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Misc Scenery Resources

14 files

  1. ILIAS TSELIOS night lights

    This file will change how X-Plane looks at night at a very realistic way, without any noticeable performance penalty. Changes the default X-Plane file, so should work with any addons. For better experience, remove anything that alters X-Plane lighting.
    Go to X-Plane 11/Resources/bitmaps/world/lites folder and backup the lights.txt file.
    Put in place the lights.txt from the archive you've downloaded.
    Enjoy flying at night!
    If you have any problems, replace with the one you have backed up.
    In a future update, X-Plane might override this file. Keep the archive safe in a place to put it back.




  2. TAXI - HD Enhancement Pack

    This package features high definition, weathered textures that have been carefully crafted to make low resolution signage a thing of the past.
    For your convenience, 3 versions are provided (muted, balanced, vibrant), with slight color differences. Pick your favourite !
    Includes XP9 and XP10 2k and 4k DDS textures.
    Please see the included Read Me for install instructions and details.




  3. GlacierMAXX

    This freeware scenery enhancement has been available for awhile I finally decided to upload it here to X-Pilot.  GlacierMAXX replaces the default glacier textures in X-Plane with a more dramatic set.  Using Normal Maps the textures have depth and specular highlights.  
    **To Install** Just drop the "GlacierMAXX" folder into your custom scenery folder and fire up X-Plane.
    GM works in XP10 and XP11


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  4. MOON - HD Enhancement Pack

    I had a day off today, so I decided to mess a bit with the poorly detailed moon that sits quietly in our virtual skies. So I give you MOON, my first HD Enhancement Pack.
    This package makes use of high definition textures that have been carefully processed to ensure a pleasant and beautiful experience, and will bring life, depth and detail in the simulator.
    Videomakers may get creative with this powerful and compelling storytelling element. This addon has been designed with you in mind.
    Includes XP9 and XP10 textures : 1k, 2k and 4k DDS.
    Please see the included Read Me for more info.




  5. Replacement Day and Night Lighting (lights.txt) for X-Plane 10.20

    Replacement Day and Night Lighting (lights.txt) for X-Plane 10.20
    Version 1.1 - Mar 10, 2013
    by Chris K and the ISDG Group
    1.1 Update: Added 4xSSAA, 8xSSAA Optional files
    Quick Description:
    - Fixes PAPI/VASI visibility in daylight
    - Makes every light bloom stand out, looks much more like the original X-Plane 10 that was first shipped. (remember that?)
    - Fixes off-axis visibility of runway lighting as best as I could
    Detailed Description:
    This file makes many of the scenery-related X-plane lights much larger; making them much more visible. This fixes issues with 4xSSAA which ends up squashing the light billboards so one cannot see them at distance. This also fixes viewing night-time runway lighting at off-angles, as well as PAPI/VASI Visibility in the daytime.
    This file overwrites X-Plane's built-in library of light-source definitions. It replaces the lights.txt definitions with a duplicate definition file which exactly doubles the size of many of the light billboards, in both the horizontal and vertical directions for certain lights.
    This method requires directly manipulating the internals of X-Plane 10; as there is no 3rd party-friendly LIBRARY method to achieve this effect. Removal can be done by copying back the lights-original.txt file to lights.txt, or re-running the X-Plane 10 Installer/updater, which will overwrite this file when you run it, and will revert the lights back to the original XP10 default.
    Which version is for you?
    There are four variants included:
    "1-lights.txt-normal-distance-bloom" / lights.txt
    This file gives the best effect when using normal viewing modes, or in 2xSSAA HDR or less.
    "2 lights.txt-high-distance-bloom" / lights.txt
    This file gives the best effect if you wish larger light halos at distance. It is for normal viewing modes, or in 2xSSAA HDR or less.
    "3 lights.txt-4XSSAA-normal-distance-bloom" / lights.txt
    This file gives the best effect when using HDR 4xSSAA or higher (due to the "crush-the-bitmap" way 4xSSAA/8xSSAA does billboarding)
    "4 lights.txt-4XSSAA-high-distance-bloom" / lights.txt
    Similar to the previous file, this gives the best effect when using HDR 4xSSAA or higher, but includes large light halos at distance.
    You are free to use any of these as you see fit. I encourage you to experiment - and see what works/looks best for you.
    Overwrite the lights.txt file found in:
    X-Plane 10/Resources/bitmaps/world/lites/
    Re-run the X-Plane 10 Installer/Updater
    or copy in lights-original.txt into X-Plane 10/Resources/bitmaps/world/lites/
    Works on XP10.20 only. No guarantees on any other version.
    - Chris K




