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Constant freezes and basically CTD's after 3-8 Minutes


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I have constant freezes and basically CTD's after 3-8 Minutes. Sometimes I'm able to program almost all necessary data into the FMC/CDU and sometimes it already shuts down the sim in preflight. 
I finally bought the aircraft 4days ago, after over 1 1/2 years of hesitation and watching YT videos about it. The last thing I've expected was that I couldn't even get it airborne. I managed to do one actual flight after I've disabled Vulkan, but everybody with a AMD card knows, that that not only reduces FPS but also makes every reflecting surface translucent. I don't have to add, that that isn't an actual option for me. But it shows, that the issue is most probably driver, Vulkan, and or AMD related.


Edited by Frost
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21 hours ago, Pils said:

From the Hot Start Discord server.

Thanks, I'll try that.


I flew two times from EHAM to LOWI now(the old PMDG tutorial flight) with the 1.8. beta version of the CL650 and I didn't had the slightest problem. Ofc I can't discern why, but I tried it one more time with the 1.7. release version and whilst I was setting up the CDU it was the complete same again -freeze and basically CTD. After that I tried  the 1.8. version again and it worked flawlessly again.
I hope it stays that way, but it's looking quite promising.
PS: I didn't even had to tick off, or remove any of my installed plugins.

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