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taildraggin68 last won the day on November 14 2020

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  1. Ok, so the sim was loading in with the parking brakes off even though systems persistence is on. I did not catch that. (also the selection to the analogue backup gauges does not persist) and I presumed the parking brake went off on brake press (nice touch that you can apply parking brake with toe brakes on. I can tweak with settings to try and get something tolerable for braking, but there still seems to be a lack of friction on the gear. (Getting closer on the toe braking settings and adjustments in PM of the nose gear deflection time to 3.0 and rolling friction to .035 tamed things down a bit) So in other words maybe a slight adjustment to the friction and the persistence issue and my inattention bit me.
  2. First off, beautiful airplane. So, I can load in with real weather and the airplane will weathervane into the wind even with brakes applied. Seems wrong and I know Xplanes ground handling can be funky. I also noticed absolutely no deflection time on the nose gear, which yes it castors, but there appears to be not enough friction which doesn't help the twitchy behavior. I realize that Diamonds aren't known for the best cross wind ability, and the light weight with a rather large tail and rudder can really catch the wind. I guess the biggest question though, is this something that can be fixed? Something noticed already and a fix coming? It is a study level aircraft but that ground handling is not so much. Love the plane though, so hopefully there is a way to sort it.
  3. I do get a nose drop on ap disconnect, almost like the ap trim and manual trim do not agree
  4. Playing with levels to find a happy spot, but of course if I never land, then ......lol
  5. taildraggin68


    Ok, so to start, fantastic modeling, texturing and FM! Great work. Now the sounds, which are great, just need tweaking. If your going to simulate noise cancelling headsets, then the ground roll noise should be reduced accordingly. The ground roll is really loud, even without the headphones it takes away from the experience. On a side note, I get realism, but that twichy brake castoring steering in xplane (yes thats XP not you guys) could be dampened or at least an option to turn off castoring steering.
  6. taildraggin68


    Hey guys, I know one reads the manuals, but I do. Is there one included somewhere or available? Thanks
  7. @mirlo1 Beautiful shots I will add some more..
  8. Having a blast........
  9. If I recall correctly, the pop up knobs work by mouse click while the 3d knobs use mouse scroll. Have you tried click with the arrow selection?
  10. A few more hours in this lovely jewel. I absolutely love that you can make it your own...... and swap out gps units both RXP GTN and GNS
  11. Thanks for bringing the Avidyne avionics to the SR family. Evening flight to the beach....
  12. A solid, excellent working Avidyne simulation in flight sim. Great work torquesim team. I have a preference for Avidyne and this just completely delivers. Only time for a short flight after release last night, but felt right at home in the 22 and the Avidyne and ap just flowed super smooth. Both the 20 and 22 will get plenty of time. Thank you. This has me looking real hard at the associated hardware which definitely has the wife troubled
  13. Yes, Yes, and Yes! I look forward to this release. Thank you for putting your magic touch on the avidyne systems.
  14. @TS_Ulrich I agree but that is the default loading. Thanks for looking into this though.
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