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Everything posted by Bobback

  1. Yeah, really hate this copyright issues. Well, but anyway can you please send it to me? Or is there a web site where i can get it? Haven't found it after a good search. Actually that's whats killing XP10 to me. Im used to fly in FSX some VFR flights, and even when not VFR, i like when im close to the airport and see the city texture around the airport. It was very good in FSX, there was a lot of scenery for my country, a lot of cities with very good scenery, guess 99% of them were made using Google Maps, not sure if there wasn't corpyright issues or just people don't care, anyway all of them were free to download, many of them good quality addons. This scenery creation in XP is killing my XP experience, while i want to completely move to XP10 i see that i always go back to FSX to fly the areas close to my home. Wed looks very good and easy to use, but since i can't find good satellite images from government websites the only maps i could use are the Yahoo/Bing/Google ones, but i can't find a way to get them to the Sim. Also tried GMaps for X-Plane, but haven't found a way to make it run on Windows. If someone can help, please!
  2. Yes, just did a quick look and it shows the areas here, but whats the difference? Are Bing images free to use? No copyright issues? Actually my problem is that i don't have G2XPL and don't know where to get it. And i can't found good ortophotos of my country, the only good satellite images are these ones from Google/Yahoo/Bing.
  3. I can't say anything of both 777, but i own C-130 from Captain Sim and it is one of the best planes, if not the best i ever bought. Sadly there's no version for XP10 (at least i haven't heard of it), but if their 777 have the same quality as the C-130, then Captain Sim have my vote.
  4. Looks good. Does it include a 3D cockpit?
  5. I hate copyrights. You can use the maps in your PC using their software, you can use it on your phone, but you cannot use it on your flight sim. Really hate this. Anyway, i don't care, so.... Sorry to ask but is there a way to download G2XPL? To my understanding, it downloads images from Gmaps right? Im trying to build my first airport, but i live in Brazil, can't find good satellite (Geotiff) images, but Google Earth is very good for it. I had a lot of scenery on FSX, all with images from GMaps, and actually flying VFR i miss them a lot. And before i forgot, one more incredible bad behaviour from mods on the ORG, worst site ever, most mods and the owner live on hard days, looks like they are angry every time, everything that was not written by one of them is wrong. By the way, looking at your post, their message shows a strongly childsh behaviour and they are totally unprofessional. At least Laminar has nothing to do with that annoying dictator aspirant kids.
  6. Just installed WED today, i hope some day i can have 20% of your knowledge on scenery creation!! Its great to see that this is going forward, now with these screenshots i have big expectations. Looks awesome, its great on a dry surface, on wet surfaces i think it will look even better. Thanks for sharing this images, awesome job!!!!!
  7. Good to know that! Thanks for the plugin, i already have it here, but it isn't installed. I haven't installed any plugins yet because im using only the 64bit version, so im not aware of what might work or don't. I'll try the plugin! About the cycle views between shift-1 to shift-8 shouldn't work the say way it works for the num0-num9? I don't have a clue on how to create a plugin, never even read about it, but lets say, trying to "imagine" how it works, i think a simple way would be to just use one button that could be pressed and it follows: Press it sends command = shift+1 / press it again sends command = shift + 2. And another one for previous. Maybe the tricky part is that the plugin needs to be aware of your current view, so it doesn't start always with "w" or "shift+1", but it knows that you are on circle view (shift+4 if im not wrong) so next it will "press" shift+5 and prev will be shift+3. Well, haven't even installed the plugin yet, maybe it already does something like this and trying to figure how to make one
  8. Not sure if it is because i used the "repair" before updating (update wasn't working), but when i updated something that was bothering me was fixed. I was having a hard time to slow down my aircraft, flying straing, climb 0, idle power and still constant speed, losing speed very slowly, now its working, so probably was wrong with mine and now its working good. Can't say anything about performance, not sure i have noticed any difference.
  9. Wow, i wasn't aware that people still uses Internet Explorer. Have you tried Google Chrome or Firefox? Using Chrome on Win 7 and the forum works 100% here.
  10. Nice video! Can't understand why X-Plane doesn't render the sound on longer distances when you are watching from the Tower, would be much better. Really nice video
  11. Sorry about me being so dumb, but where exactly i should ask that as a feature? In FSX as i remember i could use 2 or 4 buttons to switch the cameras. It was something like: 1 button: Next view = - Cockpit > Outside (Circle) > Tower > Chase plane > Other chase cameras if available 1 button: Next view in category = Cycle 3D cockpit cameras. (Also cycle other cameras when outside the aircraft, but i used mainly on the 3D cockpit) And if you want you could use 2 buttons as the same above, but instead of next, previous. That way was good because i was just using 2 buttons exactly as above. X-Plane have a lot of views, but imho the only problem is the way to select them, too much buttons on the joystick. And i like to map all the buttons i can so i can avoid using the keyboard while flying. Great news about the runways! Looking forward to it, would love to see it working! It already looks much better with the new textures, but with reflection, thats another story, just awesome. Thanks!!!!
  12. Does anyone knows a way to switch cameras using only 1 button? Comming from FSX this is something that's bothering me. Having a button for each camera is good, but when trying to configure my joystick its bad, a waste of buttons. Since i use the same joystick (X52) for X-Plane, im trying to map the same functions to make it easier for me. I really would love to use just 2 camera buttons, one to cycle some external views, the other to cycle the quick-look (num0-num9) views. For now im using around 12 joystick buttons for this. 1 hat = num 1 - num 8. 1 button = Num 0 (my default view on every aircraft, changed position of the 3D cockpit view to my liking) / Shifted = 3D command look 1 button = circle cam / Shifted = Tower view So if anyone knows a way to change this, a simple way to change some views without having to map so many buttons. Please help!
