and to expensive . I just cant figure out why there seem to be so many haters .

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Edwin said-

Thats the point I never flew heavies--who really does FLY heavies? Type in the co-ordinates-press auto/On--then spend the next 2--4 hrs with your head in a copy of Playboy or checking out Facebook! Can't even see Tinsel Town 20,000ft below on a clear day except for the brief take off and landing. GA aircraft you do have to fly--- & I love it. :wub:

Haha, as real as it gets eh, down to an international captains favourite reference material!

Help me everyone, I'm flying Flight too much!! Just past the Pearl Harbour area there's some magnificent steep ranges, definitely prime low n slow material. A nice chap showed me the way online. I was one of the most critical of it on release, now I realise it's very strong threat. It's slick, hits all my buttons and bug free on release. AVSIM is going nuts. The small window of opportunity that xplane had is closing rapidly. Lets hope that between wines there's some big announcements from Mallorca. Gotta go now, another freight job awaits!

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I understand that when X-Plane is built for 64-bit processors it will take advantage of significantly more of a current computer's power, which hopefully will allow the fully-featured weather to return. I'm regarding the 32-bit version as a demo/beta and hopefully will own a 64-bit PC by the time 64-bit XPX is available!

32- and 64-bit have nothing at all to do with "computing power". They only affect how much memory a process can take advantage of. 32-bit applications can practically address a maximum of about 3 GB of RAM. A 64-bit process can access a theoretical maximum of 64 petabytes of RAM--64 million GB. As the issues with X-Plane's clouds are all tied to harnessing GPU power, 64-bit won't do anything.

What 64-bit will do is allow X-Plane to store much more texture memory, which means version 10 will finally be able to run with high objects, his texture res and lots of custom scenery without crashing.

edit: you probably already own a 64-bit machine. Almost any processor made in the last six or seven years will be 64-bit. My eight year old G5 has two 64-bit processors.

Edited by dpny
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32- and 64-bit have nothing at all to do with "computing power". They only affect how much memory a process can take advantage of. 32-bit applications can practically address a maximum of about 3 GB of RAM. A 64-bit process can access a theoretical maximum of 64 petabytes of RAM--64 million GB. As the issues with X-Plane's clouds are all tied to harnessing GPU power, 64-bit won't do anything.

What 64-bit will do is allow X-Plane to store much more texture memory, which means version 10 will finally be able to run with high objects, his texture res and lots of custom scenery without crashing.

edit: you probably already own a 64-bit machine. Almost any processor made in the last six or seven years will be 64-bit. My eight year old G5 has two 64-bit processors.

Thanks for the explanation!

It's a 3GHz Pentium 4 from about 2005. The OS is Windows XP 32-bit. I'm pretty sure it's a 32-bit processor - could be wrong though, but I don't think so...

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Then it's 32bit--Go for the 64bit when you upgrade as XP is no longer getting support. I really liked XP and was reluctant to go up but I'm really pleased with Win7 Prox64-- Windows 8 should be out this year so it might be worth waiting. X-Plane is 32 bit.

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Right mate--but if you havent got one of them--any one of them--then you've got nowt!!.

My youngest at five last week has a machine with nearly the same spec as mine (And he can use it)--- 60 years ago when I was his age 'Computer' wasn't even my dictionary let alone my bedroom--you're lucky Larjeet but you shouldn't take it for granted--Cheers Pal

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Back to the days when telephones had dials and where conected to the wall with coiled cords back to when In color and next in sight was heard on TV . Back to when adding machines where personal computers and Tubes (aka Valves in England ) ruled . And then along came the P/N junction and young and old where changed for ever :)

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