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Two crashes during different flights:

1. ca. 30 minutes after take-off

2. ca. 20 minutes after take-off

(see attached crash-log-files)


Help ... running full screen on a Mac.  Just going through the checklist causes it to crash.  Had no issues with v1.0 even running pushback.  Can't fly now ...  >B)

Here's the Log File ... sure would like to get back in the air;

Mac OS X 10.6.7

CPU type: 1765095478 (Pentium) CPU speed (mhz): 3060 Bus speed (mhz): 1064 RAM (MB): 4096

X-System folder:'/Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/', case sensitive=0


AGL_RGBA        : 1







VRAM            : 268435456

OpenGL Vendor    : ATI Technologies Inc.

OpenGL Render    : ATI Radeon HD 4670 OpenGL Engine

OpenGL Version  : 2.1 ATI-1.6.26 (210)

OpenGL Extensions: GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_specular_vector GL_APPLE_transform_hint GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_fence GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators GL_APPLE_element_array GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422 GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_APPLE_float_pixels GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_conditional_render GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_ATI_blend_weighted_minmax GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent

threaded_avail  : 1

tex_clamp_avail  : 1

add_env_avail    : 1

combine_avail    : 1

dis_fog_avail    : 1

tex_comp_avail  : 1

vbo_avail        : 1

pbo_avail        : 0

automini_avail  : 1

aniso_avail      : 1

fsaa_avail      : 1

occlude_avail    : 1

sprites_avail    : 1

sblend_avail    : 1

vprog_avail      : 1 (4096)

fprog_avail      : 1 (4096/2048/2048/2048)

depth_tex_avail  : 1

shad_objs_avail  : 1

vshader_avail    : 1 (16/4096/64/16/16/4096)

fshader_avail    : 1 (4096)

glsl_avail      : 1 (1.20/120)

first-gen shaders: 0

gshader_avail    : 1

buniform_avail  : 1

framebuf_avail  : 1

drawbuf_avail    : 1

drawbuf2_avail  : 1

tex_float_avail  : 1

non_pots_avail  : 1

packed_stencil  : 1

max tex units    : 8 (16/8)

max iso filtering: 16.000000

max texture size : 8192

max point size  : 64.000000

idx in vram      : 1

use_vsync1      : 0

use_vsync2      : 0

CPU count        : 2

HASP USB-key message: hasp_login: no driver installed

Fetching plugins for Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Resources:plugins

Loaded: Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Resources:plugins:PluginAdmin:mac.xpl.

Checklister v1.1: Started

Loaded: Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Resources:plugins:ChecklisterMac.xpl.

PilotView - parsing setup file

PilotView - parsing successful

Loaded: Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Resources:plugins:PilotViewMac.xpl.

DiscreetFPS 1.2

Loaded: Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Resources:plugins:DiscreetFPS:mac.xpl.

Gizmo: v11.5.25+JIT Mac.Intel Starting up...

built: May 25 2011 19:40:11

Gizmo: X-Plane Folder: (/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/)

Gizmo: Graphics Init..

Reserving block of 1024 textures for artist content.

Reserving block of  64 textures for Gizmo.plugin.

Gizmo: Finding Common DataRefs..

Gizmo: Init particles..

Gizmo: Init http thread..

Gizmo: Init Mapping..

Init oven thread..

Gizmo: Init cURL.

Gizmo: Creating menus..

Gizmo: Starting up..

OpenAL Mac: Init..

Gizmo: OpenAL: Creating new context..

Init: Bullet 2.77 - http://www.bulletphysics.org/

Gizmo: Loading NAV constants..

Gizmo: Init IO Jail..

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Disabled: os.execute, os.tmpname, os.exit, io.popen)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Sandboxed: io.open, os.remove, os.rename)

Gizmo: Loading Firmware..

Gizmo: LoadScript from File (firmware_init.lua)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (print function patched.)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Firmware v11.4.25.1049)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Secured IO: io.open: /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/Resources/plugins/Gizmo.plugin/firmware/repo_manifest.lua / r)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Secured IO: Approved safe filename for io.open: (Resources/plugins/Gizmo.plugin/firmware/repo_manifest.lua))

32bit GL upload. RGBA src.

32bit GL upload. RGBA src.

32bit GL upload. RGBA src.