  13. That's something that was bothering me on XP10, the zoom out is not enough and Fov wasn't helping either, but since i only fly using the 3D cockpit, using "," to move the camera back, helped a lot. Not sure if this works on XP9
  14. Thats bad to hear. One of my worst fears with my PC is to turn it on and then notice i got a corruption in my Windows installation. Hope you find an easy way to fix it!! And looks like you already learned Portuguese! You're welcome.
  15. Only if you want to update X-Plane! Guess by your location...your X-Plane is in English right? So thats no the problem. If you have something like the OP, then best bet is to use the admin account, you may also right click X-Plane 10 folder, properties, security and check if the folder have all the privileges needed.
  16. I thought it was something with the little nob. Now with the diagram i believe i know what you are talking about. Jut to be sure, then you mean that the Joystick handle moves, but when you just move it slightly, then the actual "base thing" (the metal part inside the spring?) doesn't move, right? If i got it right now then i believe you are talking about a defective product. At least mine came with a handle movement that matches the metal base movement, its not loose. I haven't opened the handle to see it inside, but i guess its the only way to fix it. As im aware, by default the handle and the metal "connector" to the base should be aligned and moving as a match.
  17. You mean the throttle or the joystick? If i got what you mean, on the joystick there is a metal piece in front of it, you need to adjust it to the position you want, then "lock" it by turning it in a clockwise direction. Also, don't forget to calibrate it inside the sim and increase the nullzones a little.
  18. I've had a problem yesterday trying to update to 10.20rc1. Tryed a lot of possible fixes and nothing worked. Even did a repair, removed addons, no luck, but then, when i was almost ready to unnistall/reinstall, i found the way to fix. But mine was because my system is in Portuguese, i changed Windows language to English and then the update worked
  19. Sadly, as like Cameron said i got banned. 15 years using internet, first time i got banned on a Forum was this year, actually just a few days ago Lets just say a dictatorship enviroment is not for me. Glad im here on X-Pilot. Friendly enviroment, nice people to have some nice conversations, thats what i was looking for when i was searching for an X-Plane community. EDIT: Just forgot about the topic. Tried the Skymaxx and cloudmaxx mods, i haven't noticed a big impact on the visuals, i need to pay more attention on next flights to say something more accurate, but nice thing is that it is completely FPS friendly, i got no FPS drops and it "looks" better, i'll confirm that later.
  20. Hate when i read something like this. Remembers me of last year when i was doing some mods to F1 2012, a lot of people asking for a lot of mods, but some of the best changes that i want it done were hardcoded, so no mods I don't know if Laminar plans to add this in a newer version of XP10, i hope they do. I don't have a good knowledge about this, but maybe something that makes it hard is the "non uniform" wet runway. Probably for a uniform wet runway its not so hard to apply the shaders (just what i believe), but since there is a "non uniform" wet profile, maybe things get harder, won't be just applied over all the texture, but thats only what i believe. Today i think i'll follow an X-Plane wiki topic... Airport Customization. Start my dev learning curve in there, time to get WED and see if i can do something, i love that Laminar made their own program for scenery development, with some good information and a software made by their own, just awesome.
  21. I like that too, and much more because as you said.... we fly inside the aircraft. Hate when i see some beautifull aircrafts but then i only see pictures/videos showing the aircraft from outside... its just to discover (later) that there is no 3D cockpit. Well, thats what happens with most freewares, but since they are freewares i haven't expend any money, but for a paywware, i'll never buy before seeing it inside (first priority) and outside.
  22. Org links.... You do not have permission to download this file I'll try the Skymaxx and Cloudmaxx today, haven't tried any different clouds yet.
  23. Good to hear about an update. Im very new to X-Plane, can more experienced users please help me? Is it possible that Laminar will make some changes on the next updates, like adding a 3D cockpit for the planes that doesn't have one? This happened in previous X-Plane releases? Thanks in advance
  24. I build a PC, use it for around 3 years, then i build a new one. Used Intel and AMD, now using an ATI VGA, but was always using Nvidia Cards. For the cards, best cards out there are the GTX 590 and the ATI HD 6990. But both are older than the GTX600 series and HD 7900 series. So my advice is for the GTX680 you want, or an HD 7970. In recent benchmarks both are almost the same, Nvidia wins on some games, ATI on others, but if you plan playing other games, maybe you want the Physx feature that is Nvidia only. Same for AMD FX8350. While it beats I7 on some benchmarks, on most benchmarks the Intel have a better performance, on some benchmarks even i5 can outperform the AMD proc, so maybe its a good idea to expend some more and get an I7 instead of the Fx8350. Look at Tomshardware to decide which one to buy. Take a look at this benchmarks: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6396/the-vishera-review-amd-fx8350-fx8320-fx6300-and-fx4300-tested Maybe AMD processors will be able to beat Intel ones next year or so, but now Intel beats AMD probably due to its hyper threading technology. One thing that you may want to change, maybe an 500GB SSD instead of a 1TB HDD. Even if you want to spend less money, i would go for 16GB Ram and a SSD. Actually you haven't said if its going to be HDD or SSD, i just thought you mean an HDD. Im using 1 SSD for the OS only, and a RAID 0 config using 2 HDDs for games and some softwares, even using a raid 0 config, it is still much slower than using a SSD.
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