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So, there I was looking at the plugin usage on my XP12 Zibo 737. XLua was taking up more than 50% fps & the fps on the sim was barely 18. I thought this is not right. So, I decided to look at the actual xlua script files for the zibo, I navigate to the plugins/xlua/scripts folder and I see 12 folders. My eyes are drawn to the one named B738.glaresheild. Inside that folder is a file B738.glaresheild.lua. I chuckled to myself as I imagined explaining the "i before e except after c" rule to non-native English speakers.

Then I thought, native English speakers who knew that rule would have corrected the spelling. So, I look in the default XP12 LR B737-800 & sure enough both the folder & the file were spelt incorrectly. But the Zibo 737's origins are XP11. And when I looked in the LR B737-800 in XP11, I find both B738.glaresheild the folder & B738.glaresheild.lua the file.

So, from the time of XP11 release in 2017 through all the updates & then into XP12, 6 years & counting, a simple spelling mistake has not been picked up & corrected. Any half-decent spell checker would pick up such an obvious mistake because "sheild" does not exist in the English language. And people get upset when the software is criticised. The point is not the mistake. We all make mistakes. But to not correct a mistake over 6 years? That tells me something is seriously wrong.

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Interesting. My guess would be that spell checkers would choke often on code so as long as the syntax works then mispelled words can slip by.

As far as sheild goes, I think I've heard Samuel L. Jackson use that term a few times, although no particular movies comes to mind. That might also explain why you want find sheild in English language. Sound too much like the other word.  BTW: Did you find the other word I misspelled in this reply?

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