32bit GL upload. RGBA src.

Gizmo: Register Callbacks..

Gizmo: Building Mouse Trap..

Gizmo: XPluginStart - OK.

Loaded: Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Resources:plugins:Gizmo.plugin:mac.xpl.

shrink-wrap: Built: (May  1 2011 15:20:00)

shrink-wrap: Gizmo.plugin is trusted.

shrink-wrap: Author: X-Plane Loading...

shrink-wrap: Descrp: Defaults used.

Loaded: Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Resources:plugins:shrink-wrap.plugin:mac.xpl.

Loaded: Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Resources:plugins:vascore:mac.xpl.

Checklister v1.1: Prefsfile: /Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/Resources/preferences/Checklister.prf

Checklister v1.1: Prefsfile open OK

DiscreetFPS: enabled

OpenAL version  : 1.1

OpenAL hardware  : Built-in Output


I found the following scenery packages (prioritized in this order):

  0 Custom Scenery/AirVenture_Oshkosh/

  1 Custom Scenery/Arizona/

  2 Custom Scenery/Atlanta/

  3 Custom Scenery/AXX_TNCM/

  4 Custom Scenery/Boston/

  5 Custom Scenery/Carolinas/

  6 Custom Scenery/Chicago/

  7 Custom Scenery/China/

  8 Custom Scenery/Dallas_FtWorth/

  9 Custom Scenery/Denver/

10 Custom Scenery/Destination Florida v8 WED/

11 Custom Scenery/Detroit/

12 Custom Scenery/Florida_Central/

13 Custom Scenery/Florida_South/

14 Custom Scenery/goldengate/

15 Custom Scenery/Houston/

16 Custom Scenery/Indiana/

17 Custom Scenery/KansasCity/

18 Custom Scenery/KDCA vs3_1/

19 Custom Scenery/KDCA_Orthophoto/

20 Custom Scenery/KDSM - Des Moines International/

21 Custom Scenery/Liberty/

22 Custom Scenery/Los_Angeles/

23 Custom Scenery/Louisiana/

24 Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo Area/

25 Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo overlay/

26 Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo terrain/

27 Custom Scenery/Mars Demo Area/

28 Custom Scenery/Memphis_Nashville/

29 Custom Scenery/Minnesota/

30 Custom Scenery/Nevada/

31 Custom Scenery/New_England_South/

32 Custom Scenery/NYC/

33 Custom Scenery/Ohio/

34 Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/

35 Custom Scenery/Pennsylvania/

36 Custom Scenery/Portland_KPDX/

37 Custom Scenery/San Juan Puerto Rico int'l/

38 Custom Scenery/SanDiego/

39 Custom Scenery/SanFran_Seattle/

40 Custom Scenery/SF BAY Scott Landing/

41 Custom Scenery/St_Louis/

42 Custom Scenery/VNLK/

43 Custom Scenery/WashDC_Monuments/

44 Custom Scenery/WashDC_Orthophoto/

45 Custom Scenery/Wisconsin/

46 Global Scenery/-global overlays-/

47 Global Scenery/-global terrain-/

48 Resources/default scenery/700 roads/

49 Resources/default scenery/900 beaches/

50 Resources/default scenery/900 europe objects/

51 Resources/default scenery/900 forests/

52 Resources/default scenery/900 red terrain/

53 Resources/default scenery/900 roads/

54 Resources/default scenery/900 us objects/

55 Resources/default scenery/900 world object placeholders/

56 Resources/default scenery/900 world terrain/

57 Resources/default scenery/default apt dat/

58 Resources/default scenery/sim objects/

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}M-5{@R}21R' from airport KDTW)

Syntax error - unknown glyph at @Y^u}TERM

Syntax error - missing closing brace.

(in sign '{@Y,^l}WB{@@,@Y^u}TERM' from airport KIAH)

Syntax error - unknown glyph at @Y^u}TERM

Syntax error - missing closing brace.

