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Almost every time I want to fill in the destination airport in the FMC I get this screen. The strange thing is that it does not seems to matter. I close it and fly without a single problem. I have not tried the update yet because I do not know how (to lazy to google at this time and the plane works so well that I am a bit afraid to jinx it  :)

Thanks to this plane I am completely hooked on flying airliners, I now have a whole bunch (incl Toliss A319, Rotate mad dog, FF767, FJ727 and FJ732 ) But the IXEG is still my favourite airliner. 




Normally all customers that purchased the IXEG 737 get notified of updates through the email adress they used to register at X-Aviation with.

You can always download the plane again after logging in to X-Aviation (your customer account) and that would give you the latest version

Cheers, Jan



Hi Jan, 

I just tried through X-aviation but that is still version 1.33.
But now I see that In this post  from 23 January you talk about the next update so I must learn to read better, Sorry for that. 

The version I fly is 1.33 and that gives the Gismo crash.  The strange thing is that it never did this before. It started just before I opened this topic. I am flying a historic world trip that someone on the org forum made following a French book,  I am now in Afrika at leg 87 and it started in an area with very few airports around leg 70 or so, Maybe a hint, here were  several airports that my Toliss A319 and FF B767 did not know, while the 737 knew them all. So I fly the 737 the most. I type in the ICAO of the destination in the FMS and nothing happens, then the popup pops-up, I close it and the FMS accepted the input and everything works fine. It happens the most when I type in the destination airport, but yesterday also for the departure airport. It does not happen every flight. I never use the AP so I do not think it is VNAV related, it is all done by manual flying, I do not even use AT. I make a flightplan in littlenavmap, but enter it by hand in the FMS.  And I always exit and reboot Xplane if I switch planes. 


Couldn´t reproduce the error :(. Maybe you can give me the exact steps to get it? I spawned at FXMM, then went to RTE page, entered FXMM in ORIGIN and FAWM in DEST fields and it worked fine...



I just tried it. Spawned, choose preflight: ready to fly (normally I only use cold and dark) , pressed RTE, entered FXMM, pressed pushbutton left of ORIGIN then entered FAWM, pressed the key right from DEST. No response for a couple of seconds and then the same fault message appears. But this time the line numbers are different. They are 2232.192, 2232.199, 2232.200  and 2382.217

The rest is the same. I aborted the flight and included the xplane log file. Maybe that helps. Also info from some other fmc files. No clue if they are useful. But it is not a real problem, I click away the popup and every thing keeps working fine.

This is from cycle_info.txt: 
AIRAC cycle    : 2006
Version        : 1
Valid (from/to): 21/MAY/2020 - 18/JUN/2020

database.txt:  X|2006|21MAY18JUN/20|2005|23APR20MAY/20



Log.txtFetching info...


Wow, your installation of X-Plane is certainly "loaded"... normally I would suggest to remove everything plugin and addon (especially stuff like prefab airports) to test if they interfere...in your case I think a full wipe and careful re-installation of only the most necessary add-ons would be indicated.


Your log is full of error messages related to not finding stuff in the apt.dat and I am sure this is the cause of the gizmo error you see.

Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Saint Barthelemy [TFFJ] TerrainFix\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Hawaii\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Antarctica4XPlane_3v1\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Antarctica4XPlane_2v4\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Antarctica4XPlane_1v4\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\z_ortho_Arizona_Grand_Canyon_HD\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_GB_Demo_TrueEarth_Orthos\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Orbx_B_GB_Demo_TrueEarth_Overlay\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Orbx_A_GB_Demo_TrueEarth_Custom\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\yOrtho4XP_Overlays_v3\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\yOrtho4XP_Overlays\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\zPNG\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Saint Barthelemy [TFFJ] by O.Maaß V1.0.1\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\reykjavik\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\ZZ_DF-Hard_Surface\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\XAirportScenery\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\x_Prefab_Library V8.0 MisterX\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Wrecked_Vehicles\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\world-models\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\THE-FRUIT-STAND Aircraft Library v3.0\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\The_Handy_Objects_Library\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\STATIC LIBRARY\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\SS Segmented Circles\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\simHeaven_Vegetation_Library\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.
Evaluating custom path: D:\x_plane\Custom Scenery\Shoreline_Objects\Earth nav data\apt.dat
Did not find any airport data in this scenery.


In general my recommendation for every X-Plane user is to try to keep the installation as lean as possible. Some folks seem to be unable to resist installing whatever they can find, and at some point things are going go give. Sometimes less is more ;-)

Cheers, Jan

Posted (edited)

It is normally not as bad as it looks. But thanks to you I found a problem. I have Xorganizer and normally I start that first, choose only plugins I need for the plane or just because I want them, only sceneries I need (and global scenery improvements) and often also only one plane or some type of flying (I have a bunch of preset-profiles). But even fully loaded my FPS is good and everything works fine. But I think I know now what went wrong.  I used the wrong profile (for bushflying/heli) But to be sure I now tried my "big tour africa in airliner" profile. 

Same fault but now no errors in the log file. Only one error and  that is the Gizmo error. This is my "minimum" set-up. These are enhancement I will not fly without because they make my Xplane almost as good looking as MSFS2020. (see log.txt )

But to be sure, after that I used my vanilla Xplane profile and only the 737. Still the same problem.  (see log2.txt) But again, not a real problem. I can live with that.

  On 2/5/2021 at 7:38 AM, Litjan said:




Log.txtFetching info... Log2.txtFetching info...

Edited by Fred737
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Although it is not a problem, I do not like the fact that I can not find the cause (probably because trouble shooting is a big part of my job :P )

Just a thought, I also have the Hotstart TBM900, this uses Gizmo too. It just is updated and asked if I wanted to upgrade Gizmo to the beta version. Could it be a conflict between 2 Gizmo versions (xplane using the TBM version for the 737) ?  

An other option, could it be something with the navigation databases, I have a big number of payware planes and some come with a nav database it needs At some point I got a lot of problems with this. I repaired XPlane to get the default one, but some planes did not like that, so I installed the newest I had in custom data.  The 737 is fine with that, it seems to know every airport,  but f.i the Toliss , Flight Factor and Rotate not. Like in Africa they do not know a lot of airports.  But at least they all work for the airports they do know without crashing Xplane or so. I have no subscription and do not fly online so I do not care about not having the latest version, I just want every plane to know all the airports Xplane knows. Do you have tips on how to do that ?  There is very little info about this in the xorg forum. 

Posted (edited)

Hi Fred,

the gizmo versions should not conflict - the plugin resides in /resources/plugins and is a "global" plugin, you only need it once for all of the X-Aviation addons.

The 737 "knows" these airports because it polls the database for all X-Plane airports. Normally a FMC will only poll airports from its database (what you buy from Navigraph or Aerosoft) and this includes only the airports "known" to that database. The 737 polls "all" of the X-Plane airports in addition.

It scans a file called apt.dat. There are several instances of it present in your X-Plane installation, nowadays the most relevant one is in /Custom Scenery/Global Airports/ Earth Nav Data. There is also a "fallback" apt.dat in /resources/default scenery/default apt dat/earth nav data.

My hunch is that your installlation of "Prefab airports" somehow does not jibe with our polling of those apt.dat files.

Cheers, Jan


Edited by Litjan

Thanks, I did not know about the apt.dat file, that was the piece of missing info I needed.   
Looking into this solved an other problem, turns out the Toliss A319  did not had a database problem, it looks if the runway is long enough, if not you can not program the mcdu. 

 I just tried the beta version of gizmo, but It did not solve the gizmo crash. But I leave it like it is for now, before I change things to get worse I am very good at that B)

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