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NZCH Christchurch Airport Photo Scenery

chris k

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Few more shots. Im seriously considering dropping XP9 compatibility and flusing out the scene with all XP10-style lighting/facades/objects.

Would there be any resistance if there was no XP9 compatibility? I assume that most have gone to XP10.

post-5973-0-24095900-1326521704_thumb.jp post-5973-0-05215100-1326521728_thumb.jp post-5973-0-05601200-1326521736_thumb.jp post-5973-0-47845500-1326521740_thumb.jp post-5973-0-05558100-1326521749_thumb.jp

Tom, as the 'inside man" with LR, is there any push to keep 3rd party support for XP9 anymore, or is it all 'full steam ahead' w/XP10?

- CK.

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I took the plunge last night and removed my XP9 DVD from the drive and put the XP10 dvd in.....to give you idea of what that means to me is I have had the XP9 dvd in the drive ever since I bought it, only removing it to search for files on other disks, then putting it back in. I feel happy with my decision to move totally to XP10 now. I might redo some of the XP0 scenery I have in my XP10 folder (the smaller airstrips around NZCH for a start.....no point re-creating what Chris has done here....), with better uv mapping (including AO map as default....), and maybe even getting into spec and bump mapping so as to make use of the new features that XP10 has given us.

If you drop XP9 support I wont dislike you as I see XP10 worthy of your, and any other devloper out there, full attention.



PS. did I mention how much I loved the new grass tufts? They have really grown on me.....no pun intended :)

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XP10 Only it is. Have now added in all the new XP10 style lighting and effects.

HDR For the Win:

post-5973-0-43900200-1326614076_thumb.jp post-5973-0-02563800-1326614071_thumb.jp post-5973-0-81614700-1326614065_thumb.jp post-5973-0-66180300-1326614058_thumb.jp post-5973-0-69693900-1326614051_thumb.jp post-5973-0-75533000-1326614044_thumb.jp

Florian has send me all the fixed tiles too (no more pictures of aircrft on the tarmacs). I'll put together another release soon for us.

Also added the new parking garage (via an XP10 only facade), and a few more buildings (again, using XP10 only facades)

- CK.

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After already being mentioned a few times, I guess it's finally time for me to poke my head in here also :P. Thanks to Chris, who was so kind to let me collaborate with him on this project!

I did the editing of tiles that..well... needed editing! For example, in the orthophotos, aircraft were parked at the gates or the taxiway that needed to be taken out. Also, runway 02 was covered by a large cloud that needed to be removed (easier said than done :D).

Attached are a couple of shots taken in v10, showing the gates and runway 02. Enjoy!




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Andy, I think the grass needs mowing at the Aeroclub....


0.5 now out.

XP10 ONLY For now.

- CK.

P.S. Once this project goes "final" I'll make a back-ported XP9 version (by effectively removing all the XP10 specific stuff). Won't look as nice, but would be friendly on the framerates.

Edited by chris k
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It is very nice....and very FPS friendly as well :) The grass does nedd mowing but I aint taking the victor down there......unless I get a ride-on that is!!!!!

The new addons as well are very immersive also....the fences that line the areas are all there and look great! Still feel some of the buildings need shifting to match the ortho, but that will probably come in time yeah?

Great work guys......looking forward to the next release.




PS. that night lighting is fantastic.....can you put some on the runways???? really hard to land without any runway lighting!!! :)

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PS. that night lighting is fantastic.....can you put some on the runways???? really hard to land without any runway lighting!!! :)

I dont quite understand...

Arent you seeing the runway edge lighting, and the Calvert Aproach Lighting? (See below):


Do you have your own landing lights on? =) (The Archer III that I like to fly in lights up the scenery very nicely), see below:


- CK.

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Downloaded and running......I have runway lights now!!!!! Its looking really nice with HDR, and I love the crane working on the old section of the domestic terminal :)

Runs fine and no FPS hit either!

Cheers Chris...another stella release :)




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Now Adding tree lines, buildings, sheds, houses, electrical poles. This is now considered 0.7:

post-5973-0-61788300-1327354634_thumb.jp post-5973-0-33115400-1327354646_thumb.jp post-5973-0-50165200-1327354653_thumb.jp post-5973-0-97180000-1327354658_thumb.jp

post-5973-0-61695100-1327354667_thumb.jp post-5973-0-23640600-1327354676_thumb.jp post-5973-0-21219800-1327354684_thumb.jp post-5973-0-87949000-1327354692_thumb.jp post-5973-0-11612600-1327354701_thumb.jp

Credits: (So you dont think this was all done by me!): =)

Grass Edges as per Simmo W (capnsully)'s Tutorial (http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=12621)

Grass Imagery from Mihaly (KSGY) from Xplane.hu as part of the "Mow your own grass" Tutorial.

XP10 Buildings/Facades and Lighting courtesy of the built in XP10 Library by Tom (tkyler) Kyler et al at Laminar

Tress Courtesy of Andras (alpilotx) Fabian's excellent Euro-replacement forest textures publicly available on his webpage (http://www.alpilotx.net)

NZCH Airport Buildings courtesy of Robin (RoyalOak) Tannahill, and FSX conversion and derivitave works by Troy Chapman, used with permission.

