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ilias.tselios last won the day on August 21

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About ilias.tselios

  • Birthday 09/12/1971

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    Developing for X-Plane (...is that really an interest ???)

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  1. https://www.thresholdx.net/news/rwdc93
  2. You are doing nothing wrong. There are some dataref changes regarding GPU, that make it not to work. We will fix this with the 2.0.4 update, in the next weeks.
  3. When will be released, you will download the new version installer, and that one will take care of everything.
  4. I have fixed the issue I had, and already tested in 12.1.0b2. Needs a bit of clean up, testing for any unforeseen bugs, and then getting into release procedure. Here some late captures.
  5. Currently, we are at the final stage before releasing the XP12 full compatible version. We will make sure that will be VR compatible, when will be released.
  6. Show tablet, and go into Avanti menu and make sure that the Condition Lever Mode is set to HW AXES and not VR/MOUSE.
  7. Hi, I just installed the Avanti II into XP11 and all is working fine except the prop control- my controller works good in the King Air and the Avanti Ferrari so I don't think that's the issue. When I use it in the Avanti II, the props in the sim jump around and eventfully show full again, regardless of the position on the controller. any thoughts?


    nm- found it in the options menu on the tablet

  8. I don't have any good solution to offer, but I'll try myself to find what's possible to be done with that kind of setup. If nothing good turns out, I'll see if I can add some kind of option, in the next update, to help you.
  9. We are planning, for a future update, to add support for controlling the mixture levers via axis. For pitch trim you must assign the mechanical commands. https://airfightergr.github.io/les_dc3_docs/commands/#pitch-trim. If flaps does not operate after take off, most probable cause is that you have exceeded flaps speed limits, and they have failed. Pay attention to the placarded limits on the panel. DC3 has fat, high lift wings, and if you're taking off without any passengers or cargo, and you are light on fuel, takes off very easily.
  10. Wait... I was able to reproduce it and looking into this.
  11. If you hide the Gizmo tool tray, does other plugins menus still flashing? I don't have to reproduce, so I have to ask you to do a few things to understand what's wrong.
  12. Please try also the Modern aircraft to check if this happens to that one as well.
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