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  1. I installed tbm900 at the linux ubuntu and pop os but the pfd it is bugued and co pilot pfd it is not turning on can someone help me sorry for my bad English i am brazilian
  2. ACF Mesh tools View File ACF Mesh Tools for Linux, Windows and MacOsX ACF Mesh Tools allows you to edit and modify the plane's meshes from the ACF file. Be aware: those tools are not made to edit the OBJ8 files as they work only with the ACF file format. HOW ACF MESH TOOLS WORKS Let's take as example the default Laminar's Cessna 172, a great model very well done (aestetically and internally). We know that in Plane Maker the fuselage is made out of cross-sections: ...and those cross-sections creates a mesh: Those meshes, made out of cross-sections, are the ones that PlaneMaker uses as model for the plane and X-Plane uses for its physics calculations. Before v.8 that meshes were used as visual and physics model. Now, in most cases, this meshes are hidded from view and X-Planes uses a dedicated file, in OBJ8 proprietary format, for the visual rendering. Using the tool 'acf_mesh_extract', the meshes inside the ACF are saved in a standard Wavefront OBJ file, that can be edited with Blender or with any other software that supports the format. Once converted, the mesh can be modified: Then the edited mesh is converted back in ACF format, using 'acf_mesh_insert', and the resulting ACF file can be loaded in Plane Maker: Everything shown here was entirely done automatically with a conversion script. Except moving the points to alter the shape, no additional task has been done in Blender. I'm using Blender, but this method can be used with any 3D software. A PRACTICAL EXAMPLE This is a quick reshaping that I've done on the fuselage of B-377 Stratoscruser made by Kauffmann. I've found that the hidden fuselage doesn't match the shape of the plane model, the visual one, as we can see in Plane Maker and in the version imported in Blender: (the wireframe in black, the unselected one, is the OBJ8 mesh for this plane; the selected object is the fuselage mesh from the ACF file) After a quick reshaping, I've managed to make che ACF mesh match the shape of the OBJ8; then and I've reimported it back in the ACF file: Loading the resulting ACF file in PlaneMaker we see that the cross-sections have changed from this: to this: THE TOOLS In the zip file you'll get: acf_mesh_extract acf_mesh_insert Launch those commands without options to get an help page. acf_mesh_extract extracts all the meshes from the ACF file and converts them in a single (wavefront) OBJ file with multiple objects. You can import this file in any 3D software that supports the format, and alter the meshes as you wish. You can not delete or add points nor change in any way the topology; you are just limited to move points. You'll find that some objects, like the engine's nacelles, are not in their final position; that is because PM positions them with a translation value. You can not move those objects to their final positions, otherwise when you'll reimport them back in the ACF file, it won't work; You are allowed to delete objects that you don't need. Some objects, although they can be modified and reimported in the ACF file, once this one is opened in Plane Maker are reset to their original shape; this applies to those parts, such the wings, that are made out of airfoils. You can not alter the UV informations of the vertices, as they are used to store the ACF's topology informations and they are needed later to reinsert the meshes back in the original file. Make sure that your 3D sofware exports the UV informations, without altering them. acf_mesh_insert allows to reinsert the modified meshes back in the original ACF file. It can be used only with meshes converted with 'acf_mesh_extract'. You can not overwrite the original ACF file; this command will save the output in a different file. Your original ACF file is always preserved. Inserting the meshes does not alter in any way the informations of other parts present in the file. You don't need to reinsert all the meshes; you can insert only the ones you have modified. DEVELOPMENT This tools are under active development and their functionalities may change in the future. The primary development platform is Linux. Special thanks to @xraydelta1 for compiling the Mac version. Feedbacks, reports, suggestions or ideas are strongly welcomed: feel free to send me a message with your thoughts. X-Pilot's forum is the primary and sole forum for support, announcements and new releases. PLEASE DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE THIS TOOLS THROUGH OTHERS FORUMS OR PLATFORMS Submitter CaptainSpaulding Submitted 10/30/2020 Category Plugins and Utilities  
  3. OBJ8 to Wavefront OBJ converter View File OBJ8 to Wavefront OBJ Converter for Linux, Windows and MacOsX OBJ8_convert allows you to convert 3D meshes from X-Plane's proprietary format to a standard Wavefront OBJ. This tool converts only the meshes, discarding all the other informations such as: materials, animations, dataref. HOW IT WORKS OBJ8_convert is a command line tool. The syntax is quite simple: obj8_convert <xplanesfile.obj> [<output.obj>] Once converted, the file can be opened in Blender or in any other software that is able to handle a standard Wavefront OBJ file. EXAMPLE Just for the sake of test, let's convert one of the standard objects in the library of X-Plane, the small fuel truck: The file can be found here: Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj Once converted with: OBJ8_convert 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj' test.obj ...can be opened in Blender: All the measures in the OBJ8 file are in meters, thus the resulting Wavefront OBJ file uses the meter as a unit base. Infact, is clearly visible from the snapshot, the truck is 6 meters long, meaning 6 squale, thus it is compatible with the real life truck which is 6.12 meter