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SMP has got stuck and cannot load the different texture sets


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During my first flight with SMP, RWC and FSGRW, I had wonderful skies full of beautiful cloud formations.

During last night's flight, regardless of what I selected in the SMP menu, the cloud textures and the layout of the clouds in the sky was always exactly the same.

It feels like the app has got stuck and cannot refresh the cloud texture set or cloud layout in the sky.


Is this a known error? Is there someway that I can reset the application without reinstalling it?


Thanks for your help,



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I'm not sure I understand the issue. For a given set of weather conditions, you should get exactly the same cloud layout every time. That way, if you have multiple simulators in a virtual cockpit, you can be sure it all syncs up properly.

Perhaps the issue is that your weather conditions weren't updating - that may be an issue related to your installation of FSGRW. You might want to try running without FSGRW as a test, or put RWC in "always" mode in order to bypass it.

As for your specific question, there is a "reset" button in the SMP configuration screen. But if you suspect an installation issue, only a re-installation can clear that up.

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Sorry, hard one to try to explain.

It doesn't matter which cloud texture set or stratus selection I choose, the clouds always looks exactly the same in sim. The same textures are shown in the same positions. SMP can't load different texture sets.

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The stratiform selection won't always affect the scene when RWC is in use. For example, "solid stratiform" can only be used if the entire surrounding area is reporting stratus clouds at the same alititude, so it may not be used even if it's selected.

You should definitely be seeing a difference in cumulus clouds between "fast", "soft", and "crisp", but again it's complicated - the clouds surrounding you may be stratus or stratocumulus, in which case this setting wouldn't affect the clouds in your scene.

Then there's the cirrus settings - these only affect the high, wispy clouds you might not even see from lower altitudes.

Short story: it's complicated. The settings only affect specific cloud types, which may or may not be in your scene - and there are weather scenarios where certain cloud representations just can't be used.


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Also keep in mind "texture sets" only affect the look of individual cloud puffs, not clouds as a whole. If you're used to weather add-ons from other simulators where entire clouds are a single texture - SMP doesn't work that way! Each cloud is a 3D object composed of many individual puffs, and changing the puff textures won't change the shapes of the clouds, or their positions.


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After resetting my SMP settings, everything appears to be working again.

SMP really is a great piece of kit, good job Sundog team.

Shots below from a hazy and hot summer evening here in the UK. CAVOK with random patches of cloud, couldn't have been a better portrayal. Flown at daytime to enjoy the landscape.




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