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[SOLVED] FMS Direct To: Function


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Easy.. I is supposed you fly the route... so you can

1. copy the point to want to fly direct from the legs page, so you shortcut.

2. type the fix in the scratchpad (if it is not in the legs.. or even it is).

then just press the LEFT FUNCTION KEY of the FMS next to magenta next active waypoint. It is better for me to do it after the magenta one so the plane don't makes a suddently change in turn.

If the point was in the LEGS page before, then it will delete all the points before that one (and also that point).

All it is inside the manuals.

But the plane is not going to fly from the actual point it is to a fix directly if you are not inside the route. Only directs FROM the route.... so you have to return to the route before doing the direct to.

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Will improbe som things, but this is lime real one. We followed real fms manual

Really does this FMC does not have a "Direct To". I assume that I see the look of the real one - so we can look forward for cool features in the future. This is what I love on good payware - we are going deep into the systems. Happy to hear that you follow the real one.

Regards Tom

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From what I can gather inserting a Fix into the Magenta (active) line of the legs page does not result in a "direct to" your new fix from your present position.  It will merely draw your course on the MFD from whatever fix was last active.  The result is that you still need to estimate a heading to fly to this new fix or fly an intecept heading to this incorrect course.  It would be quite beneficial to have the FMS logic re-insert the aircraft's present position in the top (LSK1, aqua blue) line when entering a new fix to go direct to in the magenta line (LSK2); that way you will be able to fly a direct to course with the FMS nav mode.

Thanks so much for your hard work Jrollon.  This aircraft sets a new standard for x-plane!

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Thanks to you.

I hope that we find the energy and time to improve the plane to new functions in future. As I said I cannot promise that because we are only 2 people making this plane, and x-aviation giving support and installation. If Philipp find the way and energy and time then I would like to continue making more things inside this plane. Even make a good failure system. But I cannot promise.


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Yes. There are two ways doing directs. Dir page and in LEGs also. In real FMS.

when having only 3 months to end the CRJ I decided to only include the LEGs option in 1.0 version and in future try to implement the DIR page.

Why the DIR page is not easy? Because also has to program the nearest airports function. I want to include that in future releases, but we have to see if we can do it.

For now it is totally possible to fly a Direct as the real one inside the LEGs page, so the only missed here is in case of failure find the closer airport. But you can show the airports in MFD and choose the one you want to go. Of course this is not the 100% as the real CRJ but it is close enought to feel very confortable flying. Of course everyone has a different "armchair" model where he feels confortable in...  :)


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