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oxygen refilling in TBM900


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I can't seem to find it in the instructions - on the TBM900, in the maintenance manager, the oxygen bottle refill button is grayed out so I can't refill it, and, the inplane oxy psi gauge is showing a red "X" on the MFD. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

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ok, that's very strange.  I've never come across an issue like this before.

Try something.

Go to your X-Plane/Output/TBM/state folder, and remove all files in that folder.  (Put them somewhere safe.  Don't delete them yet.)

Reload X-Plane, and check the oxygen.

Post back results.

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Do you have any external hardware (besides mouse and joystick) hooked up to X-Plane?

If so, disconnect it and see if that changes anything.

If not, A reinstall may be in order.  Your airframe is saved in the Output/TBM900/state folder.  So feel free to back up that entire folder and put it back in to the reinstall.

However, I'm almost certain this will reintroduce the problem.  But feel free to try it.

In the meantime, we'll continue to look into this and see if we can reproduce.

12 hours ago, lucserre said:

So, without oxygen working, how come my pilot doesn't get hypoxia?

The oxygen system that is displayed in the G1000 is for emergency oxygen only.  It's delivered by the oxygen masks above each cockpit passenger.  The cabin is automatically pressurized, and hypoxia will only occur with a ruptured cabin pressure vessel.  When this happens, hypoxia will, indeed, start to come in.

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