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Strange issue with SMP 4.6


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I had my SkymaxxPro 4.6 set to Broken overcast, but when starting XP11.10 in HD mode the sky just displays a complete dithering (like 'snow' on an old TV), no clouds or sky colour at all!  If I change the setting to HD Clouds, it works fine but FPS drops. Is it right that one can only use HD Cloud setting under overcast settings when XP is set to HD Texture mode, or is this a bug?

I don't have Real Weather Connector but currently use NOAA Weather plugin instead.

Any help / advice would be appreciated.


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This is probably an issue with the NOAA weather plugin creating an unrealistically thick stratus cloud layer, which can result in graphical anomalies if solid or broken overcast is selected. I don't think there's really much reason to use the NOAA plugin in X-Plane 11 from what I understand - its built in real world weather works quite well. But another workaround would be to use HD Cloud Puffs instead (or use Real Weather Connector which won't do that.)

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Many thanks for your advice.  I decided to remove NOAA Weather Plugin and purchase Real Weather Connector.

However, after installing Real Weather Connector when running XP11.10 I do not get the Authorisation pop-up for RWC and Real Weather Connector is not appearing in the SkyMaxxPro 4.6 Menu option as described in the manual.  See attached screenshots.

Please advise why this should be the case and what is preventing it installing properly.  Does RWC require a later version of Python than 2.7.12 (64bit)?


Stuart Hyett

screenshot.2017-12-18 (3).jpg

screenshot.2017-12-18 (2).jpg

screenshot.2017-12-18 (1).jpg


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Ignore my above post.  Did not realise I had to it [Update] in the pop-up above as this was not per the documentation, and it does say Next License Check in 11 days.

Most confusing.  After having hit Update the dialogue box no longer reappears when cancelled and low-and-behold Real Weather Connector appears in the menus.

Perhaps your documentation needs to be revisited to be clearer.


Stuart Hyett

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