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Possible Engine Characteristics Updating?


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Greetings all, new guy here. This product is outstanding. I was wondering if there are any planned updates dor the engine performance model?

For example, I have tried to hot start the engine intentionally by spooling on low duct pressure (below the AFM limitations) and I observe normal ignition. Normal ignition also occurs when spooling with a fuel lever out of cutoff before engaging the starter solenoid.

Also, wondering if exceeding max tailwind component effects would be implemented for engine start. Understandable if the developers opt to exclude certain things that might cause headaches for novices, but it would make for an interesting demonstration tool.

Edited by MachTuck
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32 minutes ago, dr_anthony said:

Try to move fuel lever to idle on 5-10 n2 for ex. You'll see EGT rise to approx. 1000-1100 EGT. The engine starts normally then))),  but this situation means hot start and eng fire.

Yes, we made some simple attempts at simulating a hot start. You may also get a wet start if selecting that failure in X-Plane, and possibly a hung start (havent tried that).

We are trying to use X-Plane´s engine model as much as we can - only scripting around it where needed. We are not trying to build our own simulator, just an add-on aicraft. So we (and you) will have to live with some of X-Planes limitations. It is up to Laminar to evolve certain aspects of the simulation, and beyond our scope.

A simmers misconception about hot starts (and engine exceedance in general): The engines won´t spontaneously disintegrate if you exceed a limit, like getting 1000C during an engine start. Most likely an engine would run totally normal for thousands of hours after that. Yes, you need to have maintenance check if you exceed a limit, but you most likely wont see a fire, immediate failure or degraded performance. Boring, but realistic.



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1 hour ago, MachTuck said:

Right.. Thanks Jan, anthony. I was asking because I did not even see any indications of a hot start on the EGT Let me try it again with a lower N2... I did not try it THAT low.


Yeah, 20% is the limit CFM gives you - meaning that you could probably go as low as 15% (for safety margin) without seeing any problem. Airplane operation is always geared to give you a good margin - things won´t go catastrophically wrong if you bust a limit by a small error.



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