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Issues i found over 8 hours of flight.


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Some of the issues I noticed.

Anyone else having trouble damaging the plane? Is the damage model working? Seems like i cant damage the flaps.. engine.. wheels.. its a sturdy plane.. not a study plane.

NT model also having issues with avionics switch. The switch doesn't do anything.

Ice lights lighting up the wing even tho its not switched on. 

Internal lighting flashing at ceiling area due to the strobe lights.

Luggage door internal label doesn't "stick" on the door.

During night the whole prop lights up when landing lights are turned on.

Landing lights light bulb shining thru the engine cover.

Sounds i know developers are working on it.. Doesn't sound like the FMOD trailer. 


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There's already been discussion on everything you've pointed out, devs have acknowledged, except for landing lights shining through engine cover and I don't believe I've seen much on the damage model. Keep up the reports as they are actively working to fix a lot of this stuff. I figure this first patch, hopefully, will be addressing quite a few issues people have been reporting.

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  • Damage model is in there, I will look into the flap logic and make sure that is working as designed. Engine, oh you can definitely damage it and same with wheels. There was a post on our Discord today from someone who decided to take the plane up to 31,000 ft (not a good idea), and all the engine damage that ensued (loss of a cylinder from detonation, etc). These planes are built with large safety factors, most simulation failure models are way less forgiving than the real aircraft are, we have a failure model that fails when it should, not more than it should for the effect.
  • Avionics switch on the SR22s doesn't work the same as other aircraft, it only controls the Avionics bus which the most obvious items on it are the transponder and audio panel. 
  • The rest of the graphical bugs are known and being worked on, along with sounds

Thanks for the report!

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