  6. Wide Taxiway Markings Library Replacement

    Wide Taxiway Markings - Library Replacement v2.0
    (a.k.a. X-Plane Default Taxiway Texture Line Marking Replacement Definition files... say that 10 times fast!)
    Feb 06, 2013 - Chris K and the ISDG Group
    Quick Description:
    This file makes the X-plane default taxiways much wider; better reflecting reality.
    All Airport pavement markings look much more like their real-life counterparts.
    Detailed Description:
    This file overwrites X-Plane's built-in library of taxiway markings using the Library EXPORT system functionality provided by X-Plane. It replaces the Line (.LIN file) definitions with a duplicate definition file which exactly doubles the size of the lines in both the horizontal and vertical directions.
    This method manipulates the library in a "3rd party developer" friendly way, by use of LIBRARY directives, and in no way overwrites any of X-Planes default files; or requires the end-user to modify X-Planes own internal files or textures. This makes it work for any version of X-Plane that supports the 800 LIBRARY system, which includes X-Plane 8.5+, X-Plane 9, and X-Plane 10. This method also allows easy installation, and is easy to delete.
    Unzip, and copy "Wide Taxiway Markings Library Replacement" into "Custom Scenery" - That's it.
    Delete "Wide Taxiway Markings Library Replacement" from "Custom Scenery" - That's it.
    Works on both XP9 and XP10; As these files didn't change (or get any upgrades to better ones) between the XP versions.
    v1.0 to v2.0 changes:
    As per daveduck's excellent insight, we changed from individual files you needed to manually copy into X-Planes internals by hand...........to a library-based method to replace the markings in an X-Plane "3rd party" modification friendly way.




  7. Additional Vehicle Library Extension (XP9/XP10) ISDG

    Vehicle Library Extension v1.2
    October 27, 2012 Chris K
    Quick Description:
    This file puts a lot more and different types of cars and trucks on the highways (Instead of just the 5 or 6 'default' ones).
    Traffic on highways and roads look much more realistic.!
    Detailed Description:
    The file extends X-Plane 9 and X-Plane 10's default library of cars and trucks. It adds additional entries to be chosen at random when X-Plane (or any scenery for that matter) requests either the car or the car_or_truck vehicle objects.
    This provides immediate variety to any scenery or roadways which use the default library system (which is most of them).
    This is effectively a re-posting of the file by Joyfulsongster (JeffM)
    However, The method I chose to use here to make this work is via a library extension, and a LIBRARY_EXTEND directive; rather than having you muck about with the internal workings of the default scenery directories. This makes it work for both X-Plane 9, and X-Plane 10; is easy to install, and is easy to delete.
    Copy "Vehicle Library Extension" into "Custom Scenery". That's it.
    Delete "Vehicle Library Extension" from "Custom Scenery". That's it.
    Jeff's (Joyfulsongsters's) Original Description:
    © 2010-2012 joyfulsongster and uwespeed - Library files provided © 2012 ISDG - International Scenery Development Group




  8. Sky Color X

    Sky Color X is a new color set for X-Plane 10
    The aim for this color set is to have a smooth transition between day, dusk and night.
    This is a modified reproduction of my favorite color set for X-Plane.
    This is for X-Plane 10+ only!


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  9. German traffic library

    Installation: as usual, place the content of the downloaded zip file into your Custom Scenery folder before starting X-Plane.
    You will see the vehicles (only) on german roads and rails. Nevertheless, if you like them and want to have them worldwide, please read the included pdf.
    If you like to have more european (and thus german) traffic on your roads, download the Vehicle Library Extension, to which I contributed 15 european vehicles.




