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Frame dropping with xsquawkbox on WIN7 / 64bit


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Hi out there,

maybe somebody else encountered this phenomen. If the xsquawkbox plugin is in the plugin folder I have round 8-10 fps less as without this plugin - same view, same scenerie, same RW, only BATT on.

Regards Tom

I am on WIN 7 / 64bit / 8GB RAM / i7 8core / Nvidia GTX580

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Hey Tom, check your AI plane no's, sometimes if it's over 3 or so, it can slow things down.

I agree, you have a beast of a CPU, so at LESA you should wipe the floor, probably over 100fps! With my ancient 275 getit 30, with 8 Times AA AND extreme res.

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Normally you should have MORE FPS with XSB then without it.

Why? If you have 5 other aircrafts drawn (aircraft & situation settings) their

flight model will be calculated if you don't have the XSB installed. With it,

they are neither shown, nor any flight model is calculated.

I still don't know how people can reach 100FPS. My PC is not that bad at all,

yet only having minor improvements over my old E8400@3.6Ghz and GTX260.

Even with no scenery or even ground textures, i can barely reach 50FPS.

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Normally you should have MORE FPS with XSB then without it.

Why? If you have 5 other aircrafts drawn (aircraft & situation settings) their

flight model will be calculated if you don't have the XSB installed. With it,

they are neither shown, nor any flight model is calculated.

I still don't know how people can reach 100FPS. My PC is not that bad at all,

yet only having minor improvements over my old E8400@3.6Ghz and GTX260.

Even with no scenery or even ground textures, i can barely reach 50FPS.

Try moving your preferences to desktop and seeing if frames jump up when rebuit. Can always move back if not.

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