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DC-3 in X-plane 11

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If you look in the org downloads there are some EPOCH liveries for the DC3. These reduce the number of scratches and the instruments are very easy to read.

http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/36608-epoch-alaska-air-for-les-dc-3/ for XP10


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Hello Bob Denny...  I referenced your excellent Radio Range work on page 1 of this thread... trying to cajole these guys to look at VR and historic navigation possibilities for their DC-3, agree on the GPS, not for this bird !

Although, the other day I got to peek into the cockpit of EAA's Aluminum Overcast B-17...  they have a dual 430 stack !


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  • 1 month later...
15 hours ago, Goran_M said:

Details?  What happened?  


Propeller RPM on one side only goes up for the 1st part of the throttle. Up to 1000 RPM I think. That's what the gauge said, and making a constant left turn while trying to take off kinda confirmed it. I did not fidlle too much with it except trying to re-install, because I 'had a job to do' (in FSE). I will check some more when I come home from work.


EDIT: Ok, so I came home from work. My first thought was to try the float version, since I've never touched it, ever. Guess what... It worked fine. So I switched to the wheels version, and it works fine too :huh:

I don't get it. I did reinstall it, I did reboot between uninstall and reinstall, and after. I did try a 1900D and an A36, and then the DC-3 again and the problem persisted. Yet today it seems fine....

So, anyways.... just ignore me :unsure:

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Uhm... Sorry :angry:


So after typing that I booted up X-Plane again and wanted to fly. The problem is back. The left engine is merely 'wobbling' along. If I excessively 'start' it, it will run normal for a very short period and then fall back. It looks like a failure, but even if I reset all failures, the problem persists.... :(

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If it's something random, then I would suspect it's something on your end.  I just tried loading it up and flying it, and everything works fine.  

In cases like this, it looks like a plug in conflict.  I would suggest removing all your plug ins, except Gizmo, then try it again.  Several times if possible.  If it works, then replce the plug ins, 1 at a time, loading up the DC3 each time, until the problem returns.


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Thanks, I found it. Apparently I now have to wiggle my throttle quadrants to make sure it detects the proper value it's set on. So what happened was that the TQ lever for the left engine mixture was detected halfway down (untill I move it), resulting in a stuttering/underpowered left engine -_-


Thanks for the responses :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi. So please clarify for me what I should do to get this great aircraft working in XP11? I'm starting from say a fresh download using the installer and place in the XP11 Root folder?

Load the aircraft into Planemaker  and save?

I did see some liveries on the forum that are for XP11 which provide instruction to make the DC-3 work in XP11 like changing some of the OBJ files in the object folder. Is this something to be done in addition to saving the aircraft in Plane maker?

My first attempt was to copy the DC-3 folder from XP10 and past into XP11 and then copy and paste the GIzmo plug in to XP11 resources - plug in folder. I opened the aircraft, the battery switches would not work. I removed the gizmo plug in and then everything worked except the starter switch which I got working with a keystroke Ctrl+1 and ctrl+2 (default keystokes in xp10). The plane flew fine except the altimeter guage, vertical speed, and airspeed guage didn't work. Kind of important gauges when flying ;)

How do you load a plane into planemaker?

Anyway, I do love this plane and appreciate any help.

Thanks Rob

I use Windows 7, i7 4790 3.6ghz with boost to 4.0. GTX 1070 8G.

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What follows is all unofficial and you are to proceed at your own risk!


The DC3, in it's current state, is unsupported in XP11.  Although, for the most part, it appears to be working.

You definitely need Gizmo to run the DC3.  Removing it will disable, as you say, engine start and various gauges.  

I wouldn't change anything in the obj files just yet.  Even if it is just making changes to get shine and reflection.  If you're getting ideas from other people, then proceed carefully!

To open an aircraft in Planemaker,  Open Planemaker and load the .acf file.  Then hit "File" and "Save".  Then Exit.

FYI...An update is coming and is getting very close to completion..

Good luck.


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19 hours ago, Goran_M said:

What follows is all unofficial and you are to proceed at your own risk!


The DC3, in it's current state, is unsupported in XP11.  Although, for the most part, it appears to be working.

You definitely need Gizmo to run the DC3.  Removing it will disable, as you say, engine start and various gauges.  

I wouldn't change anything in the obj files just yet.  Even if it is just making changes to get shine and reflection.  If you're getting ideas from other people, then proceed carefully!

To open an aircraft in Planemaker,  Open Planemaker and load the .acf file.  Then hit "File" and "Save".  Then Exit.

FYI...An update is coming and is getting very close to completion..

Good luck.


Thanks for the response. I did everything and it works really well. In fact, someone earlier mentioned that the plane flys better in 11 than 10 and I do agree, for sure. I appreciate your advise. 

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  • 3 months later...
13 minutes ago, rcburse said:

Well thanks for responding. Are you thinking inside of six months or outside? Just don't want to keep looking for the update if it's going to be far off. 

Thanks Goran_M

I want this one out well BEFORE CHRISTMAS.  Never mind any 6 month estimates.  If I'm not done with the flight model, mesh and textures by the end of this month, I'll be seriously angry with myself.  The huge majority of it is done.  Including what I did over the last few days (which was pretty ridiculous, but it had to be done).  
Bottom line, nothing is a certainty, but barring any unforeseen acts of God, or some crazy issues I might run in to, this should be out before Christmas.

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43 minutes ago, Goran_M said:

I want this one out well BEFORE CHRISTMAS.  Never mind any 6 month estimates.  If I'm not done with the flight model, mesh and textures by the end of this month, I'll be seriously angry with myself.  The huge majority of it is done.  Including what I did over the last few days (which was pretty ridiculous, but it had to be done).  
Bottom line, nothing is a certainty, but barring any unforeseen acts of God, or some crazy issues I might run in to, this should be out before Christmas.

Let me know if you need a beta test pilot. I would be very happy and honored to help out. I was seven years old back in the 1960's when I flew one of these from New York to Hartford on the lap of the pilot. This plane has a very special place in my heart :) 

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