  10. Yellow Runway Markings

    This package includes modified default texture for X-Plane 10
    All runway textures are default size and performance wise no different than the originals.
    The color schematics are yellow in order to supplement those airports that uses such type of markings, normally found in Norway.
    Keep in mind, this is an global adjust, so yellow markings will show in other places than just Norway. This is due to how x-plane is build!
    This is an alternative package to the X-Plane 10 default version white.
    What is new in 1.4
    Correct color schematics, adjusted after sampling real pictures




  11. Backup Scenery Library

    Backup Scenery Library
    v1.4 Feb 01, 2015
    - Tired of facade/forest/beach crashes?
    - Get annoyed at missing a particular object in a 3rd party scenery?
    - Can't find the library online, or the library has disappeared from the downloads?
    We have a solution!
    This file creates a "backup" shim library for all of the well known and well used public libraries in X-Plane 10.30. This file will allow you to load most sceneries which reference 3rd party libraries, even though you may not have the library installed. It will prevent X-Plane from crashing out if it cannot find the library.
    This file covers the following Libraries:
    FF LOD
    World Models
    Handy Objects
    People Library
    RE Library
    Flags of the world
    Copy to your X-Plane/Custom Scenery/ directory
    This package does not include any actual objects. This does not replace actually having the true library. It will simply insert a blank object or art asset in case you do not have the actual real library, and thus prevent X-Plane from crashing and allow scenery to load without error.
    This file also does not interfere if you have the actual library. X-Plane will simply ignore this file if you happen to have the actual library.
    We hope you find this file useful.
    For Developers:
    I highly suggest (and freely encourage) all of you to include this in any scenery you produce for the end-user. This way, if you reference any of the above libraries, and your end-user does not have it installed, your scenery will still work without errors. As scenery developers, we have an obligation to the end-user to make our scenery as easy and painless as possible to install and use.
    This works the same as the OpensceneryX shim library. However, since many of the other libraries never included their own 'ready to use' shim library for developer distribution, it wasn't easy to add. Now, you have an "easy button". Please consider using this, and it will make your users happy.




  12. CYYZ Toronto Pearson Airport AI/ATC Routes

    Using the great CYYZ scenery from Chris K and the ISDG; I went through and added all the taxi routes for those who use X-plane's ATC system. Just unzip and replace the included apt.dat file in your CYYZ folder under Earth nav data. This is for X-Plane 10 only. The scenery itself has not changed and I do not claim it as my own, as it is not.
    Brendan Keith




  13. Enhanced street lights

    This file should increase the number of street lights that XP will render in cities and urban areas , without any noticeable performance hit.
    Drop the file that is inside the rar to resources/default scenery/1000 roads and replace the original one (it's recommended to backup the file first)
    By IXPT




  14. UrbanMaxx 3D V2 - Replacement Textures

    **These files are for UrbanMaxx 3D V2 only! They will not work on any version prior to this release, including the freeware version.**
    Special thanks to John Spahn for his support and allowing me to upload these new textures for the community!
    These are replacement ground textures and terrain files to give UrbanMaxx 3D a more realistic suburban look. The textures come with custom night lighting and normal maps, and the terrain files are edited to remove the specular attributes that make the ground look like "plastic", as well as to keep the industrial textures from cross-merging together, which gives them a solid, consistent look.
    1) Unzip into a temp folder. You should have five (5) folders; "Screenshots", "terrain", "textures", "normals" and "urban".
    2) Locate your UrbanMaxx install directory, which should be in your default X-Plane folder; ..\X-Plane\Custom Scenery\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\
    3) Move the contents of the following unzipped temporary folders into the matching installed X-Plane\UrbanMaxx folders and overwrite the existing files;
    - The contents of the "terrain" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\terrain
    - The contents of the "textures" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\textures
    - The contents of the "normals" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\textures10\normals
    - The contents of the "urban" folder go in ...\Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D\textures\urban
    That's it! Start up X-Plane and enjoy some enhanced UrbanMaxx flying!


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