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TBM 900 and Mobiflight


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I'm new to home built cockpit stuff.  I'm trying to use mobiflight and the datareftool to hook up physical switches for the hotstart TBM 900.  I'm starting with the airframe ice switch.  I can get the switch to work in the stock 172 just randomly assigning it to the landing lights but it doesn't work in the TBM for airframe ice.  I used the datareftool and copied the line into mobiflight the same way I did for the 172.  Is there something different about writing data refs in xplane using the TBM 900?  It seems this is a "custom" data ref and not one of the presets in mobiflight.   I'll keep plugging away but any input would be greatly appreciated.  I'm using xplane 11 and an audrino mega.  Thanks all, Pat

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Ok i figured it out.  Now I'm stuck trying to get the led lights (green gear down indicators) to individually work on the panel.  The value is getting reported in a [0,0,0] format.  How do I program the value section mobiflight to read the individual numbers for individual leds?  Thanks for your time, Pat

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I'm trying to research dataref arrays not try and figure this out.  Can this all be done in mobiflight or do I need to be programming in something else?  It looks like I need to create a variable from the array and then read the variable.  Something like 

dataref( "Nose_led_1", "tbm900/lights/ice/airframe_deice", 0 ) 

gets inserted somewhere (mobiflight or a folder or a program?) and then to read it I just put Nose_led_1 as the dateref in mobiflight, right?  Am I making progress?  Sorry for the newbie level of intelligence here and thanks a ton for helping me, I very much appreciate it!  Pat


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