long. APPLICATIONS OBJ8_convert can be used to add extra elements to an airplane. For instance, if one wants to add the pilots (or some passenger) to a plane that is missing them, he can convert the cockpit file and use it as template to place the pilots in the proper position, making sure that the hands are in the right places. The sames applies to additional parts, such as winglets on the tip of the wings. OBJ8_convert can be used to get a reference to make the winglets perfectly fit the wings. Or you may want to model a ladder or a stairway to your plane's door. OBJ8_convert can be very useful also to make the files need by librain. DEVELOPMENTThis tool is under active development and its functionalities may change in the future.The primary development platform is Linux.Special thanks to @xraydelta1 for compiling the Mac version.Feedbacks, reports, suggestions or ideas are strongly welcomed: feel free to send me a message with your thoughts.X-Pilot's forum is the primary and sole forum for support, announcements and new releases. IMPORTANT NOTICE OBJ8_convert must not be used to convert copyrighted material. Please respect all intellectual properties and copyrights. PLEASE DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE DI TOOLS THROUGH OTHERS FORUMS OR PLATFORMS Submitter CaptainSpaulding Submitted 12/16/2020 Category Plugins and Utilities  
  4. Version 1.20b


    ACF Mesh Tools for Linux, Windows and MacOsX ACF Mesh Tools allows you to edit and modify the plane's meshes from the ACF file. Be aware: those tools are not made to edit the OBJ8 files as they work only with the ACF file format. HOW ACF MESH TOOLS WORKS Let's take as example the default Laminar's Cessna 172, a great model very well done (aestetically and internally). We know that in Plane Maker the fuselage is made out of cross-sections: ...and those cross-sections creates a mesh: Those meshes, made out of cross-sections, are the ones that PlaneMaker uses as model for the plane and X-Plane uses for its physics calculations. Before v.8 that meshes were used as visual and physics model. Now, in most cases, this meshes are hidded from view and X-Planes uses a dedicated file, in OBJ8 proprietary format, for the visual rendering. Using the tool 'acf_mesh_extract', the meshes inside the ACF are saved in a standard Wavefront OBJ file, that can be edited with Blender or with any other software that supports the format. Once converted, the mesh can be modified: Then the edited mesh is converted back in ACF format, using 'acf_mesh_insert', and the resulting ACF file can be loaded in Plane Maker: Everything shown here was entirely done automatically with a conversion script. Except moving the points to alter the shape, no additional task has been done in Blender. I'm using Blender, but this method can be used with any 3D software. A PRACTICAL EXAMPLE This is a quick reshaping that I've done on the fuselage of B-377 Stratoscruser made by Kauffmann. I've found that the hidden fuselage doesn't match the shape of the plane model, the visual one, as we can see in Plane Maker and in the version imported in Blender: (the wireframe in black, the unselected one, is the OBJ8 mesh for this plane; the selected object is the fuselage mesh from the ACF file) After a quick reshaping, I've managed to make che ACF mesh match the shape of the OBJ8; then and I've reimported it back in the ACF file: Loading the resulting ACF file in PlaneMaker we see that the cross-sections have changed from this: to this: THE TOOLS In the zip file you'll get: acf_mesh_extract acf_mesh_insert Launch those commands without options to get an help page. acf_mesh_extract extracts all the meshes from the ACF file and converts them in a single (wavefront) OBJ file with multiple objects. You can import this file in any 3D software that supports the format, and alter the meshes as you wish. You can not delete or add points nor change in any way the topology; you are just limited to move points. You'll find that some objects, like the engine's nacelles, are not in their final position; that is because PM positions them with a translation value. You can not move those objects to their final positions, otherwise when you'll reimport them back in the ACF file, it won't work; You are allowed to delete objects that you don't need. Some objects, although they can be modified and reimported in the ACF file, once this one is opened in Plane Maker are reset to their original shape; this applies to those parts, such the wings, that are made out of airfoils. You can not alter the UV informations of the vertices, as they are used to store the ACF's topology informations and they are needed later to reinsert the meshes back in the original file. Make sure that your 3D sofware exports the UV informations, without altering them. acf_mesh_insert allows to reinsert the modified meshes back in the original ACF file. It can be used only with meshes converted with 'acf_mesh_extract'. You can not overwrite the original ACF file; this command will save the output in a different file. Your original ACF file is always preserved. Inserting the meshes does not alter in any way the informations of other parts present in the file. You don't need to reinsert all the meshes; you can insert only the ones you have modified. DEVELOPMENT This tools are under active development and their functionalities may change in the future. The primary development platform is Linux. Special thanks to @xraydelta1 for compiling the Mac version. Feedbacks, reports, suggestions or ideas are strongly welcomed: feel free to send me a message with your thoughts. X-Pilot's forum is the primary and sole forum for support, announcements and new releases. PLEASE DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE THIS TOOLS THROUGH OTHERS FORUMS OR PLATFORMS
  5. Version 1.0.0


