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Adding extra functionality to an existing Gizmo aircraft


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Suppose I wanted to add some extra functionality to a payware aircraft which uses Gizmo - for example, completely hypothetical, I'd like to make a radio bus voltage dataref which is just the Laminar avionics bus voltage except zero if the radio switch is off.

Can I tack something like this amongst the existing scripts or is that likely to make things break?

Also, happy new year, if you're in UTC+9 or beyond :)

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This particular hypothetical aircraft already has Gizmo and SASL running side by side... I didn't want to add more scripting frameworks on top of those two, and Lua's implementation of classes (because yes, I did actually want to do a little more than just make one dataref) makes me die inside. If I was to add another scripting plugin, I'd use XPPython3, because I like Python, or just make a C++ or Rust plugin

Happy New Year to everyone in UTC+6 and beyond!

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