(in sign '{@Y,^l}WB{@@,@Y^u}TERM' from airport KIAH)

Syntax error - unknown glyph (

Syntax error - unknown glyph ^

Syntax error - unknown glyph r

Syntax error - unknown glyph }

(in sign '{@Y}WU(^r}' from airport KIAH)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}M-2{@R}32-14' from airport KIND)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

(in sign '{@L}N{^l}M9' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

(in sign '{@L}N{^l}M7' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

(in sign '{@L}N{^l}M8' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

Could not find tile 50 name is ^r

Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame

(in sign '{@L}M{^l}M8{^r}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

Could not find tile 50 name is ^r

Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame

(in sign '{@L}M{^l}M8{^r}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 55 name is ^ld

Could not find tile 54 name is ^ru

Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame

(in sign '{@L}M{^ld}M9{^ru}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

Could not find tile 50 name is ^r

Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame

(in sign '{@L}M{^l}M9{^r}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}C-3{@Y,^l}C{^r}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}B-5{@R}20R' from airport KBNA)

Syntax error - unknown glyph ,

Syntax error - unknown glyph ^

Syntax error - unknown glyph l

Syntax error - unknown glyph }

(in sign '{@Y},^l}C{@L}B{@Y}C{^r}' from airport KMSP)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}K-3{@R}27R-9L' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}K-3{@Y,^l}K{^r}' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}K-3{@Y,^l}K{^r}' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}E-1{@R}17' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-2{@R}27L' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-2{@R}27L' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-1{@R}27L' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}K-1{@R}27R' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-10{@R}9R' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-10{@R}9R' from airport KPHL)

Starting scenery shift at 0

DSF rotate time: 1 for 0 DSFs.

DSF load time: 491989 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-089.dsf

DSF load time: 766658 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-089.dsf

DSF load time: 2791 for file Custom Scenery/Chicago/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-088.dsf

DSF load time: 279208 for file Custom Scenery/Wisconsin/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-088.dsf

DSF load time: 91030 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-088.dsf

DSF load time: 106433 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-088.dsf

DSF load time: 49259 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-087.dsf

DSF load time: 246562 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-087.dsf

DSF load time: 13500 for file Custom Scenery/AirVenture_Oshkosh/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-089.dsf

DSF load time: 166485 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-089.dsf

DSF load time: 696926 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-089.dsf

DSF load time: 51999 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-088.dsf

DSF load time: 115593 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-088.dsf

DSF load time: 85107 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-087.dsf

DSF load time: 339543 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-087.dsf

Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/CRJ200.acf.

Value1: 14.0 Value2: 65.0Value1: 14.0 Value2: 65.0Value1: 19 Value2: 21Value1: 248 Value2: 252Value1: 288 Value2: 292Value1: 29.91 Value2: 29.93Value1: 0.695 Value2: 0.705Value1: 0.745 Value2: 0.755Value1: -1550 Value2: -1450Value1: 0.745 Value2: 0.755Value1: 288 Value2: 292Value1: 248 Value2: 252Value1: 181 Value2: 190Value1: 171 Value2: 180Value1: 154 Value2: 170Value1: 118 Value2: 153Value1: 58 Value2: 82Gizmo: C-Core:AircraftChanged()

Gizmo: Calling OnBeforeReboot()

Gizmo: Aircraft name: (CRJ200.acf)

Gizmo: Aircraft path: (/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/)

Gizmo: X-Plane Relative Folder Path: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/)

Gizmo: X-Plane Relative File Path:  (Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/CRJ200.acf)

Gizmo: Entered gizmo_Restart(..)

Gizmo: Cleaning up..

Reset timers..

Reset menus..

Reset GUI Widgets..

Reset GUI Windows..

Reset OBJ8 handles..

Gizmo: Releasing loaded objects in array, count: 0

Reset datarefs..

Reset Bullet Physics..

Reset OpenAL..

Gizmo: Cleaning up OpenAL: Closing context and device.

Reset Particle Engines..

Reset Lua..

Releasing all X-Plane overrides.

Gizmo: Cleanup Finished.

Gizmo: Starting up..

Gizmo: OpenAL: Using shared OpenAL context..

Init: Bullet 2.77 - http://www.bulletphysics.org/

Gizmo: Loading NAV constants..

Gizmo: Init IO Jail..

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Disabled: os.execute, os.tmpname, os.exit, io.popen)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Sandboxed: io.open, os.remove, os.rename)

Gizmo: Loading Firmware..

