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[SOLVED] Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit Installation problems


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I downloaded the CRJ yesterday evening.  Since then, I've been trouble shooting quite a bit trying to get it to work.  The main problem is that a lot of the systems are not working.  For instance, the battery master toggle won't move.  However if I program a keyboard key or joystick button to do the battery master switch it will work (the cockpit lights come on and can be manipulated).  From the tutorial video and the PDF I've gathered that the EICAS screens should turn on.  This doesn't happen.  And if I start x-plane with the aircraft running all the screens will be dark but I can still fly the airplane.  Let me go ahead and give a disclaimer.  I've gotten to the point where the airplane will actually load by installing the CRJ files in the Aircraft directory.  However, if i install the files in the main X-plane folder the program will close a half second after I try to open it.  

I've searched through other posts and haven't found anything similar.  I also noticed it's a big help when people have the crash log but I can't find that in the X-plane directory.

Can anybody offer any advice?  It would be greatly appreciated!

Also, even with all the trouble I've been having, it's still mesmerizing when I look at the cockpit and all the details!  I really can't wait to get it up and running.

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Let me go ahead and give a disclaimer.  I've gotten to the point where the airplane will actually load by installing the CRJ files in the Aircraft directory.  However, if i install the files in the main X-plane folder the program will close a half second after I try to open it.


It very much sounds like you have either:

A) Not followed the installer instructions as presented to you

:) Moved stuff around when you shouldn't

You should:

1. Download the file after purchase from X-Aviation.

2. Unzip the file you download, and run the installer that corresponds to the operating system you use. There are a few Linux installers included depending on your setup.

3. Follow the installer prompts. Make sure you select your X-Plane directory and NOT an aircraft directory for install!

The installer will then install all necessary files where they should go. The CRJ will install to: X-Plane/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200


On to your battery issue:

Are you treating these as switches or manipulators? They are manipulators, and rather than just clicking on them you need to grab the switch and move it with mouse motion. Are you doing this?

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Start by just posting the Log.txt and we will move on from there.

Also, I stongly advise you to NOT copy or move any files anywhere. The installer is there for a reason: It puts all files where it is supposed to work.

If you messed that up, remove ALL those files and reinstall from scratch. Everthing else is begging for problems!


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I've tried clearing out all the CRJ stuff and re-installing multiple times.  I've also used the DVD to "Repair X-Plane" and then tried installing the CRJ how the installer says to.  And I've tried this after updating X-Plane to what is now 9.7.  The "Take Command CRJ 200" Folder is on my desktop.  Does that matter?  Again, I've only been moving stuff around in an effort to troubleshoot and locate the problem.

I've tried everything on the switches.  I'm guessing if I program the keyboard to do something like the battery master switch it should move the switch in the cockpit right?  Right now it's not moving at all. 

Thanks for the speedy reply too!  Much appreciated.


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now here we have the problem:

dlerror:/usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14' not found (required by /home/eeyore/X-Plane 9/Resources/plugins/vascore/lin.xpl)

Your distribution ships with an old version of the GNU libc++. I either suggest upgrade to a more recent version of your distro (Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 have been tested to work well), or if you don't want to upgrade, install yourself libstdc++6, and libc6 to /usr/local/lib32, make sure /usr/local/lib32 is behind /lib and /usr/lib in your /etc/ld.so.conf and do a sudo /sbin/ldconfig after that.


EDIT: Be sure to load the i386 version of the libraries, and NOT the x86_64 version, because X-Plane is a 32bit application, and so is the CRJ.

EDIT: As MdMax pointed out, it is probably sufficient to just install this package http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/lib32stdc++6

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Hi all !

ArthurDent, I'm using the CRJ with Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit and it's working fine, I just also had to install new 32-bit libraries. It's not a problem and X-Plane is my only 32-bit application.

But if you manually install 32-bit libraries, make sure to install them in /usr/local/lib32 or /usr/lib32, because /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib are for 64-bit libraries.

Best regards and happy flying.  8)

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