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Files posted by TonyVier

  1. Window CDU for IXEG 737-300

    This script duplicates the Captains CDU in a Window.
    To activate the Window CDU, move your mouse to the far right on your monitor, and press the button.
    Al normal functions should be available, except the CDU keyboard.
    If you check "<Use Keyboard for CDU Input" on the Window CDU however, you can use your computer keyboard to enter data. The backspace key functions as a CLR key.
    PLEASE NOTE: if "<Use Keyboard for CDU Input" is checked, ALL keyboard input is directed to the CDU, and you can't give normal key commands to the simulator. So, you can't change views, lower the gear by pressing g, etc. The ESC key releases CDU keyboard capture as well as unchecking the option.

    Current limitations; Inverse colored data from the CDU is displayed normally, MSG, FAIL and OFST are not duplicated, but only shown on the normal CDU.
    In theory the Window CDU should work in VR. You can drag the Window CDU to another monitor.
    PLEASE LET ME KNOW, if there is anything going wrong.
    Plugin needed:
    FlywithLua NG: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/







  2. QNaid for IXEG 737, sets or helps with altimeter settings at transition altitude

    This little script helps setting your (captains) altimeter for the IXEG 737 Classic.
    Please note, the transition altitude is read from the actual value you have set on the CDU/FMC
    First, it can sync your altimeter with the current weather info from the simulator.
    To use this feature (or not) set "SyncQNH_WithWeather" to true or false in IXEG_QNaid.lua
    Second, it can note you of passsing the transition altitude during climb, or set the standard altimeter setting for you.
    Set "SetStandardOnClimb" to true if you want it done for you or false if you just want a notification.
    Third, it can note you of passing the transition altitude during descent, or set the QNH altimeter setting for you.
    Set "SetQNH_OnDescent" to true if you want it done for you or false if you just want a notification.



  3. Automated BUGS for vSpeed callouts for IXEG 733 - LUA Script

    This lua script reads the V speeds from the CDU and sets the speed bugs automatically, for this script:



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