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[SOLVED] CRJ-200 installed then x-plane crashed

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Ok.. but I think only in a few 10.5 run... you won't have problems (I guess) if you go to 10.6.

Are you saying that the aircraft won't operate on 10.5.8?

As of right now, that sounds like the cause and source of your problem, yes.

10.6 is a relatively cheap update (very), and saves on a LOT of hard drive space. I recommend this update to ANYONE with a Mac and meets the system requirements for it! It also has enhanced graphic drivers, and should be used, in my opinion.

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Ok.. but I think only in a few 10.5 run... you won't have problems (I guess) if you go to 10.6.

Are you saying that the aircraft won't operate on 10.5.8?

As of right now, that sounds like the cause and source of your problem, yes.

10.6 is a relatively cheap update (very), and saves on a LOT of hard drive space. I recommend this update to ANYONE with a Mac and meets the system requirements for it! It also has enhanced graphic drivers, and should be used, in my opinion.

What a shame.

I'll need to get a refund if this plane doesn't work on 10.5 - I tested my system using your hardware 'Minimum Hardware Diagnostic" installer it told me my machine running 10.5.8 did in fact meet the requirements to run the CRJ200. Upgrading to 10.6 is out of the question for me a this point in time. Please advise next steps.

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We are still investigating this further.

Our last tests did show it working in 10.5.x, however, on your system it appears to be a possible culprit.

I am curious...why is 10.6 out of the question for you? I'm trying to understand the logic here...

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We are still investigating this further.

Our last tests did show it working in 10.5.x, however, on your system it appears to be a possible culprit.

I am curious...why is 10.6 out of the question for you? I'm trying to understand the logic here...

Running tons of creative suites of software that are specifically for 10.5.8 - If I upgrade to 10.6, I have to upgrade everything = thousands and thousands of dollars. I won't migrate to 10.6 for a while - no need everything is very stable.

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We cannot be testing the plane in every system. We can still help you when Philipp comes clarify if it is necesary for you update to 10.6. But I believe you maybe cannot update now as other users has low computers, but you will on future, so the plane that now is useless for you right now (if that is the real reason) it will work.

Please wait to Philipp has to say. Thanks.

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otools is part of the Apple Developer Tools (XCode). If you don't have them installed, it won't work. Moreover, if you are not confident in using Terminal, scratch that suggestion.

Wait for the 1.1 version, if this also doesn't work for you, contact Cameron for a refund.


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Well im going to upgrade to 10.6 tommorow i hope and i hope that this allows me to fly this plane, unless your going to update it to work on 10.5.8 then ill just wait and keep 10.5. Can you let me know if this is what your planing to do so i can just keep 10.5 and save me some money becuase i already paid $60 for the plane i would hate to go spend more on snow leopard.

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Well im going to upgrade to 10.6 tommorow i hope and i hope that this allows me to fly this plane, unless your going to update it to work on 10.5.8 then ill just wait and keep 10.5. Can you let me know if this is what your planing to do so i can just keep 10.5 and save me some money becuase i already paid $60 for the plane i would hate to go spend more on snow leopard.

No promises here. We will see what happens.

That said, I highly recommend the upgrade! Better display drivers, WAY less hard drive space (meaning you get more back for more apps or files), and a VERY cheap upgrade at that!

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Hi. I hope this is the relevant place.

Got CRJ yesterday, Installed.

Plane Loads see cockpit, Master caution Light comes on then game exits.

I have installed a few times same prob.

I have installed the demo, again same prob.

I haved passed the test prog. released a few weeks ago.

Hopefully easy fix.


Process:         X-Plane [527]

Path:            /Users/Troy/Desktop/X-Plane 9/X-Plane.app/Contents/MacOS/X-Plane

Identifier:      com.laminar_research.X-Plane

Version:         9.67 (398)

Code Type:       X86 (Native)

Parent Process:  launchd [113]

Crashes Since Last Report:           -1

Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1

Date/Time:       2011-05-22 14:09:48.522 +1000

OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a)

Report Version:  6

Anonymous UUID:  2BDF478F-E074-4369-BA87-DFE96FC9A468


Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000

Crashed Thread:  0

Dyld Error Message:

 Symbol not found: __ZSt16__ostream_insertIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_PKS3_i

 Referenced from: /Users/Troy/Desktop/X-Plane 9/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/plugins/CRJAvionics/mac.xpl

 Expected in: flat namespace

on Demo

Process:         X-Plane [967]

Path:            /Users/Troy/Desktop/X-Plane 9 Demo/X-Plane.app/Contents/MacOS/X-Plane

Identifier:      com.laminar_research.X-Plane

Version:         9.69 (398)

Code Type:       X86 (Native)

Parent Process:  launchd [113]

Crashes Since Last Report:           1

Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1

Date/Time:       2011-05-22 18:00:57.751 +1000

OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a)

Report Version:  6

Anonymous UUID:  2BDF478F-E074-4369-BA87-DFE96FC9A468


Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000

Crashed Thread:  0

Dyld Error Message:

 Symbol not found: __ZSt16__ostream_insertIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_PKS3_i

 Referenced from: /Users/Troy/Desktop/X-Plane 9 Demo/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/plugins/CRJAvionics/mac.xpl

 Expected in: flat namespace

Model: iMac8,1, BootROM IM81.00C1.B00, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 1 GB

Graphics: kHW_ATIr600M74Item, ATI Radeon HD 2400, spdisplays_pcie_device, 128 MB

also folders contain all the plugins files.

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This is exactly the same error as above: The currect CRJ software apparently has an incompatibility with the C++ standard library included in OSX 10.5.

The upcoming CRJ 1.1 version is built with some compatibility options that should make it work on 10.5 also, but as Cameron already pointed out, there is really no reason to stick to 10.5, as the Snow Leopard update is both inexpensive and also a great improvement in overall usability.


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X-Plane crash on CRJ-200 load under Vista 64-bit solved!

X-Plane (newest version as of today) would crash (and close entirely) as soon as the cockpit of the CRJ-200 appeared on the screen after loading.

After reading through this thread and trying some of the suggested things I found the specific source of my crashing.

As was suggested by a previous poster the cultrip is the plugin:



As soon as I removed these from my global plugins folder ("X-Plane 9/resources/plugins/") the CRJ-200 runs without a hitch, at least from engines running status (just starting trying it out). So no more crashing. My version is from 27/11/2010, so I don't know if a new version of XPUIPC is out that might not present this problem.

ps. Also tried removing Airport_Nav_Win.xpl, that had no effect in my particular case.

On another note, on my first flight I was trying the jet out in various conditions, both for performance and general handling reasons.

So there I was at FL180 flying through a blizzard when my cockpit windows actually iced over! And I thought to myself this is fantastic attention to detail, not only do you have functioning windshield wipers (and rain on the windows!) but icing has been implemented. Therefore I made my way to the forums to share what I found, so others may enjoy this great jet as well.

In my humble oppinion I must say that the price is worth it, and in my case at least it performs well** as long as I turn off pixel shading, and it's handling feels appropriately "solid/heavy" for a jet.

I have a feeling I'm going to be doing a lot more IFR flights in the near future.

**i5-2500K, 8GB ram, GTX460 1 GB ram, UK photographic scenery, converted FS9 airport scenery, no roads/traffic, pixel shading off, x4 anti-aliasing/antisotropic, everything else maxed, full screen.

FPS=30-60 FPS on airfield depending on weather during the day, might drop a little with night lights. Tried this out on Heathrow as well using the converted FS9 Heathrow XTreme with the same result, which is great considering it's probably the most demanding airport scenery available atm.  :)

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