I wonder if you can help me here. By a process of trial and error I found that having the silverlining plugin in my XP Vulcan beta (via latest SkyMaXX installation) causes my XP11.50b9 to exit within a few minutes of setting up a flight e.g C172 REP or IXEG 1.3. Not a crash, XP simply vanishes withput any fuss as if the PC had run out of memory or the CPU had given up the ghost.
But it wasn't either of those things. I say that because by simply removing the silverlining plugin the problem goes away. 40-45 fps, not a pause or a stutter - even with the IXEG, in heavy duty scenery like Orbx EGHI (Southampton, UK), and the Orbx South Scenery, plus high HP settings including max scenery detail
Process Lasso reports just over 50% RAM usage and about the same CPU. Not an overloaded PC. I have 24Gb RAM, and a 1070ti GPU 8Gb. These performance results are pretty much the same with or without the silverlining plugin installed. It's simply that in the latter case XP shuts down for some reason.
I have attached the log, of which I personally have but a basic understanding. If more information would be of helpful just ask.
Yes, it's a beta version of XP but I'm assured that SkyMaxx/silverlining has no problems with Vulkan.
If anyone can throw any light on this I would be grateful.