Gizmo: LoadScript from File (firmware_init.lua)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (print function patched.)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Firmware v11.4.25.1049)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Secured IO: io.open: /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/Resources/plugins/Gizmo.plugin/firmware/repo_manifest.lua / r)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Secured IO: Approved safe filename for io.open: (Resources/plugins/Gizmo.plugin/firmware/repo_manifest.lua))

32bit GL upload. RGBA src.

32bit GL upload. RGBA src.

32bit GL upload. RGBA src.

32bit GL upload. RGBA src.

Gizmo: MD5: /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/CRJ200.acf: ea7945932594e3f816cae83a5fab7bd8

Releasing all X-Plane overrides.

Gizmo: Loading init...

Gizmo: LoadScript from File (init.lua)

Gizmo: Event Map cleared.

Gizmo: logging.debug: (CRJ200.acf)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/)

Gizmo: logging.debug: (boot)

Gizmo: Completed gizmo_Restart(..)

shrink-wrap: Aircraft path: (/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/)

Fetching plugins for Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Aircraft:X-Aviation:CRJ-200:plugins

Loaded: Macintosh HD:Users:ddblank:Desktop:X-Plane 9:Aircraft:X-Aviation:CRJ-200:plugins:CRJAvionics:mac.xpl.

WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/objects/Cockpit_Main.obj has normals of the wrong length.

WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/objects/Cockpit_PanelCentral.obj has normals of the wrong length.

WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/objects/Cockpit_PanelSuperior.obj has normals of the wrong length.

WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/objects/Cabin.obj has normals of the wrong length.

Preload time: 1136215.

Total load time: 27

Gizmo: logging.debug: (Gizmo Shell 11.4.25)

[CRJ] Loading navdata.

[CRJ] 10613 airports were loaded.

[CRJ] 7856 ndb were loaded.

[CRJ] 4289 vor were loaded.

[CRJ] 6069 ils were loaded.

[CRJ] 202244 intersections were loaded.

[CRJ] 8365 airways were loaded.

HASP USB-key message: hasp_login: no driver installed

Gizmo: OpenGL<->Physics Offset Default Init: -32656.932, 119.862, 5974.695

Gizmo: Tried to use physics engine without loading an OBJ8 file. Ignored, can't draw!

HASP USB-key message: hasp_login: no driver installed

Gizmo: logging.debug: (IPC kickoff)

shrink-wrap: License file: (/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/ddblank/Desktop/X-Plane 9/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/license_key.txt)

shrink-wrap: License Verified. Sending Systems.

Gizmo: Plugin Message: com.x-aviation.shrink-wrap is sending us a text chunk of Lua script.

Gizmo: LoadScript from Buffer (com.x-aviation.shrink-wrap/text/xpl-ipc)

Gizmo: Event Map cleared.

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}M-5{@R}21R' from airport KDTW)

Syntax error - unknown glyph at @Y^u}TERM

Syntax error - missing closing brace.

(in sign '{@Y,^l}WB{@@,@Y^u}TERM' from airport KIAH)

Syntax error - unknown glyph at @Y^u}TERM

Syntax error - missing closing brace.

(in sign '{@Y,^l}WB{@@,@Y^u}TERM' from airport KIAH)

Syntax error - unknown glyph (

Syntax error - unknown glyph ^

Syntax error - unknown glyph r

Syntax error - unknown glyph }

(in sign '{@Y}WU(^r}' from airport KIAH)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}M-2{@R}32-14' from airport KIND)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

(in sign '{@L}N{^l}M9' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

(in sign '{@L}N{^l}M7' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

(in sign '{@L}N{^l}M8' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

Could not find tile 50 name is ^r

Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame

(in sign '{@L}M{^l}M8{^r}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

Could not find tile 50 name is ^r

Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame

(in sign '{@L}M{^l}M8{^r}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 55 name is ^ld

Could not find tile 54 name is ^ru

Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame

(in sign '{@L}M{^ld}M9{^ru}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 49 name is ^l

Could not find tile 50 name is ^r

Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame

(in sign '{@L}M{^l}M9{^r}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}C-3{@Y,^l}C{^r}' from airport KMEM)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}B-5{@R}20R' from airport KBNA)

