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Bug report DJM001 Marker LTS Pilot

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Notice this issue pictured using G500 Five Bladed Prop ACF Ver. 2.0.1.  The marker lights are offset and needs to be put back in their proper place.  Also the white and green light highlighted, don't know of those are suposed to be there or not.  Other than that so far so good, Tom I had been really enjoying your aircraft.  Cheers Dion

MU2_ markerLTS_G500_TKC.jpg

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What happens if you set your upper limit to 0.51 or 0.55 Dion?  I certainly didn't program it with my REV axis checkbox checked....now that being said, some hardware IS indeed differing in these axis ranges and that is the very reason the REV checkbox exists....and if it turns out you need to check REV and I don't with my hardware, then who says who's hardware "gets the normal behavior", etc.   If my hardware axis is backwards, I simply check "Rev axis" and move on.

I'm out of town and do not have my hardware for testing


Edited by tkyler
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Good day to you sir, I hope you are doing very well.  I just wanted to do a follow-up, I played around with the issue some more, with the mindset it's "me" problem trying to find a way to tell the Honeycomb Bravo to reverse the motion of the levers so I would not have to use the reverse check box in X-Plane. I was poking around with the "honeycomb configutor", I found the program only assigns buttons and not lever motions.  So sadly that was a bust, because if I was able to do that outside of X-Plane, then all would be right as rain.

I do want a stress that this is not a deal breaker for me, because as I illustrated in my little video I was able to work around the issue.  I just use the "both lift lever command" and assign it to the go around button on the throttle lever (Opps.),  I think I'm supposed to say "thrust lever" lol, and I'm able to fly the airplane with no issues that way.  

As a side note, I have had to use the reverse check box from time to time on different aircraft addons.  As an example I've had some Carenado aircraft along with Aerobask addons and such, would be configured backwards out of the gate, so therefore I would use the reverse check box to align the thrust levers, to  mirror the Sim lever motion has intended.  Those aircraft do not have the complexity of the throttle quadrant operations such as yours I do have to say however with the initial release of the aircraft along with version 2.0.1 behavior was a opposite then how it is now. Regardless, I do have an old system 2014 vintage and I have had a windows update with my version a windows which is  Win10 Pro.  I don't know if that has any bearing. But who knows, windows updates never breaks anything lol ;)  Cheers to you sir I'll just keep on rocking and rolling and enjoying the aircraft.

PS: Who knows what adventures a awaits us all when X-Plane 12 comes out.  Sarcastically, lol Looking forward to the growing pains with that, hehe. Dion

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