Hangars and Misc items courtesy of OpensceneryX and their respective authors (http://www.opensceneryx.com/)

Orthophotos courtesy of Land Information New Zealand, used under licence. (http://www.linz.govt.nz/topography)

Ortho Manipulation and PhotoEditing by Florian (FlorianR) Radack.

Florian Deserves as much credit on this project - His awesome photoshop work made all this possible without it looking silly! =)

Telephone Poles courtesy of Nick (Nickster) Ward.

Joe (YYZatcboy) Vermeulen for assistance with testing and good suggestions.

Andrew McGregor for providing me ground photographs of the Airport and Locations of field obstacles.

Andy (Gjalp) for being my most enthusiastic supporter.


- CK.

Edited by chris k
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Version 0.8 Beta

- Florian has nicely photoshopped out all the misc aircraft at the Aeroclub and the Cargo Areas. Looks fantastic now!

- Converted Florian's edited .PNGs to .DDS at Alpha 2.2. Blended perfectly.

- Added Hedgerows North West of Airport.

- Added House/Clutter Objects in the reuse areas North of Airport

- Minor tweaks to trellises, hedgerows, 50%-80% fill densities marked where trees were too tight.

- Fixed Object and Forest Exclusion Zones on East side of airport and South East Corner. No more trees at the entrance and in the fields.

- Fixed a few scenery objects to better representative ones. (FIeld objects, building objects)

- Deleted some objects which just "didn't work well" in their position. (May as well leave them out, and help the FPS instead =) )

- As per Tkyler - We only have 2 more versions to "get it right". =)

VERSION 1.0 RELEASED: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15673

- CK.

Edited by chris k
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Version 0.8 Beta

- Florian has nicely photoshopped out all the misc aircraft at the Aeroclub and the Cargo Areas. Looks fantastic now!

- Converted Florian's edited .PNGs to .DDS at Alpha 2.2. Blended perfectly.

- Added Hedgerows North West of Airport.

- Added House/Clutter Objects in the reuse areas North of Airport

- Minor tweaks to trellises, hedgerows, 50%-80% fill densities marked where trees were too tight.

- Fixed Object and Forest Exclusion Zones on East side of airport and South East Corner. No more trees at the entrance and in the fields.

- Fixed a few scenery objects to better representative ones. (FIeld objects, building objects)

- Deleted some objects which just "didn't work well" in their position. (May as well leave them out, and help the FPS instead =) )

- As per Tkyler - We only have 2 more versions to "get it right". =)


- CK.

Wow Chris at is awesome Its a little heavy on the frame rate but with all that detail it looks real


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Ok, After actually Visting NZCH, there's a series of changes I'll be making for 0.9


- Orange/Green Lights on high-speed exiits from runways (not just Green)

- No CHCH city textures on the jetways, will replace them with untextured (no signage) jetways.

- Safedock system (i.e. autogate) is in use here! I'll pop those in using the Autogate System (So you'll have moving gates etc..)

- Re-check all the signage, as many don't reference RWY '02-20', but just '02' or '20' depending on the end of the runway you're near

- Re-do the "hold 1" and "hold 2" signage on A4

- Fix ILS holds on all runways - there's no wigwags nor ILS flashing lights - just 3 amber hold lights instead.

- Runway Remaining (in meters) at all high-speed entrance/exits facing takeoff traffic. I have the numbers from the AIP.

- Blue Edge Lighting (not Red) in Air Ambualce Parking area.

- Removal of Crane - Its gone now. (was there to signify this is a WIP). =)

If someone can get me accurate labeling as well on taxiway "E" at the hold points before the grass runways... I couldnt quite make them out looking from distance at the terminal.

May as well as be as as accurate as we can =)

The good news - is that after flying above it as well as being on the ground, the entire aerodrome I knew almost from memory at this point. Everything seems to be in the right place (trees, hedges, small buildings, GS, VOR, Ligthing, etc...) all seem very accurate to reality including proportions and sizes.

- CK.

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post-5973-0-91417400-1328074618_thumb.jp post-5973-0-24842700-1328074754_thumb.jp post-5973-0-20913000-1328074950_thumb.jp

Images taken with a beta of X-Plane 11 that fell through a time-portal.

- CK.


[FIXED] Orange/Green Lights on high-speed exiits from runways (not just Green)

[iN PROGRESS] No CHCH city textures on the jetways, will replace them with untextured (no signage) jetways via Autogate

[iN PROGRESS] Safedock system (i.e. autogate) is in use here! I'll pop those in using the Autogate System (So you'll have moving gates etc..)

[FIXED] Re-check all the signage, as many don't reference RWY '02-20', but just '02' or '20' depending on the end of the runway you're near

[FIXED] Re-do the "hold 1" and "hold 2" signage on A4

[FIXED] Fix ILS holds on all runways - there's no wigwags nor ILS flashing lights - just 3 amber hold lights instead.

[FIXED] Runway Remaining (in meters) at all high-speed entrance/exits facing takeoff traffic. I have the numbers from the AIP.

[FIXED] Blue Edge Lighting (not Red) in Air Ambualce Parking area.

[FIXED] Removal of Crane


Cut down (optimized) edge tiles alpha and sizes... saved another 10-12 Mbytes of VRAM.

Deforested some of the thicker hedgerows, they were a little too dense / FPS impacting

- CK.

Edited by chris k
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