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Everything posted by xplaneorgisdumb

  1. same here. Especially when rendering a "new layer" the fps go down to 0 and you can just correct it by changing the view and back to cockpit.
  2. Language-Barrier-Alert What I meant is when you buy a tyre for a car that is worth 20000 $, the tires dont cost 60 % of 20000. Although you need them to drive. Don´t get me wrong at this point. Skymaxx Pro is an enhancement for x-plane, no question. But I am not sure If I will pay again 40 $ for it.
  3. Well, I just want to say my 2 cents here: 40 $ is pretty expensive for a "sky enhancement" (since the whole product x-plane is "just" 60 $), and to be honest Skies and Clouds are just a small part of the sim. Single planes cost up to 80 $ and most of them are not worth the price. Some airports cost 30 $, and to be honest, "just" for flying there 3 times a week its too expensive. But hey, I also bought my home-airport for 29 $. So for the 40 $ I expected something magic, revolutionary stuff, and got good looking clouds with transition problems and small stutters. So well - my thoughts are: OK, it was not worth 40 $. Money is gone, but on the other hand I know pretty good how things can develop and that its almost not possible for the developers to test the software on all available combinations of hardware, nor knowing how dumb some customers are setting all sliders to max while having a hardware thats older than me. It would be a bigger problem if the developers stop there support and stop doing updates. But hey, they are working on it. So come on - next time 20 $ and everything is ok. We all did expect a better product for the price and on the other hand we are all able to learn. Next time I will wait before I buy, and its pretty sure that the products will become better in the future.
  4. set cloud puffs to 10% instead of 100 - they seem to be not active when skymaxx pro is running, and it gives a little bit more fps then
  5. just confirming that it works, I just tested it.
  6. any windows-version for it?
  7. Its already solved with the 2.1 (the NEO-Weather-Problem) - just fyi And it was no SASL-problem, it was a simple "Hey, I reduce turbulence by manipulating weather"-issue
  8. As I said above, I know Lets see if an upgrade of my RAM (from 6 to 32 ) will bring some more power to it. Seems that 64-bit xplane, even if its showing that its "just" using 4 GB by having 1 still free is starting to swap.
  9. Yes, exactly thats the point - but X-Plane-Redraws are quicker, so the stutter/pause is almost not noticable. And its not during actualization of weather, its during changing altitude to new cloud layers.
  10. Yeah, I will play around the next days, but maybe you can get a look into the sudden changes and maybe be able to provide smooth transitions when loading the next cloud layer?
  11. Oh, I am playing around with it since i just got a 770 GTX. At the moment its all default with 4xFXAA/SSAA, and extreme Textures. And just for info: I am not gonna say "bwahaaha my 40 $ are gone I wanna refund", I will support the development of enhancements in the future as well, I am "just" not using it until its better. Any tips for Rendering settings?
  12. Pauses come only with Skymaxx. Pretty reproducable. Technical problem. I will try on different hardware and OS. Transistions: OK, your decision. Its behaviour by design, I don´t like it, but thats not the biggest problem. Technically theres - at least from my point of view - the one or other opportunity to make it smoother
  13. hey, I am using this thing now since a week or so and I am facing problems when descending through several cloud layers, the sudden changes to the clouds produce a little pause which is annoying. Its not unflyable, but after 1 week I have to say that I uninstalled it and will wait for an optimized version. And yes, I have tested with no weather, FOAA, VATSIM... etc... not funny at all Sorry to say this, I hope there will be more updates.
  14. second try - available in the above mentioned org.thread
  15. Attention: Tested with 2.1b only!
  16. Beta.. for me its working, but I was the only beta tester Please try and report, thanks!
  17. Hi, never seen that before, but in some situations you see it raining, see the sun and see shadows being produced. Is there any setting I can use to avoid this?
  18. Fix available, since I dont know how to upload here please check the support-forum of the org. (ouch... org.. I know.. )
  19. excuse me, thats what I meant. Sorry! I already skyped with JAR, showed him whats happening, and he will adress it.
  20. It isnt happening with the 777. So I blame SASL for it.
  21. theres no chance to log this event somehwhere?
  22. They are encrypted (a320 neo). No chance to reverse engineer for me But i can pass this info to the a320-dev so he can check.
  23. It seems not to be squawkbox. Its clearly reproducable when you fly, go to weather, set it to "grab form internet"; go back, see it has changed to "set uniformly", go to plugins, deactivate SASL, and there it works.
  24. OK guys, this doesnt help a lot but of you go to plugin admin, deactivate SASL, you can switch back to real world weather, so SASL is doing something wrong here, have contacted the dev and told him, he is chekcing at the moment.
  25. Smyaxx, A320 Neo, EFASS by the way (uninstalled all of them, same problem - all since installation of Skymaxx. Easily reproducible, because its not happening in 32 bit).
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