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Mu-2(2.0.4)-XP12-Pax and Fuel Load Manager + added Payload Stations.

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Hi folks,
Sharing another FlyWithLua script for Mu-2 and updated Aircraft file (5 blades GNS version only) with the following:
1. ACF updated with 9 payload stations (8 Pax + Baggage)
2. Custom Gyration disabled. This allow XP12 to calculate Inertia of loaded Fuel, Pax and Baggage which affect airplane behavior.
Load Manager Menu:
1. Fuel loader to load requested amount of fuel respecting tanks sequence.
2. Pax Loader (up to 8 Pax) with options: Standard Passengers(195Lbs), Random Passengers (70-275 Lbs.), Random Passengers (70-275 Lbs.) respecting given Total Pax weight.
3. Baggage Loader to load requested amount of baggage to Baggage section of aircraft.
4. MTOW validation.
5. XP12 now thinks the plane is adopted to XP12 (I do not know why, but who care).

>>>FlyWithLua required!<<<
Please read READ_ME included for installation and usage.

Why this script exists:
- In Mu-2 fueling is going from center toward tips, while XP12 only allows you to load side tanks first and only then Central tank. This script doing fueling properly.
- Mu-2 model yet not updated to XP12 so it is impossible to load any Pax or weight, also airplane behaves the same despite of load weight. (I'm sure Author will fix this soon)
- I'm doing another Round-the-World trip with Air Hauler 2 for additional fun. So, for any flight I have Fuel, Num of Pax, Pax weight and Baggage weight as numbers. With default XP12 loader it is almost impossible to load aircraft as desired by AH2.

- No parameters of aircraft were changed except Gyration rate disabled, assuming model replicated by Author exactly as it should.
- Now aircraft really behaving and feels differently depends on Payload weight and its positions. Try to land it empty and then with MTOW close to maximum and u'll see. Or use menu to change load mid-flight to notice the difference.
- The code itself is really nightmare since I have no Lua experience at all. But it works, lol.
Have fun and share your thoughts.
-Concider to use gear constant represented on the screen to reduce Main Gear wobling.

Notes for attached Modded_v1_xsMU2B60_5B_GNS.zip - all above plus:
1. Yaw damper constant changed (effect not confirmed properly).
2. Added ventral and wing fins. Picked up from parallel topic here.
3. CG changed as per parallel topic.
5. Trim speed, Gears and Flaps retraction\extension time set as per POH.
4. Main Gear dampening changed to 1012.

1.01 - Open and Close main door buttons added.
1.02 - 5 Blades and 4 Blades GNS ACF added to zip. Screenshot of payload stations added to Zip (use it to update any version of MU-2 in PlaneMaker to have payload and work with script).
1.02+ACF - Notes above.


Script_Menu.jpg.881406e49b268bf63705612c6f86e35f.jpgHow_to_Open.jpg.8fcb3e61a6cdda49355a393d2ce7e009.jpg  Gears_Tunedl.JPG








Edited by OneOffRegistrationUser
Modded ACF Added
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@OneOffRegistrationUser Thanks for those.  (got a nickname? :P)

So a more comprehensive GUI/interactivity is in the planning for the Moo.  I had to learn enough imGUI to get basic Moo prefs in, but couldn't spend a whole lot of time on the GUI design as it can be its own monster.  For the IXEG, I'm having to get a bit deeper into imGUI as we're dumping the old, custom GUI.....and as I do, my comfort zone with it evolves.  My thought is that once the IXEG is ported and more feature complete...I'll turn my interest into GUI development for just these kinds of things.  In the meantime, I really appreciate your efforts and contribution!


Edited by tkyler
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Hi Tom!

Thank you very much! I had a good time doing this, so pleasure is mine!

First off all I'm really surprised I missed this model of Mu-2 while going through buy-n-try of other paywares from that-big-xplane-store-you-know, for my round the globe trip. Your Mu-2 is fantastic and deserve more attention both from development and users.

Regarding GUI and other stuff - I would be happy to help wherever I could. Yes, this particular code if literally programming nightmare, tho I deliberately avoided all that nice looking things and optimization just to save time and make it simple.
I'm also bit concerned about manipulating with model and sharing parts of it as results since I yet not have your permission to do so.
So if you have any idea you think worth trying - just drop me a note. I could try to make it with LUA (also bit familiar with textures), prove the idea and produce general approach for solution. Or small fixes here and there. Then you could incorporate it to next version.
This will also allow end-users to try something new, provide feedback and make some noise. :)

Thank you again, and Best of luck!


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Hi all.
Still taming the beast in XP12. I added modded ACF for 5B GNS version with changes outlined in first post. As per my personal taste with that Moo is bit more stable, not dancing on the tip of the niddle. Looking for your opinion.

I noticed few random interesting things to share:
1. Yaw damper do not produce visual rudder movements and it seems not affecting plane behaviour at all while datarefs are activating and button lit. XP12.
1.a. The plane in general doesn't feels stable in Yaw axis moving nose left and right with any wind and turbulence.
2. Pitot and Intake covers seems are hardcoded in scripts. Even I can set related datarefs and visually covers disappeared - still I once expirienced no-speed-indication landing (it was fun btw).
3. Engine Airstart really works with all that un-feathering and stuf. It was funtastic expirience (fliped fuel switch by mistake at FL210).
4. It will be great to move right tension lever bit forward by default since it is covering Flaps position bulb.
5. Autopilot + GTN750 are unable to do wide slow turns properly (or as I saw in other planes), it looks like turn path being devided to few smaller parts, so plane makes turn, leveling, next turn, leveling and so on. Mb this is how particular AP works, I do not know for sure.
6. Plane is very sensitive to throttle with flaps 20. On glideslope +10% torque change could result VS change from -700 to 0 fpm. Again I do not know if it isn't so IRL.
7. Moo looks fantastic in VR. Instruments' clicks areas required to be bigger tho.

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  • 3 months later...

Just reviewing all my notes for MU2 work and revisiting this thread.  I've definitely gotten deeper into imgui given the IXEG work in progress (see screenshot) and will revisit these implementations you have provided to assess them for inclusion into a more feature-rich GUI.  I'm keeping in the custom gyration for the near term though until I can look at the new pax/weight balance stuff and see how I might could work with that in a more refined GUI.  I'm still a little bit wary of X-Plane's default rotational intertias.




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