Syntax error - unknown glyph ,

Syntax error - unknown glyph ^

Syntax error - unknown glyph l

Syntax error - unknown glyph }

(in sign '{@Y},^l}C{@L}B{@Y}C{^r}' from airport KMSP)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}K-3{@R}27R-9L' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}K-3{@Y,^l}K{^r}' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}K-3{@Y,^l}K{^r}' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}E-1{@R}17' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-2{@R}27L' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-2{@R}27L' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-1{@R}27L' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}K-1{@R}27R' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-10{@R}9R' from airport KPHL)

Could not find tile 37 name is -

(in sign '{@L}S-10{@R}9R' from airport KPHL)

Starting scenery shift at 17

DSF load time: 205777 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-089.dsf

DSF load time: 722704 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-089.dsf

DSF load time: 220 for file Custom Scenery/Chicago/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-088.dsf

DSF load time: 435 for file Custom Scenery/Wisconsin/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-088.dsf

DSF load time: 87722 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-088.dsf

DSF load time: 106526 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-088.dsf

DSF load time: 50276 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-087.dsf

DSF load time: 244025 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+42-087.dsf

DSF load time: 457 for file Custom Scenery/AirVenture_Oshkosh/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-089.dsf

DSF load time: 164023 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-089.dsf

DSF load time: 695052 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-089.dsf

DSF load time: 49001 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-088.dsf

DSF load time: 114853 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-088.dsf

DSF load time: 79508 for file Global Scenery/-global overlays-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-087.dsf

DSF load time: 337002 for file Global Scenery/-global terrain-/Earth nav data/+40-090/+43-087.dsf

Preload time: 1107488.

Pilot View - Found 'PilotView.dat' file, will use that

Pilot View - Found 'PilotViewLimits.dat' file, will use that

Pilot View - Found 'PilotViewEffects.dat' file, will use that


what 1.0 plugins? CRJ? does the installer supposed to uninstall everything of 1.0 before installing 1.1 version? If it doesn't then we have a bug in the installer maybe. Or maybe I missunderstood.


what 1.0 plugins? CRJ? does the installer supposed to uninstall everything of 1.0 before installing 1.1 version? If it doesn't then we have a bug in the installer maybe. Or maybe I missunderstood.

Yes, the installer does this for you. Some people have tried to remove files on their own, or move locations of the product, and this causes issues.

To everyone here:

When you install 1.1 (This was said in the update e-mail notice as well), the installer will detect whether you have a 1.0 or no install at all of the CRJ. Depending on your situation, the installer will do everything for you. There is no need for you to manually remove 1.0, and you shouldn't!


We have indentified the possible culprits:

1. Old debris from the CRJ 1.0 installation

An old version of vascore cannot work with the CRJ 1.1 avionics software. Please be sure to follow the installation instructions of the 1.1 installer carefully.

Don't move old files along or have several versions of the CRJ installed in parallel. This WILL Crash!

2. XPushback

XPushback seems to consume messages not intended for it. The CRJ exchanges a lot of messages with the vascore plugin. The codes used are randomly selected, so it is highly unlikely that XPushback and vascore share message codes. XPushback seems to consume ALL kinds of messages and chokes up on that. I can not do anything about that. This will need to be solved in co-work with the developer of XPushback. However, as the XPushback homepage states development is stopped, so I don't know if there will be any response. If all else fails, you need to remove XPushback for flying the CRJ.

3. Other plugins??

If you have a crash while not using XPushback, please report.

4. Broken fonts

I have seen two crash reports in this thread related to broken fonts in OSX.

You can identify them by a crash involving the "HandleOFAScalerMessage" function. If you google for this fault, you will find that this is related to having either duplicate or incorrectly converted fonts installed. To fix this:

1. Open Fontbook

2. Select All (Cmd + A)

3. Select "Validate Fonts" from the file menu.

4. Remove any fonts marked as invalid or duplicate

For more info, please consult this article at Apple Support: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2509



i didn't delete the old plugins for me?

I or it didn't delete the plugins. OK.. better said:

1. did you deleted the plugins by your own by hand?

2. did you not deleted them (anything) before installing 1.1 so 1.1 supposed to delete 1.0 version but you found still data of 1.0 "behind" after 1.1 install?


Better yet...

Can you explain which 1.0 plugins you had left behind? Was this in the aircraft folder, or the resources/plugins folder?

I have tested this over and over and over now. Each time I install 1.0, run 1.1, and then fly X-Plane. All 1.0 files are deleted, and 1.1 works flawlessly.

Thanks for any info!

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