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orbx peopleflow. is it possible in xplane?


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I think that xplane still don't have blending between vertex, so i don't find the way. But I see that the wind sacks or whatever are called in english are bending.

I wanted to make it in my pilots, but I didn't find the technology to do it.

Before as modeller in 3D I am human characteres animator, and have been animating characteres in videogames for several games (dome videos can be seen in my channel of japo32 in youtube) but what I see from those animatios is that always they are loopings that they create in character studio. Don't know if they can manage scripts to change animations depending of what the characters does. For example that is needed in animation of pilots, but as I know the 'scripting' of datarefs don't include vertex animation, so only is possible to animate the members of the body as cut rigids elements overlaping ones to others.

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As usual, anything is possible with the x-plane SDK. The SDK provides the necessary tools to do these kinds of animations. The key is to animate a very large range of motions and to be able to tie one motion into another smoothly. It would take a fair amount of programming to come up with AI logic for all the situations one may desire. I have no idea how in-depth orbx interaction is or how deep it's AI goes. It could be that a character might walk around a building non-stop. I'm sure the videos tend to show the best possible situation to "sell" the product. Ben Russell did a character animation of a ramp worker waving a plane in. It was basic but demonstrated proof of concept. Heck, he did it before orbx probably even tried it's people flow.

For this to make it to x-plane, it'd take some very dedicated work and money. So until x-plane gets more market share and the money flows in this direction, I wouldn't expect to see it for a while. It's possible orbx could port this to x-plane one day dependent on how they structured their code. I'm only speculating but vectors and physics are vectors and physics and it seems they have a lot of work already done. I've said it before and I'll reiterate it here. X-Plane has the technology to do just about anything that FSX can do, x-Plane has the fundamental technology built it.....we just don't have the manpower yet.

Somewhere, sometime, someone will be driven by this single task and we'll see it eventually.

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yes.. I believe they are just loppings... (or jumping from end to start again to people that walk in open circuits). If you want to blend from one animation to another then you need scripting. The animation technique is no problem at all... I have made that several times already.

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i was wandering...

Hehehe, very apt ;)

The OrbX Peopleflow go through scripted paths, and interact only with static scenery as far as I've seen. Still, it looks very impressive! Here is a screenshot at Coff's Harbour, where I shut down this T-45, and probably took 5 minutes staring at the dynamic baggage handlers and ground personnel moving around:


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