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Best setup for SMP and RWC


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Before I went on vacation the NOAA site for WX metars was unplugged with total confusion and there was a problem with poor frame rates with the Windows 10 1607 update.  I have returned from vacation a bit confused about the best setup for using current metars. I have Sky Max Pro current update and RWC current update. I also have the Noaweather plugin script and use EFASS which has UltraWX. Previously I used the Noaweather plugin set RWC to ALWAYS IGNORE X-PLANE SETTINGS and as the Noaweather plugin automatically set the x-plane weather page to SET WEATHER INFORMALLY for entire world and unchecked the UltraWX box in EFASS and  everything ran smoothly.

Not too sure on the best setup now as I have noticed a few discrepancies between X-plane 10.51 and the weather reported in EFASS flightplans and I dont think EFASS is proactive in getting current metars. Any advice would be welcome for the best setup. Thank you


Mike EGGP 


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I'll have to defer to the community here as I don't use EFASS. I know some EFASS users hang out on the XPD group on Facebook as well who would be happy to help.

However - as long as you have the latest SMP and X-Plane installed, the NOAA weather server drama should be resolved. And word has it that the newest NVidia driver that just came out may address the Windows 10 framerate issues.

Keep in mind that if you set RWC to "always" it will be getting METAR directly from NOAA's servers (not the NOAA plugin) and using that to position the clouds. So if you're using an external weather add-on, there could be discrepancies if we're using different source data. But that is still the recommended setup when using external weather engines other than FSGRW.

One other recent development in X-Plane weather is that a lot of people seem to like the new "Ventura Sky" package; you may want to look that up.

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