    OBJ8 to Wavefront OBJ Converter for Linux, Windows and MacOsX OBJ8_convert allows you to convert 3D meshes from X-Plane's proprietary format to a standard Wavefront OBJ. This tool converts only the meshes, discarding all the other informations such as: materials, animations, dataref. HOW IT WORKS OBJ8_convert is a command line tool. The syntax is quite simple: obj8_convert <xplanesfile.obj> [<output.obj>] Once converted, the file can be opened in Blender or in any other software that is able to handle a standard Wavefront OBJ file. EXAMPLE Just for the sake of test, let's convert one of the standard objects in the library of X-Plane, the small fuel truck: The file can be found here: Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj Once converted with: OBJ8_convert 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj' test.obj ...can be opened in Blender: All the measures in the OBJ8 file are in meters, thus the resulting Wavefront OBJ file uses the meter as a unit base. Infact, is clearly visible from the snapshot, the truck is 6 meters long, meaning 6 squale, thus it is compatible with the real life truck which is 6.12 meter long. APPLICATIONS OBJ8_convert can be used to add extra elements to an airplane. For instance, if one wants to add the pilots (or some passenger) to a plane that is missing them, he can convert the cockpit file and use it as template to place the pilots in the proper position, making sure that the hands are in the right places. The sames applies to additional parts, such as winglets on the tip of the wings. OBJ8_convert can be used to get a reference to make the winglets perfectly fit the wings. Or you may want to model a ladder or a stairway to your plane's door. OBJ8_convert can be very useful also to make the files need by librain. DEVELOPMENTThis tool is under active development and its functionalities may change in the future.The primary development platform is Linux.Special thanks to @xraydelta1 for compiling the Mac version.Feedbacks, reports, suggestions or ideas are strongly welcomed: feel free to send me a message with your thoughts.X-Pilot's forum is the primary and sole forum for support, announcements and new releases. IMPORTANT NOTICE OBJ8_convert must not be used to convert copyrighted material. Please respect all intellectual properties and copyrights. PLEASE DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE DI TOOLS THROUGH OTHERS FORUMS OR PLATFORMS
  6. I am trying to install X-Plane10 on a very newish install of Ubuntu 15.1 (x64) I have followed this guide: http://www.x-plane.com/?article=linux-installation-walkthrough but with the installer for X-Plane 10: http://www.x-plane.com/update/installers10/X-Plane10InstallerLinux.zip and set up the link using ln -s /usr/lib32/libopenal.so.1 /usr/lib32/libopenal.so.0 The issue is that X-Plane will not start unless no sound is chosen (whereby it runs fine though quietly). I have looked through the logs and also the Cycle Dump file and can find no reference to where X-Plane is looking. There are several references to a 'mesa' library but that is apparently already in Ubuntu. With a scenery heavy install approaching 50Gb (as I had on Windows) I find it crazy that X-Plane will not ship with its own required libraries of a few Mb if it is insistent of using older versions.
  7. Greetings, I know no out of the box support from Skymaxx for linux, but is there any way to get it installed and running, any experience or suggestions? Thank You.
  8. Hi! Is there meanwhile a plan to support the whole X-Plane community? I think it's really a pity if this nice plane is not going to be available on Linux. Especially as it got a whole lot of positive feedback. I'd really love to fly it. But so far, no linux, no money. For me it's as easy as that. Cheers Rob
  9. Hi everyone, I have spent the last hour trying to figure out a problem with no luck at all. I am using Fedora 17 linux and have successfully got X-Plane 10.10 installed and working all except for one thing. One of my joysticks are not showing up in the joystick configuration in X-Plane. I have calibrated it using jscal so it is detected in linux itself. Also I have another flight simulator installed on the system and the joystick is working fine in that. It is only in X-plane that it won't work. I have three joysticks all doing different things and two of them work fine it's just the pedals that I built that don't work. As I have mentioned it works fine in an older simulator that I was messing around with called Fly! 2. I'm sure it brings back memories for some of you. Anyway I hope someone here can point me in the right direction to get this problem solved. I've read about udev rules but there is not one website that explains in clear English how to set a udev rule up. Even Chris Serio has posted about it but I can't work out how to do it! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Gquann.
  10. chris/xplaneuser/linux master posted this a few days ago. Freakingly real. - CK.
  11. Hi guys, i have updated my fms-data yesterday (VASFMC_NATIVE_1207.zip), but i don't get any SID/STAR for selection. I have testes serveral airports, but ever the same issue. I have attached the gdb.txt in which show me "/home/markus/X-Plane 10/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200//plugins/CRJAvionics/navdata/LevelD_proc/LOWW.xml procedure could not be loaded." many times, but i have no idea how i can fix that. System-Information: Fedora 17 (64Bit) X-Plane 10.05r1 Please contact me if you need further information, thank you very much, best regards Markus gdb.txt ldd.txt Log.txt
  12. Hello - I'd like to give XPlane in Linux a try, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the installer to realize that I've already installed the whole world's scenery, and that I just need the bits that are different for linux vs windows. Is this possible to do? Or do I really need to have two different installs with a bunch of simlinks for the scenery going from the linux install to the windows install? Thanks
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