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How to update AIRAC data on a mac


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Hey guys,

if you're on a mac and want to introduce the new 1106 AIRAC don't make the same silly mistake:

Do NOT ( I repeat: NOT! ;) move the JRollonPlanes directory of your downloades AIRAC file over to the X-Plane home directory. Also do not respond with 'replace' on the following popup.

Because after you do this, the subdirectory 'CRJ200' and the directory to store the saved flightplans will be gone. You will have frameless popup instruments and FMC and you will not be able to have any clicks on the FMC buttons because they are simply not there.

So my hint: After upgrading your AIRAC, see what happened to your JRollonPlanes directory. Missing directories can manually be restored from the installation package.

hope this warning came quick enough for somebody

BTW: I like this bird and the way it is done and supported. Thank you.

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What I do in all updates of Navdata or whatever is always the same in all systems. Unzip it over the desktop. go to NavData folder and SidStar folder and copy them.

Go to JRollonPlanes and move other folder and backup them (in case in new update there is something wrong to recover good data) in other place deleting the ones in that JRollonPlanes folder.

Paste the folders I copied inside JRollonPlanes.


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That will be my next appraoch. Next time.

Maybe it might be worth to inform the upcoming customers from within the installation part of the manual. Especially mac users tend to be lazy mousmovers  ;D (like me).

At least you can reply "You have been warned..." after the next one to complain about the effects he/she produced by 'just clicking'  ::)

have a very nice day

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